by Cecily Anderson

Gazillionth draft (I’ve lost count)

I’m going to reflect on why this essay is so hard for me to write. It’s hard to sum up a whole year in a short essay. Sometimes I feel like each day lasts for a hundred years. And other times I feel like the weeks fly by. I’m not sure why that is. I think it’s because things are changing so fast. I’ve been pushing that feeling aside because I really do want to stay a kid for as long as possible. I like being a kid. I like not having to think about that many important, scary things. I like playing outside and riding bikes with my friends and even playing with dolls sometimes, too.

I think sixth grade was basically a year of huge change and growth and that made it hard. Looking back on it now, it feels like a major year. But as I was going through it, it just felt hard.

Maybe we don’t know what things really are until they’re over. I think the best advice I could give to someone about to enter middle school is to try and stay calm and not get stressed every time something changes or something new happens.

Another thing I learned this year is that there’s only one way to go about life—and that way is to be yourself. Trying to be something that you’re not honestly makes no sense and is actually kind of impossible. You just won’t feel right. I mean, actors do it and that’s cool but unless you’re a professional actor, you need to be yourself to feel comfortable in this world. It’s the only way.

This year was also monumental because it helped us all realize that feelings can be hurt completely accidentally. Yorkville is a kind place and I don’t know many people here who go out of their way to hurt someone else. But it happens. I think we are all more aware now of our how actions impact others.

All in all, sixth grade was challenging and enlightening. I don’t think I’m the same as I was on the first day of school.

I’m looking forward to a restful, peaceful summer, and I hope that we can all come back to Yorkville Middle School in September feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.