Guys, check out this meme I made
I had such bad writers block trying 2 do the essay contest
So I did this instead
I saw a thing online that said take weirdest pic some1 sent to u & make a meme
Sounded fun
OMG is that my picture
LOL yes
Weirdest pic I have
Hahahha, Gabs
How do u make a meme
Will show u next time we hang
LOL ok
From: Diana Katz
To: Manjula Basak, Elizabeth Anderson
Subject: Bra shopping?
In the words of our dear daughters, OMG!!!! But I think the time has come. Gabby needs more than the tank top she wears under her clothes every day. Can we all do this together and get them some, um, support at Great Shapes? Brace ourselves for the agony? I remember when I went with my mom and it was pure hell. Or am I being dramatic? Help. Longing for the days when our biggest worry was how long the afternoon nap would be.
X Diana