THIS NOVEL STARTED ABOUT TEN YEARS AGO. I was talking to my friend Jeff about stories. That conversation gave birth to The Reckoner. Since then it’s been this weird little kid I’ve raised. Like a kid, it’s annoyed me, challenged me, and brightened my day. It has grown, matured, and, ultimately made me better.
I’ve had help along the way. Jeff Ryzner brainstormed with me, acting as my sounding board. David Jón Fuller read a very old version of the novel, and gave me some needed feedback. (Very old version is right. Mr. Robertson here wrote this novel like 43 times before it was any good.) There were others (not Choch), too. Sara Snow, who loves this world almost as much as I do. Scott Henderson helped me envision some of the characters and locations early on. Debra Dudek and Doug Whiteway took time to read over story concepts and offer their thoughts. Warren Cariou, my friend and mentor.
There are the usual suspects too. My parents have been there with me, and believed in me, since the beginning. My wife supports this little habit of mine in so many ways. My children motivate me in everything I do. My brothers, in-laws, friends, have all pushed me forward and lifted me up when I’ve needed it. And, of course, HighWater Press is like a second family to me.
But there is one person I want to thank most of all, and that’s Desirae Warkentin, my editor. Yes, she made me rewrite Strangers at least twice (not 43 times), but whether it was offering up her expertise in the YA genre or taking phone calls from me to vent or toss around ideas, I know this book wouldn’t be what it is without her. We get to do this two more times! Thanks so much, Dee.
Sorry if I’ve missed anybody, but… (please, I’ll just say it: Mr. Robertson is a scatterbrained idiot. Honestly, if you ask his wife, she’ll tell you. He forgets everything. I mean, this one time—) …sigh. You get the point.