A Univocal Book

Drew Burk, Consulting Editor

Univocal Publishing was founded by Jason Wagner and Drew Burk as an independent publishing house specializing in artisanal editions and translations of texts spanning the areas of cultural theory, media archeology, continental philosophy, aesthetics, anthropology, and more. In May 2017, Univocal ceased operations as an independent publishing house and became a series with its publishing partner, the University of Minnesota Press.

Univocal authors include:

Miguel Abensour

Judith Balso

Roger Bartra

Jean Baudrillard

Philippe Beck

Simon Critchley

Fernand Deligny

Jacques Derrida

Vinciane Despret

Georges Didi-Huberman

Manuela Draeger

Jean Epstein

Vilém Flusser

Barbara Glowczewski

Évelyne Grossman

Félix Guattari

Olivier Haralambon

David Lapoujade

François Laruelle

David Link

Sylvère Lotringer

Jean Malaurie

Michael Marder

Serge Margel

Quentin Meillassoux

Friedrich Nietzsche

Peter Pál Pelbart

Jacques Rancière

Lionel Ruffel

Felwine Sarr

Michel Serres

Gilbert Simondon

Étienne Souriau

Isabelle Stengers

Sylvain Tesson

Eugene Thacker

Antoine Volodine

Elisabeth von Samsonow

Siegfried Zielinski