Hand Shape

Begin by looking at the hand overall, and start by noting the shape of the hand. There are four major hand shapes:

Novice palmists often become mystified when they try to match the hand shape with the birth sign of the individual because it doesn't always follow. For instance, I was born under the sign of Aquarius, which is an air sign, but I have a fire hand. My advice when judging personalities from palm readings is to concentrate solely on the hand shape as this seems to be the most accurate.

The Air Hand—the Philosophical Hand


The palm is square and a little shorter than the fingers. There will be plenty of lines present in the palm. The skin texture is usually smooth and firm.


Air palm people love company, so socializing will be at the top of their agenda. They have many different types of friends and they can change like a chameleon to accommodate them all. They are deep thinking intellectuals who love animals and who want to put right the injustices of the world. You might find them working for good causes that will help mankind. These individuals have methodical and tidy minds, but this isn't always reflected in the way they keep their home or offices. They love detail, delight in research and history, and their intellect is usually superior to others. As their nature is all about reflection and deliberation, they won't be rushed into anything.

In love

The air hand person will want lots of communication from their partner as well as sex. Although their libido is quite high, friendship will be more important in the long run.

Negative traits

At times these types will be opinionated and nitpick about everything. Because they are so critical and can be scathing, they are hard to live with. They often have a chip on their shoulders. Sometimes they can be cold and calculating and will often play mind games.

The Earth Hand—the Practical Hand


The palm is square, with stocky fingers and a firm skin texture. The palm and fingers are both short. As a rule there will be fewer lines on this type of hand than the other types.


Earth hand people are dependable, stoic, and hard working, and their feet are planted firmly on the ground. If they are in repetitive work, they won't mind too much and they will put in lots of effort. They have a truly honest personality and believe in fair play. If I were to employ someone, then this type of hand would be the one I would choose because its owner will be very conscientious in all they do. The earth hand person will love to be out of doors; they often grow their own vegetables and have a sense of pride in providing for the family. When they retire, many seek solitude in the country and perhaps will own a farm with chickens, ducks, and geese. They also love cats and dogs, so they could end up with a bit of a menagerie.

In love

Earth hand owners are romantic. They love sex and won't have many inhibitions. They adore food, soft lights and drawn curtains, a fine bottle of wine, and a good film on the television. If they can cuddle up with their chosen companion for the evening, they will be perfectly happy and content.

Negative traits

These people are stubborn and can be ill at ease or gauche in company. Some are often tongue-tied and shy. If their mind is fixed on something, then they will be blinded to all persuasion, especially if the thumb is broad and stout.

The Fire Hand—the Artistic Hand


The palm should be considerably longer than the fingers, and there will be plenty of lines on the palm. Often the color will be slightly rosier than other hand types and the hand will be warm to the touch. A good fire hand will have a bold Mount of Venus and a strong Mars Mount.


These people are on the ball and are good judges of character. They live for the moment and gain what they can as it comes along. Fire hands are psychic and can read minds, so you need to guard your thoughts from them. Their motto is carpe diem … seize the day.

Owners of this hand are usually very active types who love excitement and action. Fun loving and enthusiastic, they enjoy exploring. They will prefer to be the boss and will frequently run their own businesses. The fire hand types will be artistic and warm hearted and will rely on their intuition.

In love

When in love, fire hand people can be ardent and have a high libido. In the bedroom, they can be inventive and will find sex toys and saucy videos a hoot. The male owner of a fire hand will often laugh his lady into bed. Before getting married, they will have quite a few partners, but when they settle down they will be very loyal.

Negative traits

Fire hands can be noisy and rush from one thing to another, expending their energies on trivia. As they can sometimes be overbearing and attention-seeking, they lack real friendships and often end up lonely.

The Water Hand—the Psychic Hand

The palm is long, as are the fingers. Some say this is the most psychic of all hands. There will be myriad lines in the palm, which can be a nightmare for the palmist when trying to analyze it.



Water hand owners are dreamy, mysterious and psychic. The phases of the Moon can affect them and the moon mount will be well developed on this type of hand. The Neptune mount should be rounded, too. Water hands show good creative abilities and these people make wonderful friends and great parents.

In love

As they are dreamy, they will love the formality of courtship, poetry, and long romantic walks in the countryside. Secret trysts and romantic letters appeal to them. Often they are too romantic and vulnerable. Their high ideals will often come crashing around them, ultimately causing heartbreak.

Negative traits

Water hands can be possessive, manipulative, and revengeful. They never forget past hurts. Indeed they never forget anything!

Mixed Hands

Often one will come across a hand that does not fit into the four categories. The left hand might be fire and the right hand might be earth. If the person is right-handed, then you should use the character in the left hand for the past personality and the right hand for the future development. Sometimes the hand shapes vary so much that no decision can be made, and you will have to look at other factors on the palm to help you. In time, experience will give you a feel for what is right.


This character will be multi-talented, a jack-of-all-trades and they will most likely have several careers. They can be witty, quick thinking, and very astute.

In love

I have found mixed hand types can be quite promiscuous. They like variation and can be in love with two or three people at the same time. Their restless nature can prevent long and lasting relationships. On the plus side, because of their sexual experiences, they make very good lovers.

Negative traits

They can be like will-o’-the-wisps, unable to settle down and end up drifting from one place to another. They rarely finish a project and can be a nightmare for partners, as they will constantly want to move and change jobs.

Fingers and Palms the Same Length

When this formation is present, the person will be well balanced, reliable, and level headed. They enjoy studying and work, but will also like time away from employment. Being adaptable, they often have a variety of careers during their lifetime and are usually successful in all of them. They have a brilliant sense of humor and because of that, they are popular.

Broad Palms

These types are very loving and steady, especially in marriage. They are “older souls” and so have great wisdom, sympathy, and depth. Broad palm people are popular and others seek their advice. They choose roles to help society, and if they have the Medical Striata on their hands (see the chapter on minor lines), could become doctors, nurses, or some kind of health practitioners.

They have energy, drive, and ambition but also like to please others. If children have broad palms, they are rarely naughty and will sometimes seem older than their years.

Narrow Palms

This type of palm can sometimes belong to narrow-minded people. The owner will find it hard to be generous. If they are to purchase a gift for someone, they will look for a bargain, while at the same time treating themselves to something expensive. Some narrow-palmed folk can have a cruel streak and find it hard to socialize, especially in groups.

However, you must take account of the fact that if you are studying the hand of a slim, short person, this type of palm will be completely normal for them in a positive way.

Flexibility of the Hand

Flexible Hands

This person is restless and can soon lose interest in a project, sometimes not completing what they have started. They will need lots of stimulation, and when younger, can be a handful for their parents.

Inflexible Hands

These are sedentary types who love routine and prefer to stay at home in front of the television. Often they are unfeeling and cold with a rigid outlook to life. They will isolate themselves and do anything for a quiet life.


Claw Shaped Hands

Claw shaped hands look like talons, and their owners tend to be greedy, with critical natures and sharp tongues. Often they are difficult to please; no matter how hard you try, they will never be satisfied and will make those close to them feel inadequate.
