A useful tip in palmistry is to look at the hand in three parts. It makes the synopsis easier and more accurate to predict. Palmists will take a print of the hand and then divide it into three sections to get a broader picture of their client.
Section one shows the top of the fingers tapering down to the base of the fingers. This helps us to understand the person's hopes, dreams, and ambitions and how they view the world and their spiritual life.
If the fingers (especially the Saturn finger) are well formed, it shows the person is well balanced. Taking a tape measure, find out if this is the longest section of the hand; if it is, your subject will enjoy academic study and will have a thirst for learning. He will literally be a walking encyclopedia and a wonderful teacher. If this part of the hand is shorter, then the opposite applies.
This is the middle section of the hand and reveals a wealth of knowledge. It runs from the base of the fingers and encompasses both lower and higher Mars Mounts and the Quadrangle.
When this is the deepest and widest part of the palm, we have an owner who will be very practical and able to put his hand to most things. These people will usually have their own business, which will run like clockwork. They can be quite inventive, especially if they are in the building trade, and they can be a Jack-of-all-trades. These folk are the salt of the earth. They are efficient and good timekeepers.
This formation runs from the bottom of the Mars mounts and encompasses the mount of Venus, the Neptune mount, and the rascettes.
If this is the more pronounced area of the hand, these people will want financial security above everything else. They consider their own desires and needs, and while they can talk the talk and walk the walk, when it boils down to it, they put themselves first every time. If the space is balanced and not too heavy, the individual will enjoy cash but not allow it to rule them, and they will be hard working, tenacious, and kind.
The radial side is located on the thumb side and the ulna is on the opposite, percussion side. When studying the palm, we look for balance and harmony, and by splitting the hand in half, we can see more clearly if there are any flaws or outstanding attributes. Sometimes it is better to work systematically on one portion of the palm rather than drifting the eyes over the whole picture.
Sasha Fenton, who is also a palmist, suggests it is a good idea to take a piece of paper and lay it onto the hand so that it covers the ulna side and just look at the radial side. Then do the same with the ulna side. This shows that there is a distinct difference in the size of a hand from one side to the other. Note the two different ways in which you can divide the hand.
This represents the face the person presents to the world, and a good radial shows the individual will be confident, materialistic, and outgoing. They will enjoy the cut and thrust of the business world, and money will be important to them.
Those who have pronounced radials are ambitious and energetic; the world is their oyster and they strive to do well at everything. These people are competitive and materialistic. Their lack of spiritual belief can make them seem rather shallow. Their sex drive will be high, but they will lack the tenderness of a true lover and will soon move on to the next challenge, as they love variety. These people are assertive in business and although ruthless, can be fair and generous bosses.
People with this formation are vulnerable and emotional. They yearn to paint, draw, and write, but their lack of confidence will hold them back, so their efforts usually result in failure. They are indecisive and will often let others make decisions for them, becoming resentful and dissatisfied with their lives when it doesn't work out. It is quite rare to see a pronounced ulna however, because the majority of people have a more balanced hand.
When both sides of the palm are equally balanced, the owners will be fairly easy going and will enjoy life to the fullest. They are kind, have a good sense of humor, and can see the bigger picture in life. Because they have many talents, from the scientific to the creative, and lead a happy family life, they enjoy their lives to the fullest.
The percussion section of the hand tells us a lot about the nature and character of the person and also the places they might visit in the world. Health issues can sometime show up here, too. The following diagrams will help you to ascertain the different types you might encounter.
If the side of the percussion appears flat and thin on its outline, the owner of this hand will often have no stamina or staying power. Perhaps their energy levels will come in fits and starts, and they need to have plenty of rest and pauses to recharge their batteries. Sometimes their libido is quite low.
The lower percussion will be quite dominant in sporty types. The owners of this type of hand will be outgoing, living on their adrenalin, enjoying sports and outdoor pursuits. Their libido will be high and they can be quite promiscuous until they find their true love. As they are restless, they must have plenty of variety in their lives. Often they will take jobs that involve travel or exploration, and they like to get off the beaten track. Others could successfully choose acting or dancing as a career.
These subjects are attractive, amusing, intuitive and highly creative, and they can captivate an audience with their fascinating personality. This is a psychic hand, and those who are not sure of their gift or who are in denial of this gift, might have to be encouraged to pay attention to their dream sleep and to record their dreams. It would also be a good idea for them to attend meditation and self-awareness groups. On the whole, they should already be on their path and will often be clairvoyant and into esoteric and holistic pursuits.
These folk live on their nerves and are very highly strung, fidgety, and restless. They can lack concentration. Often they will miss out on today because they will be worrying about tomorrow. As a whole, they will benefit from such things as meditation, yoga, or an aromatherapy session.
Whenever you see a full percussion, the owners of this hand will be highly imaginative and sensitive, with scant regard for material possessions. They make good writers, especially if there is a trident on the end of the head line.
This is similar to the square shaped hand, so these folks thrive on hard work and outdoor activities. They will sometimes neglect relationships because they will often be workaholics. On the plus side, they are great fun to be with, but can be a little staid in the bedroom.
Those with thick percussions can cope with a lot of stress, as nothing seems to faze them. If the edge is thin, then the opposite applies. The owners can be sensitive, easily hurt, and upset.