Major Lines

The “major” lines of the hand are the Life Line, the Head Line, the Heart Line, and the Fate Line. You have no doubt heard of these lines; they are the ones that most readily come to mind when one thinks of “reading the palm.” In this chapter we will also discuss Simian Lines and the Girdle of Venus, since they are both related to the major lines.



The life line is the most vital line on the hand and holds huge importance to palmists. It starts between the Jupiter finger and thumb, and circles around the fleshy part of the Mount of Venus, often heading down toward the rascettes of Venus for its termination point. Older palmistry traditions tell us that the life line can reveal the length of life. It certainly reveals the condition of our health, including such things as accidents and our management of health problems. Travel can also be seen on this line.

A Short or Broken Life line

A short life line often depicts a major change of life at some point, after which the individual's life will be very different. Frequently, after the line stops, its energies are transferred to an extra line, which may be a recycled and reversed part of the fate line. I say recycled and reversed, because the fate line normally rises up the hand toward the fingers, but when the lower part takes over the job of the life line, you have to read that section of it downward.


Sometimes the life line is weak, broken, or even missing in parts, but the head line strengthens by way of compensation, and takes over some of the work of the life line.

While on the subject of strange life lines, Sasha remembers one lady who had no life line at all on her non-dominant hand, and asked her if anything life-threatening had happened to her. This lady told her that she had been in a terrible accident at the age of four and had not been expected to live, but modem medicine had done its magic and she recovered and lived a perfectly normal life thereafter.

Sasha also tells the following story:

“I once read the hands of a married couple whose life lines finished in the same place, with the classical ‘move to the fate line’ image stamped upon them. I told them they could both expect some major changes that would be sudden and dramatic, and it would happen to both of them at about the same time. This is what occurred. Some time after the reading, the chap was at work one day and came down with a migraine headache, so he decided to finish early and go home. When he arrived home, his headache must have gotten much worse because he discovered his wife in bed with someone else! Needless to say, life changed in that instant for both of them!”

Key Points

Try not to predict the exact length of someone's life, even if all the indications on the hand suggest a short life span. Also take into consideration that the left hand is what is given and the right hand is what you do with it. If a person is left handed, then this process is reversed.

My mother, Betty, had quite a long life line on her left hand, going somewhere toward the mid-eighties, but her right hand told a very different story, as it predicted that she would not live to see old age. She had been a heavy smoker since being a teenager, and this caught up with her, so that she died at the age of fifty-nine from lung cancer. I have often given stern warnings when reading for smokers, and I'm inclined not to hold back, especially if there is a narrowing in the central quadrangle, which can predict emphysema or asthmatic problems. On the brighter side, I have also saved lives with these warnings.

Can a Short Life Line Grow as We Get Older?

Yes it can. My husband, John, had a very short but vital life line and judging by the time scale on his hand, according to old palmistry traditions, he should have gone to meet his maker at about thirty-five years of age. Over the years, his life line has steadily grown and has become quite strong. Vedic palmists believe if you are sad or unsettled, the life line can be short and thin, but when there is a purpose and thirst for life, the life line becomes stronger and longer.

Does a Break in the Life Line Mean the End?

No it doesn't. A break in a life line can mean, “off with the old and on with the new.” If there is no cross on either broken line, then it bodes well. If a cross is present, then there might be an accident or sudden setback for the individual. If a square sits around the cross, then protection will be given.

Long, Clear Life Lines

This can mean good health and sturdy vitality, and such people bounce back from illness quickly. They will happily meet the challenges that come their way and will have lots of energy, even when they go into old age.

Sexy Life Lines

If the life line is especially red, then a passionate nature will be present and the individual will have a healthy libido.

Sick Life Lines

Sometimes you can see the life line is lackluster and very thin and fragmented, especially if the hand has a satiny shine to it; this means fatigue and sickness. Tassels will be present, or chains and grilles cutting across the life line, giving it an untidy appearance and a lack of conformity.

High Life Lines

These start quite high on the mount of Jupiter and show a driven nature that will do anything to succeed. These types will be highly ambitious and enjoy the cut and thrust of competition and business. They will have many irons in the fire and will have a thirst for intellectual interests. They will often further their education when older, going on to get a degree later in life.

Low Life Lines

A life line that starts just above the thumb suggests a personality that is uncomplicated and without ambition. The owners will prefer to live a simple life with their creature comforts and small circle of friends and family around them. They will have plenty of energy though, and will be on the go most of the time, but won't like to dwell too much on intellectual pursuits.

Common Life Lines

When the line starts between the Jupiter finger and the thumb there is a well-balanced aspect. These people will be eager to pursue life with a good degree of common sense and optimism. They will not want to be the best or the worst at anything, and such subjects will be ready for what fate offers. These people make laid-back parents who encourage their offspring in all things pertaining to education and hobbies.



The head line tells us how an individual thinks, and it shows their mental ability. It also tells a great deal about the path of their career, finances, hobbies, interests, and the way these people use their mental faculties.

Head Line Linked to the Life Line

The head and life lines often grow out of one line (a), and as long as they part fairly quickly on the hand, this is no bad thing. These people have a strong sense of family duty, and they may not be in a hurry to leave home and become independent.

Head Line Tied to the Life Line


When these two lines are tied for a long stretch at the start, the owners have a strong sense of family duty and may also lack the courage to stride out on their own. They cling to the clan for support and can be very selective about friendships. This situation isn't always due to a fear of leaving the nest, because there might be a reason for the ongoing family connection. For instance, there may be a handicapped or needy family member that the subject chooses to take care of, or at least be in regular contact with. Sometimes, an interfering parent wants to run the subject's life even after they are married with children of their own. In some cases, these people might marry and find themselves stuck with an unsavory partner, or dragged into a dreadful in-law situation where the spouse's parents, brothers, or sisters are utterly horrid and try to control them.

When this formation is present, another scenario can exist, where the subject can't make a decision without talking things over with the family. This can result in them handing over too much power to a parent, a family member, or even their partner. This is especially so if the partner is much older, richer, or of a higher class and has a controlling nature.

Head Line Separate from Life Line

When there is a gap between the head line and the life line (b), the individual will be very independent. Palmistry theory suggests these people will leave home and go their own way early in life; while this can be so, it can also be the case that the person stays near the family unit, but has a mind of his own and therefore sees no need to escape. If the gap is extremely wide, then there will be a tendency not to look before leaping.

Head Line Starting on Jupiter

This person will be motivated and a good organizer. With a driven nature, he will get much done and will be a good and fair boss.

Sloping Head Line

In Vedic palmistry, this represents those who are on a spiritual quest. They will seek out all things esoteric and try to improve their lives and the lives of others around them. If the head line sinks too low on the hand, they can have day-dreamy natures and won't have a grasp on reality.

Straight Head Line

These owners are realistic but somewhat blinded to any new ideas. They respect authority and like things done in a proper manner. In my experience, this type of person doesn't change his mind quickly and can be quite dogmatic.

Short Head Line

When the head line is short, these people don't strive too hard and can live mundane lives. They fear changes and challenges and prefer a regular routine to make them feel safe. As they are self-centered, they will talk endlessly about their hobbies, such as train spotting, golf, or gardening, and have no real interest in the conversation of others.

Their tempers are erratic and they are often unreasonable. If the line is red, they could have a violent streak and be prone to lash out in frustration. This is especially so if the line is short, straight, and then dips down suddenly at the end.

Long Head Line

The owner will be driven, energetic and have a great mental aptitude. Their memory will be second to none and they usually enjoy great success. The direction of the head line must be taken into account. If the line travels straight across the palm, there could be successes in math, science, and business, but if it slopes, the subject might enjoy art, writing, spirituality, creativity, and so on.

Break in Head Line

This person will have to take care of accidents, especially if the lines are overlapping. If a square is on the formation and connects the lines, then all will be well.

Bitty, Broken Head Line

Sometimes this can represent poor areas of concentration and the individual can be forgetful. If the head line has too many broken lines, large islands and grilles, the person could suffer with mental problems and erratic mood swings. Sometimes when studying the female hand, you will see these formations when they are hormonal. Further up the line it can become settled again when the problem has subsided. Check if the Luna mount is red or mottled to verify this.

Trident on the End of Head Line

When this is in place, the owner will be gifted with writing and there will be a strong probability of published work. If there is just an ordinary fork, then the gift of writing will still be there, but this time perhaps for the person's own pleasure or within an organization for commercial work, creating PowerPoint presentations and so on.

Chained Head Line

This can mean a predisposition toward cluster headaches for the individual, who could also be plagued with tiredness and apathy. When the chains are small and run along the whole of the head line, the owner could have eye problems. Their sight might be good one day but blurry the next. If this is an ongoing situation, recommend a visit to their doctor. If there is a largish island or a cluster of them below the area of the Saturn mount and finger, the person may suffer deafness, and if the same formation occurs below the Apollo mount and Apollo finger, there could be eye problems. If there are two large circles on the head line—and they have to be exactly round and red—then the person might suffer from glaucoma.

I remember reading the palm of a doctor many years ago and saw this formation on his hands. I asked if he had been suffering serious sight problems and then tentatively asked if he had seen an eye specialist. Bluntly, he asked, “What are you trying to say, Beleta?” Gently, I asked him if there was any glaucoma in his family. He replied abruptly “I had glaucoma diagnosed three months ago, is that what you are trying to tell me?”

This is a note from Sasha:

“Beleta amazed me when she came out with the comment about my fluctuating eyesight when she looked at my hands, because my sight does fluctuate. I have diabetes, and when there's too much sugar floating in my bloodstream, the lenses of one or both eyes become clouded. I sometimes suffer hemorrhages at the back of one or other of my eyes, which practically blinds me for a week or two at a time. Beleta told me that if the islands are pale, the eyesight will fluctuate, while if they are blue, red, or standing out in some other way, the problem is likely to be permanent.”

Islands on the Head Line

Islands are slightly different from chains as they are longer and less rounded; often they will be called “slung loops chains” by a professional palmist. If they are seen on the palm, especially the head line, the owner will often feel trapped, perhaps in their marriage, relationship, or job.

If the rest of the hand is aggressive and angry, or when the person has the murderer's thumb, they might have done a spell in prison. If the islands are at the start of the head line, the person might have had an unhappy childhood in school or home life. See also the Cat's Cradle formation.

Cat's Cradle and Triangles

The cat's cradle looks like the children's game with string or wool. The children would make intricate patterns, which they entwined around their fingers. If this type of formation commences at the start of the head line and life line, it is often an indication that the person disliked school, or less commonly, the subject may have liked school, but used it as an escape from an unhappy home life. A sharp island that looks like a triangle hanging on the line can indicated the person wasn't free to follow their dreams. We rarely see this configuration now, but it was a common sight among young men who had done National Service and hated the experience. These days we might link it to someone who's done a short spell in prison or community service through criminal or antisocial behavior.

Twisted Wavy Head Line

These characters can be unstable and have a weak mentality. If they are addicted to drink or drugs, they can be unpredictable. They could even be bipolar.

Arched Head Line

These are tough, determined individuals who set out to get what they want and can be ruthless. Unconcerned about the feelings of others, they can crush anyone who gets in their way.

Upward Branches

These types listen to their heads rather than their hearts, and they are usually very successful in all they do because of their focused nature. If the branches drop down, then there could be a period of bad luck for the individual.


Not a good omen, as the owners will be prone to bad luck and upsets throughout their lives. These folk need to take great care to do everything properly as they can soon find themselves in a muddle through lack of forethought.

Purple Dots

If purple dots are present, the owner has to take great care of head injuries. If a square surrounds the dot, then protection will be given.



There can be controversy about where the heart line begins. Some traditional palmists say that it begins under the Mercury mount while the Vedic palmists say it begins under the Jupiter mount, and as this is a book that inclines toward Vedic palmistry, we will take the latter pathway.

The heart line can reveal much about the owner's emotional state and it can also offer information about health. Sometimes my clients are anxious because their heart line is broken and short. Younger people think their marriages will be short-lived or unhappy when this is present on their hands, so when this happens I reassure them that there are many things on the palm that concern love and relationships and that one line cannot be taken in isolation, as it won't show the full picture.

Trident Fork at the Source on the Jupiter Mount

This is a really lovely thing to see as it represents a spiritual person who will help many in their lifetime due to their wonderful insight and inspiration. In Vedic palmistry, this mark can represent an “earth avatar type” who has come to earth to change the way people think. My grandmother linked this formation to clairvoyance and dream sleep premonitions.


Long Straight Heart Line

These individuals are loyal, loving, and caring to their partners, families, and friends, especially if the heart line is unbroken. The line should have a nice rosy tinge of pink.

Short Heart Line

I have found that short heart lines belong to very down-to-earth individual's of both sexes who can be single minded in their pursuit of love. If the heart line blends with the attachment lines, the person will want to have the upper hand in relationships and family matters. They can often be insecure and make themselves unpopular because of their outdated Victorian principles. We see this type of heart line more often now, as many couples enter mixed marriages, so there can be issues if men from Eastern religions marry Western women who are used to a more independent lifestyle.

Weak and Fragmented Heart Line

One interpretation for this line is that these people can be unfaithful and inconsistent in love or friendships. As they are prone to change their minds, being in a relationship with them can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Where marriages are concerned, they are usually doomed to failure. They may fall in love with people who are engaged or married to someone else. They could also go for the types that are into drugs or drink and crime. I often call them “the victims.” I have found they rarely value their friends, and pick them up and put them down at will. These individuals will drone on for hours about their problems, but will not be interested if their friends need a shoulder to cry on. As they set themselves up for failure before they start, friends and family will often have to bail them out and wait for them to grow up.

Islands on the Heart Line

The owner will be prone to deceit or affairs and can cause heartache within relationships. This can happen in reverse, where the subject is decent but their partner is not. Sasha and I agree with our friend Malcolm Wright, who says he has often found that an isolated island shows that a relationship has come to a sudden end, for example, a partner going out for a pint of milk and never returning. If the island is under the Apollo finger, there could be eye problems for the person.

Broken Heart Line

A break in an otherwise decent looking heart line can signify a broken heart. If the line starts up again and becomes strong, these subjects don't ever forget what has happened to them, but they do move on to live, love, and be happy again.

Squares on the Heart Line

This can represent extreme tension for the individual, and they could suffer from their nerves. As squares represent protection, they usually weather the storm and come out smiling. Another common scenario is that the person's emotional life is temporarily restricted. This can be because they feel alone, or they may be longing for love because they are in an unloving relationship.

Downward Branches

If there are quite a few of these, a series of disappointments and quarrels could occur for the person. These, however, are usually short-lived.

Upward Branches

This is a good thing to see on the heart line as it represents success, love, and new friendships that could be long lasting.

Circles on the Heart Line

This can mean the owner will have to take care with problems of the heart. If they are overweight this could be a serious matter. As I said earlier in the book, a palmist is not here to diagnose or frighten their clients, so caution is warranted when giving a reading.

Wavy Heart Line

This too can sometimes mean cardiac trouble or problems with the blood. It can also denote uncertainty with the person's focus in life.

Double Heart Line

This looks as though the subject has two heart lines. The second heart line can repair any defects of the original heart line, especially if the original is untidy and small. Its owner will be very devoted with old-fashioned principles.

Heart Line Running Right Across the Hand

This line will be very long and not often seen. It represents a person who is acutely sensitive and aware of everything that is going on in their environment. They will have high empathy with animals, world issues, and mankind. Often life will make them feel depressed or hopeless because of their respect for the condition of all living things.

The Twig

When a short line sits horizontally on top of the heart line on the Saturn mount, this can represent divorce or separation. If there is another line on top of that, there could be more than one divorce for the person. If seen on a younger client's hand, be sure to tell them, “marry in haste, you'll repent at leisure.” It would be better for them to wait for marriage until they reach the late twenties or early thirties to be sure of real happiness in love.



The Simian line (also known as the Single Transverse Palmar Crease) is formed when the head and heart lines fuse together into one crease, and it commences between the Jupiter finger and the thumb. Emotional and mental energies blend together to give the owner a struggle between thoughts and emotion. If seen on both hands, which can be quite rare, the owner could be highly creative, inventive, and unique, especially with art or writing. If the line is present only on the nondominant hand, its owner can have an erratic energy that could cause mayhem within their lives. If seen on only the dominant hand, the person could have an effect on others, perhaps in a disturbing or cathartic way. One thing for sure is that the lessons learned will help the soul to grow to a better understanding and awaken it to a deeper spiritual consciousness.

The name Simian comes from the word monkey or ape, because old time palmists assumed that it was seen on some primates’ palms.

There is much controversy and research on the Simian line, which causes huge differences of opinion in the world of palmistry. Some say there is a higher percentage of the Simian line formation seen in Down syndrome people or babies with prenatal rubella and leukemia, and a host of other health problems have been mentioned in different books and articles. Others will argue that the Simian line is more abundant in certain cultures. There seems to be an agreement that there is a bigger percentage of this line in ethnic groups, and that it is more often seen in the male hand than the female.

Often a client will be horrified to be told they have this line and imagine all sorts of disturbing things, so reassurances have to be given and the bigger picture explained clearly to them. In modern day palmistry, we are inclined to be less critical of this formation. A Simian line owner can be highly intellectual, hold down a powerful job, and inspire others with their determination and tenacity. A prime example is ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair, who has a Simian line on each hand.

Negative Traits

As they are prone to bossiness, they must take care not to upset others, and if they come into contact with another bossy person, then often the feathers will fly! Usually the line will be present only in one hand, but if it's in both, then it can be more dramatic, and palmistry can point to health problems with the heart. There is not much research to back this up, but it does seem to hold a lot of truth in my experience as a palmist. Simian line owners who have a gentle nature can sometimes be bullied, therefore they must stand up for their beliefs.


A Simian line owner will be intense and highly focused, to the point of obsession; their drive and ambition will be second to none and they can achieve great things. Their personality is tense and hyperactive and they can be totally consumed with themselves, overriding others who stand in their way. They will find it hard to separate emotions from thoughts and will hold deep secrets in their hearts. Many will be interested in religion. Others will want to deviate to a more liberal spiritual belief, but even so, they will still live by tradition. When they are in power, their unwavering focus can get much done, but because they can be so rigid, they are likely to upset others, and this can bring negativity in its wake. On a plus point, they have a wicked sense of humor and can be great fun to be with; when times are good they become excited, happy, and joyful.

In Love

Simian line owners are said to be secretive about their love life and don't often reveal their feelings for someone until they are very sure. As they don't like to be manipulated, they can often go for a weaker type of partner whom they can influence. In the bedroom, there can still be some control, but once they are truly in love, the barriers should come down.

Their only fault is that they could neglect their loved ones for work, as their burning ambition will take precedence.

As a parent, they can be exacting and want the best for their children. They won't be a pushover either, as they will have strong principles and traditional ideas of discipline. Many parents are softened by their love for their children and will bend the rules for them, but a Simian line type can be less sentimental.

Semi-Simian Line


This formation has a very short, stick-like heart line. These owners do not blend well in society and are difficult to talk to, as they are neurotic and obsessive. Through recent years, I have seen more autistic or mentally challenged youngsters with this configuration. Often they will be obsessed with video and computer games and take a long time to reach maturity. Sadly, this type will rarely be happy in love and can end up repressed and lonely.



This important line has a wealth of information for the seeker. It will reveal a person's destiny, fortune, and career, not to mention character. Some palmists, who also happen to be into astrology, link this line with Saturn. It often travels up the hand toward the Mount of Saturn, although it can go in a variety of directions.

Rising from the Neptune Mount

When the fate line starts from the Neptune mount and ascends to the Saturn finger, these individuals will likely have a long life and a natural ending when life is done.

Rising from the First Rascette of Venus

If this ends below the Saturn finger then it portrays a good life with lots of help from fate and destiny to help the owners on their way. These types succeed in all things and make a mark on the world.

Rising on the Lunar (or Moon) Mount

These people have moods that are very much affected by the moon and they have a psychic nature. Their lives are ruled by fate, which makes them winners at times, but they become badly blocked when they try to change their destiny in any way. This position is often found on the hands of white witches or people who follow the Wiccan belief. In Vedic palmistry this represents an old soul who has reincarnated to help others. Those who have fate lines that start on Luna will be valued by people far and wide, but not necessarily appreciated or understood within their own family.

Rising from the Life Line

When the fate line rises from the life line, the person will have to strive for their happiness and create their own success. As they don't always believe in destiny giving them a hand, they will work hard, and they will be envied and admired by those around them. If the line starts from the Mount of Venus, inside the life line, they may work in a family business, inherit money that will give them a good start in life, or have a very supportive and loving family around them.

A Long, Strong Fate Line

Fate plays a big part in these people's lives, which will be eventful, especially if the line has a lot of disturbance on it. A very long line with little disturbance is found on the hands of those who find their way early in life and see things through with little change. They may also have a keen work ethic and a strong sense of duty.

Starting Late on the Hand

Many individuals have fate lines that don't start until half way up the palm or even higher. These types may drift along until fate throws something at them and then, belatedly, they make an effort in life.

Termination on the Mount of Jupiter

This is a sign of success, but it can be at the cost of the individuals’ personal lives, possibly because they put more energy into their careers than into loving relationships.

Termination on the Mount of Saturn

If the line is neat and not tasselled, the owners will be well prepared for life and will be successful after a period of hard work.

Termination on the Head Line

This isn't a good sign, as these people are prone to being slapdash. They don't think ahead and so make many mistakes that others will have to rectify. I find this type take a long time to grow up and they blame others for their misfortunes. In Vedic palmistry, such a person would be regarded as a young soul who hasn't reincarnated very often and would need the support of their family to instruct them in life skills, sometimes even into their forties.

Horizontal Lines

If there are many horizontal lines clearly indicated on the fate line, it can be a difficult or disturbing life for the owner. They could be plagued with ill luck and unhappiness. In Vedic palmistry, this configuration can mean the owner is reincarnating to become a wiser soul by learning life's lessons the hard way.

Upward Branch

This is a fortunate line as it means the person will have a positive change. Their position will improve financially, and they could enjoy a more exciting life. If the line branches downward then the opposite could occur.


When there is a triangle on the base of the fate line, this could mean some sort of scandal will hit the person's life and cause mayhem for the individual and their family.


When an island is present on the fate line, there will be a period of hardship. It can even represent the loss of a spouse. If a square surrounds the island, the situation could be averted. If the line splits into a long island where two lines run parallel for a long way, the subject will suffer a sustained period of unhappiness. This can be self-induced. The main cause is they are hanging onto a situation or a person from their past.

One of Sasha's clients had a lengthy narrow island of this type and said her husband had left her, but it took her many years to come to terms with the fact. The poor woman had given up much of her life to longing, yearning, and fighting hard for something that was never going to happen. What a waste of a precious life!


The Girdle of Venus is a semi circular line that sits high above the heart line and under the Apollo and Saturn fingers; it will be on or around the Apollo and Saturn mounts. Some people confuse this line with a double heart line so care must be taken to make the right diagnosis.


Not everyone has a Girdle of Venus, but many people have tasselled bits of one. New palmists sometimes link this line to sexuality and while it can relate somewhat to the libido, Vedic palmistry sees a strong Girdle of Venus as belonging to those who are driven and passionate about a project or particular aspect to their lives.

Traditional palmistry and Vedic palmistry disagree strongly with the formation of a perfectly formed Girdle of Venus. The traditional palmist sees a strong Girdle of Venus as a sign of weakness, signifying these subjects are emotionally destructive and can cause mayhem in their love lives. Traditionalists prefer to see a small and broken Girdle of Venus rather than a whole one, but Vedic palmistry takes the completely opposite view.

Fragmented Girdle of Venus

This person will not be as driven as those who have a complete Girdle of Venus, but they could have a talent for literary work. They are often inspired and highly sensitive and will love to mix with people who are like-minded. When I see this formation, which is rather like a wiry arc, I would encourage my client to join a writing circle.

Multiple Girdle of Venus

This formation has two or three (or more) strong, unbroken lines that sit directly under each other, and often the mounts will be red in color. There are two distinct types of person here; one could be called the angel and the other a devil. If the lines are very red, then I would class the type of person as negative; if the lines are a delicate pink, the person will be positive.

The angelic types will have a compassionate nature and will devote their lives to spirituality and to the psychic sciences. They will understand the paranormal and be into clairvoyance, and perhaps palmistry, tarot, astrology, and so forth. Many become experts in esoteric matters and go on to be teachers. I had a friend who used to be a brother of the White Eagle Lodge. In his life, he did much for children's charities abroad and had a deep faith about the afterlife. He is also a healer and a lover of the animal kingdom. The lines are very strong on his Girdle of Venus.

The diabolical type of person is preoccupied and obsessive about sex, and might have a stash of pornography to titillate the libido. These people may enhance their moods with stimulants, drugs, strip clubs, and prostitutes, and some will become obsessive about pornography websites.

Fragmented Multiples

If the double or triple lines on the Girdle of Venus are sketchy and broken, the owners can sometimes end up on the wrong side of the law.



There has sometimes been controversy in palmistry where the sibling lines are concerned. Some palmists pay them scant attention, while others will study them in great depth. In Vedic palmistry, the lines are pored over, and they can give current insight as to what is happening to the person's brothers or sisters.

The lines for the siblings are located on the radial side of the hand on the Jupiter Mount edge. If you fold your fingers toward you, you can usually see the lines quite clearly. If the lines are absent, one would assume you would be an only child. Count the number of horizontal lines and it should give an accurate picture of how many siblings there are. Traditional palmists will also refer to the lines to show close relationships, such as half siblings, cousins, and very close friends.

Square on the Sibling Line

The owner's brother or sister might have to go through a difficult period in their lives but will be protected and come out victorious.


If there is a cross on the sibling line, the person's brother or sister might be hurt in an accident, but if a square surrounds it, then there will be a positive outcome.


The sibling has had a shock.


When grilles are present the owner could have a long-running feud with his sibling and they could be estranged. Usually this would be emotional rather than linked to money.


This is a good omen as the sibling could come into money and treat his kinfolk to cash to make their lives easier.

Vertical Lines

As a family, there would have been great hardship for all of the siblings, but a close bond would be forged to form a united front.

Purple Dot

This can sometimes mean a sibling is very ill or have a short life span. Another aspect to this formation can be a sibling who might have died at birth or was a late miscarriage.

Extra Lines

If there are extra sibling lines that the subject does not know about on the hand, there might be a secret love child in the background that a parent might not have revealed to the family. A half sibling might have been adopted at birth, or there might have been an affair resulting in a baby that was hushed up. If there is an extra line, this can indicate twins, but one of them may have been lost before, during, or shortly after the birth.


(Also called the Angel's Landing Strip)

A Perfect Quadrangle


This should be evenly spaced at each end and at the central point. There should be no marks or blemishes within it other than the passage of the fate line and possibly the Apollo lines; the color should be a medium pink. For true perfection there should be the Mystic Cross standing independently of head and heart line in the center. This represents well-balanced individuals who are stable, loyal, and friendly. Their tolerance levels are high and they will be good listeners with an uncanny knack of judging people correctly.

If the quadrangle is narrow, the person might be intolerant and fond of setting standards for others by being critical and possibly even sarcastic about them. They try to put others right and can be very patronizing and wearing to live with. If the quadrangle is wide, the subject isn't likely to pressurize or criticize others but will leave them to do their own thing. If the head line falls away due to having a deep slope downward, the person might be spiritual, poetic, and rather soft-hearted.


When the quadrangle is wide at each end but narrow in the centre, its owner will have trouble with the lungs, emphysema, and sometimes asthma and chest infections. Heavy smokers can have this configuration and the central quadrangle can be red and inflamed.

If there are many lines, dashes, and crosses in the quadrangle, the subject will be muddled and will have a difficult and problematic life.

Star Burst

If there is a star burst formation in the quadrangle, its owner will have the privilege of seeing something wonderful in their lives. It could be an angel, fairy, spirit, UFO, or other paranormal phenomenon.
