
The way the fingers lean is interesting, and this is something you can even spot at a distance without the person being aware of your interest.

Restricted—No Gaps between Fingers


People who have this kind of hand often appear very outgoing, but this is in contrast to their true nature. Indeed some are wonderful sales people and others are politicians or very public figures, but they are not what they seem. These subjects are extremely private and introverted. They may have lacked attention in their childhood, which has left them feeling insecure. They need to feel completely in control of their lives. Their love relationships can be strained because they are possessive, due to their fear that their partner might stray. Politicians with hands that don't allow any light to shine through the fingers won't want to listen to the opinions of others. Cash wise, these folk can be tight fisted. They will make sure they have everything they want, but will deny others any luxuries.

Inwardly Inclining Fingers

This is an unusual formation, and one that will not often be seen. There are two possibilities here: the first is that these people are very interesting, but hard to read for, because they are secretive and on their guard. These individuals trust no one and prefer others to fight their battles for them. Often they will feel the grass is greener on the other side of the hill. They need to get pleasure from making money from their crafts or hobbies.


The second possibility is their having some kind of mental handicap, perhaps including Down syndrome.

Space between Jupiter and Saturn


These people will always follow the dictates of their hearts. They will be good workers and often have their own business in which they succeed, but they are not clever when it comes to personal relationships. This may be due to a selfish streak. Success is more important than love.

Saturn and Apollo Leaning Toward Each Other


This is quite a common arrangement. These subjects will need a lot of understanding and security because they have fragile egos. They must also have job satisfaction, which they will prefer to lots of money.

Saturn and Apollo Leaning Away From Each Other


These people are rather lonely and they daydream about the past. When they are down, they can be rebellious and difficult at home or work. They find it hard to face the future or plan ahead and hate being the center of attention, because of their shyness. Once they are settled and happy, with family and good friendships, their natural sense of humor and goodwill shines through.

Space between Apollo and Mercury


This is a common sight, although the spacing can vary from a small gap to a very large one.

These people are very intuitive and can sometimes read the minds of others. Inwardly, they are quite lonely and like their own space. If they don't have space, they could feel suffocated and nervous. In relationships, their partner must understand their need for independence and freedom. They won't rush into new relationships, as they are cautious about love. This hand type makes an excellent parent. Until they really trust someone, they are not easily influenced. They prefer straight-talking people.

Mercury Bent Inward


Traditional palmists considered this a negative sign, with the owner being judged as manipulative, dishonest, and secretive, especially where money matters are concerned. Some modern palmists look on this in a very different way, seeing the owner as the soul of discretion who will never divulge the secrets of others. This being the case, they can make excellent counselors. As there is controversy about this formation, it is up to the individual palmist to decide, depending on the severity of the incline.