The rascettes are also known as the Rascettes of Venus, or the magic bracelets.
The Rascettes of Venus are found on the inside of the hand on the wrist, and they usually contain three lines (a). They can also be found arching upward (b).
Each unbroken line is supposed to give its owner around thirty years of life. Sometimes a fourth line will be clearly visible, which foretells a very long life.
An arched rascette can sometimes be a sign of hard work and difficulties.
A triangular rascette is not a good omen, as it can signify gynecological problems for a female and possibly a hysterectomy at some time in the future or the past. If on a male hand, prostate trouble could be an issue. If the line is inflamed, the situation is current. If the triangle is smaller, then continence might be a problem.
A chained rascette is often the sign of ongoing family difficulties and health problems. The owner will tend to be tired and run down.
Fragmented rascettes show a lack of foresight, ambition, and a lack of organizational abilities. These types will leave things to the last minute.
Grilled rascettes are common on the hand and can mean obstacles are in place. If twinned with an arched rascette, the diagnosis for female health might be complicated and deeper investigation may be needed. Scans or blood tests will be on the agenda.