Mystic Markings

The hand holds many markings that contain secrets from ancient palmistry. To be fair, some are no more than superstitions handed down from the generations of gypsies, soothsayers, and mystics, but many are uncannily accurate, as I have discovered in over thirty years as a working palmist.

Initials are often placed in the hands, and if an initial is on the nondominant palm, then this is someone the subject already knows. However, when the initial is on the future palm, then this person has yet to come in to the client's life.

The Square

A square placed anywhere in the palm can be a mark of protection, especially if there is a cross within it. This can denote an accident that could have been worse than it was, or a time when the person's life was saved. The square can also represent talent for the owner, but they may lack courage to put their talents into action, so you might need to encourage them with this.

The Ring of Solomon (c)

The Ring of Solomon is found in a semicircle at the base of the Jupiter finger. It is rare and considered to be very lucky. This formation tells us that the owner is psychic and will be gifted in all aspects of the occult and divination. Good luck and prosperity will bring happiness to the individual, who will always be in the right place at the right time.


The Ring of Saturn (d)

The Ring of Saturn sits just below the Saturn finger in a semi-circle. This is not a good thing to see, as it can portend difficulties for the owner. Common sense will not always be present and psychological problems could plague the person, hindering future judgement and possible future success.

The Ring of Apollo ( e)

When this configuration is in place, it can indicate restricted areas of life associated with Apollo, which means the person is going through a time of deep unhappiness within the family and other personal relationships. With effort, they can change their lives and bring harmony.

The Ring of Mercury (j)

This can often be a sign that the subject will become a widow or widower. This line was present on Sasha's hand while she was living with her first husband; he then died of cancer. It faded after she married for a second time.

It is always worth bearing in mind that the lines on the hand can change, and they can do so quite rapidly if the individual alters their way of going about things. Even unlucky marks, especially negative health lines, can miraculously disappear when the person turns over a new leaf or changes to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Marks on the Hand

There are many marks that can appear independently on a palm or as part of a line. Each has a different meaning, and while it's impossible to remember them all, you can use this book to refer back to whenever you come across one of these. Here is a brief rundown of some of their meanings. Some of these marks stand alone on the hand, while others will be attached to a line on the hand.


This can signify a recent shock or problem, especially if the star is reddish in color. In Vedic palmistry, it can also be a sacred mark if found on certain areas of the hand. If, for instance, it is present in the quadrangle, the owner will be truly blessed.


This means protection or restriction, depending upon the position of the square. For instance, a square on the heart line means the person's emotions or love life aren't flowing freely or happily. A square on a mount can represent protection from harm in whatever that mount represents.


A stand-alone mark that signifies severe trauma to some part of the body. For example, it will show up after an operation, but then fade away somewhat when the person recovers from the problem.


This is a rare sign of psychic or magical gifts. Often, the client can be a Wiccan witch if they have this mark.

Triangle or Half Diamond

When independent, this indicates talent, luck, and inheritance. If the triangle is suspended under the head line however, it means the person has gone through, is going through, or will go through a feeling of imprisonment. This may be due to being stuck in an unpleasant job or a negative relationship. It can indicate an actual prison sentence.


A flag on the life line in Vedic palmistry can sometimes signify an inheritance. Where the flag is placed should give an indication of timing.


This is usually considered a negative sign in Vedic palmistry, such as accidents and misfortunes. In Western palmistry, if this is seen on the Luna or Neptune mount, protection can be given for sea travel and seasickness. On the Apollo mount, it can mean a windfall.

Cross in a Box

The cross represents a severe problem or danger, but the box shows the subject will be (or has been) protected from the worst effects. This configuration will often be present in life or death situations.


A circle is a rare sign and there can be some controversy with palmists. In Vedic palmistry it is a good omen, but in traditional palmistry, it means the opposite.

Chains and Islands

These always represent a string of bad luck, ill health, and obstacles for the owner. Read the chapters on the lines to see what these mean in each case.

Slanting Line

Usually a slanting line crosses a major or a minor line. It can represent disruption in the individual's life, or it can denote a time when something breaks up completely. If the line is intermittent or dashed, the owner could be having start-stop scenarios.


These can appear at the ends of the lines and show a weakening of that part of the person's body and vitality, sometimes due to illness or old age. For instance, a tassel on the head line can denote dementia, or if it is seen at the end of the life line, the person could have physical difficulties in later life.


This represents a parting of the ways.

Multiple Lines

This formation dissipates the strength of the line, which then splits itself into small parts. It can actually be a good thing, such as when it appears on the fate lines signifying self-employment. Because there are multiple lines, the owner could have many irons in the fire, but will have to soldier on alone. Eventually their hard work will pay off.

Uplifting Lines

Lines that rise up from the major lines denote an upswing in the individual's circumstances, so this is always a fortunate thing to see.

Down Slope Lines

Lines that droop down from some of the major lines can be a negative configuration for the owner's life.

Wavy Lines

Waves on the line, or wavy lines around it, denote some form of weakness. It might be due to bad health, insomnia, or aspects of the person's work that are causing problems at the time of the reading.

Warts, Moles, Marks, and Scars

You won't see an abundance of moles on the palm side of the hands, but when you do, they represent blocks of some sort, stopping the owner's progress. If there is a mole on the Mount of Venus, the subject could be having relationship problems. Warts are more common, and they also denote restrictions. Look at where they are placed on the hand to find the answers. When moles, warts, and scars are seen on the back of the hand, it could be someone else who is holding the person back. If the scars are old, it could be a past-life issue.

Red Patches

Redness on one finger or one particular area of the hand shows a temporary feeling of frustration due to the behavior of others or life in general. Check the finger in question or the area of the hand to see what's going on. If there is a red patch on a woman's palm on the percussion side of the hand, there might be hormonal problems or she could be going through the change of life. If the Neptune mount is red, there could be urinary infections or menstruation upsets. Often when the problems have subsided, the color will go back to normal.