Relationship Styles

The hand reveals much more than character traits and fate. From out of our hands come insights into relationships, health, and spirituality. Let us consider first what the hand can tell us about relationships.

The Faithful Partner

Those who have earthy hands with little or no spaces between the fingers usually take things very seriously and will stick to a partner for life. A constant hand will have broad nails and fingers that can be a little inflexible. Study the head line to make sure there are no erratic lines present. A clear head line indicates a focused type of individual. The heart line should slope gently, and it should be free of fissures or erratic marks. If the line is a healthy pink color with no tassels, the subject will be forgiving and nurturing.

The Deceptive Partner

In my career as a palmist, I have discovered the birth signs that find it hardest to settle down can be Sagittarius and Aries. Usually, they will have a typical fire hand (short fingers and a longer palm) and the hand will be firm and slightly red. Often, the Plain of Mars will be underdeveloped and the concavity a little deep. Fire palms are passionate, and they like variety, so they can become bored when in a steady relationship. They take longer to mature and find true love, so they break many hearts along the way. When the Mount of Venus is over-developed and has a red tinge, the libido will be very high. The heart line will be a deeper red and might have chains and scratchy marks over it. Look under the Mercury finger for the attachment lines to see how many conquests there are, and if there are forked lines, a divorce might already have occurred. The Mercury finger could incline sharply toward the Apollo finger, indicating a deceptive nature.

The Unsure Partner

This type of palm can either be Air or Water, and the Pisces or Gemini signs fall into this category. They yearn for love and a stable relationship but can make bad choices because their hearts rule their heads. The Mount of Venus will be quite rounded, but perhaps a little flaccid. The fingers are long and pointed, which represents their dreamy and unrealistic nature. They seek ideal love that can be found only in books, so their heart line can have breaks and fissures, while the Girdle of Venus will be fragmented. Many will end up having a number of lovers, not through promiscuity, but through failed relationships or a continued search for something worthwhile. These types usually go through one or two divorces, so study the relationship lines on the Mercury Mount. Also look at the head line, because it could be bitty and broken, showing that the subject moves around and sets up home with one partner after another.

The Bossy and Abusive Partner

These types usually belong to the Fire and Air hands, and I have seen the signs more than once on Water hands. The Jupiter finger could have extra length and be wider than the other fingers. If the Lower Mars Mount is overdeveloped, the subject may have the unpleasant trait of lashing out both verbally and physically. A clubbed thumb is not a good thing to see, as it represents a quick, violent temper and child-like tantrums and sulks. If the head line is strong, red, and chained, the individuals may have a sadistic nature with a real need to control their partners, children, siblings, and parents. Check if the hand is right for the body and not too short for the height or the makeup of the individual. The Mount of Venus could look too pronounced and overly red.

The Weird Partner

Some of the Water hands can fall into this category, as they have secretive personalities, while small hands that are a little fiery can also suggest a strange nature.

Attachment Lines


Lines called attachment lines concern love relationships, marriage-type partnerships, actual marriages, and important love affairs. Hands can't show marriage certificates or divorce paperwork, but they do signify emotional attachments, hence the name “attachment lines.”

So, if you want to see how many marriages or serious relationships a person has had, or will have, you need to look closely at the percussion side of the hand between the heart line and the Mercury finger. These lines may be easier to read if you bend the Mercury finger slightly forward and look at the lines that enter the hand from the percussion side, on the area between the finger and the heart line.

Widows and Widowers

One theory is that a line that loops down to touch the heart line can sometimes indicate widowhood. Other palmists say this drooping line has nothing to do with widowhood, as it merely shows the client is being “put upon” by his or her partner. Some say that the “widow line” runs upward under the Mercury finger and “cups” the base of the finger. Attachment lines change direction fairly quickly, so if someone loses a partner who made them unhappy, and subsequently gets over the death easily and possibly moves on to another partner, the hand will change. The general feeling is that you should say very little on this subject, unless you know for certain that your client has already lost a partner through death or if the client already knows that their partner isn't likely to live much longer.

Difficulties in Relationships


A forked attachment line can indicate a split in the relationship, and possibly an actual divorce. If a line is faint and scratchy, the relationship will be undecided and difficult for the person. Sometimes you can see a small purple dot on a relationship line, and this does not auger well, as there might be violence or hardship within the union. An island on a relationship line can mean constant bickering between the couple, and they could part in time. The island can indicate another possibility, which is that the subject's partner is not in good health or is handicapped in some way.

Multiple Lines

Sometimes when reading a hand, you can see three lines: widowhood, divorce, and relationship blips. The person might have gone through all three experiences, so this is a case of having the confidence to tactfully ask your client if this has happened to them.

Happy Marriages

When someone has been blessed with a loving marriage or relationship, there will be a straight, strong unbroken line. When a person is to be truly god blessed in marriage to a soul mate, there will be a straight line with another one tightly hugging it from below. In old-fashioned gypsy palmistry, this is called “spooning,” and it's similar to the way that lovers cuddle into each other like teaspoons lying in a drawer. It is really rare to see this formation, and I have witnessed it only about five times in my working life as a palmist.

Child Lines


Child lines are found at the base of the Mercury mount, and they run downward, cutting through the attachment lines.

Traditionally, it is said that straight lines represent boys and slanting lines signify girls. I don't find this view completely accurate, and I can find myself being let down by the analysis. For instance, I have four straight lines, which would indicate sons, when in actual fact, I have just one child, a daughter. However, I once read for a very beautiful blond woman with the figure of a goddess. She had seven straight lines on her hand and my common sense told me not make a fool of myself by asking if she had seven sons! Later she revealed she had three sets of twin boys and had just had another baby boy. Even to my ears, it sounded too fantastic to be true, but it can happen!

Sasha says that multiple lines in this area can denote someone who loves children and looks after them for others, or someone who runs scout groups or teaches dance or sports to children. Another type that she has often come across is someone who has a deep affection for animals. I certainly love animals and have always kept pets, and there are many wild animals that come to my garden for love, attention, and food.

Sickness on the Child Lines

If an island is present on a children's line, the child could be prone to ill health. If there is a purple dot, it can be more sinister, as the child could be sexually abused or ill treated and bullied. One often wonders if the parent is responsible for this or if someone else is perpetrating the deed without the parents’ knowledge. It is a difficult situation to approach and in my reading, I would just hint that a child might need protecting and for the parent to be watchful of negative people around their children.


These are generally found on the minor hand rather than the major one. One must be very careful when speaking to a woman about these matters. Sometimes a line will be faint and there could be a cross formation through the line, or the line may be fractured and in bits. When seen on the positive hand, it is best for you to keep that knowledge to yourself and not impart it to your client. You might make an incorrect analysis and frighten your client or cause them unnecessary stress if they become pregnant in the future. Once again, the old saying comes to mind that, “when in doubt . . . say nought!”