Many people love to hear about their psychic potential, and there are various indications of this in the hand. Information about this aspect of life has, in part, been handed down through my family, but also from esteemed palmists whom I have met and from observing thousands of palms over the years.
When there are many lines in the palm, the person had a full life and he will experience difficult lessons, especially if the mounts of the hand are well formed. This brings wisdom, empathy, and great spiritual understanding. Their souls will be wise, and often they will help younger souls to reach a steadier pathway.
Individuals that have well spaced fingers have minds open to all things spiritual and esoteric.
The Neptune mount sits just above the wrists, and if it is very round and plump the owner will be deep thinking and very tuned in to the energies of the planet. I have often seen this formation on the hands of Wiccan witches and psychics. The animal kingdom will be important to them, and they love to be outside to soak up the vibration of their planet. They can sense impending disasters and predict where they will happen.
Those whose fate lines start on Luna are guided by fate and they are keen to help others. Psychic palmists think these people are reincarnated for a special reason. On a scientific hand, these folks may invent something to help mankind. When seen on a medical hand, the owners will have been given pioneering skills to help dispel disease. A large Luna mount also represents psychic ability and a deep connection to moon magic.
Vertical lines running up through the phalanges relate to subjects who work on improving their souls and their Karma. The ascending lines through the phalanges show that the owner has quite a hard life, but they gain much wisdom and knowledge from their experiences. They can uplift others and give hope to the desperate. If there is a strong medical striata on the Mount of Mercury, the owner will be interested in healing, crystals, and flower remedies.
When the head line slopes toward the percussion side of the palm, the owners will be spiritual. They seek knowledge through books, meditation, and inward reflection. When the head line is too long or curved, these folk tend to have their heads in the air, seeking out gurus or other religious leaders to buoy up their faith. The ideas of others exert too much influence on them, and they may slavishly follow others rather than working things out for themselves.
Dead straight head lines suggest individuals who aren't interested in religion or spirituality. They will concentrate more on science, business, money, travel, their appearance, their status, their homes, antiques, possessions, or any number of other worldly matters.
Sometimes the hand will look as if it has an inner and outer life line. I have given the practical meaning to this earlier in the book, but I also believe the inner life line or “shadow line” on the perimeters of the Mount of Venus can tell us that the person has higher levels of protection. The subject could have a guardian angel or a spiritual guide. If the protection line starts from childhood, it can show the person's youth has been checkered and spiritual guardianship has been needed. If the line appears later down in the palm, the owner will have lived through some form of crisis or even a life-and-death situation, especially if there are grilles, gaps, or crosses on the line.
There are several lines that can run up the hand toward the Mercury finger, and these can have a variety of names, depending upon the different styles of palmistry. These lines can indicate health problems in the hands of the subject, but just as often, they denote an interest in health and healing, either in the context of conventional medicine or the complementary variety. If you see this, also look for the Medical Striata. A curved line anywhere in this area suggests a psychic ability. People who have this line on the nondominant hand will be born psychic, but they may not use their gift consciously. Those who have the line on the dominant hand will develop intuition at some point in their life, either deliberately or as a side effect of struggles during their lifetime. If there is a curved line somewhere in this area on both hands, the owners will make good use of their intuitive gifts.
This should be placed in the middle of the Quadrangle, which is formed by the head line and the heart line, and the cross must be independent and not touching either of the lines. If you draw a line upward from the center of the cross, it should end between the Apollo and Saturn fingers. Sometimes the Mystic Cross will be visible only on one hand, but it really should be apparent in both hands. This mark sits in the middle of the Quadrangle and is very rare, as it might be seen only in one in four hundred hands. The owner would do well in tarot, palmistry, or mediumistic work. This subject would be a very good judge of character.
This is the sign of the psychic or medium, and the owners will find it easy to link into the spirit world. Most of their lives will be closely linked to esoteric and holistic areas. If parents have a child with this fortunate sign, they should encourage the child to develop their skills at an early age. My own daughter, Leanna Greenaway, has this mark and has since gone on to write many books on different subjects linked to esoteric and Wiccan beliefs. From the age of three, she has been able to see angels, guides, and pets that have passed away. Owners of the Mystic Cross may also have a strange electrical energy, and their domestic appliances will break down quite frequently. Their auras are sensitive, so they get sudden electrical shocks from shopping carts or metal surfaces. Mystic Cross people can see the future in their dreams, and they can see others’ auras.
Mystic cross owners often experience the Kundalini, and here is a short explanation.
The Kundalini is a Vedic concept. The idea is that our spiritual strength lies at the base of the spine. Vedic scholars depict this as a snake that they call ‘‘the sleeping serpent.” The energy rises up the body and threads its way through the chakras until it exits the crown chakra (top of the head). The vibration from the body then connects with spiritual energy called Prana. The person experiences a crackling or electrical energy racing up through the spine. Once this is over, the Kundalini settles down and a feeling of well-being or healing ensues.