Feng Yu-hsiang—around that name there are, we suspect, more controversies than that of any other contemporary of ours. Have we not heard of him as a mean schemer, a treacherous ally, and have we not heard of him as man of integrity, the most honest of warlords? Have we not heard of his thrift, and have we not heard of the luxuries under the cloak of his thrift? Because of these contradictions and the tales purported to support them, his name has an air of mystery that fascinates one, and so I find myself querying those who know something about him, every time I have a chance.

One of General Feng's former teachers, now in the government service, bluntly sums up his formula of this mysterious personality thus: a half-baked person with a single-track mind. When General Feng was known as the "Christian General," he truly believed that China's salvation lay in Christianity; when he allied himself with Russia, he really believed that that was the only way to save China; later, when he supported General Chiang Kai-shek in ousting General Chang Tso-lin from Peking and the communists from Kuomintang, he sincerely believed that he was doing the only thing that could rescue China and that the realization of the San-Min-Chu-I would mean a millenium for our country. He believed in one thing at a time to the exclusion of everything else; he has the single-track mind because he is half-baked, and he is half-baked because he is a self-educated man, whose reading has been omnivorous rather than intelligently chosen.

Although it was due chiefly to his military strength that the Peking regime collapsed so soon, he publicly declared that what was good for the central government and China he would willingly accept, that the garrison posts of his troops were of no consideration at all, and that General Chiang and the central government would play fair. But when the central government decided to snatch the Hopei and Shantung provinces from him, well, the whole world knows the story already. That's human, all too human, we all can afford to be idealists when idealism doesn't touch our purse.

Another man, one of his former subordinates now living in retirement, paints a full-size portrait of him. As a boy Feng lived near Tientsin, and the pillages of Tientsin and Peking by the foreign troops during the Boxer Uprising made a lasting impression on him. However, it was due more to the desire to support his father, a retired army officer and an opium-smoker, than to defend the country that he entered the army. He was ambitious, and he began to study in spite of the jeers and mortifications of his fellow soldiers. He was filial, patriotic and loyal to the throne. It was said that when Empress Dowager died, he cried bitterly for days. With his ambition, his excellence in military drill, and his ability to read and write, he found himself, in 1911, a major at the head of one battalion, with which he staged a revolt at Luanchow, that ended in failure. Somehow those three years between 1908 and 1911 found him greatly changed from a loyal officer to a revolutionist, to which his ability to read must have contributed no small part. However, during the first years of the republic his loyalty was transferred from the crown to his superior officers, and he never raised the standard against Yuan Shih-kai when the latter attempted to make himself emperor, for his connection with the revolutionists had never been very close.

Having been a commoner among the people and a private among the soldiers, General Feng well knew their sad plight and tried as was within his power to alleviate their conditions. This is the tenet of his patriotism and the guiding principle of his life, which remains the same, though his formulas for attaining the desired goal—a prosperous China free from foreign domination—changed with time and circumstances. This accounts for the strict discipline of his troops, which were also well cared for; and it was this more than anything else that was responsible for his conversion to Christianity. The hospitals, orphanages, and schools of the missionary found a warm corner in his heart; he believed that the salvation of China reposed in Christianity, and he tried to Christianize the soldiers under him. It was at this period too that he came into closer contact with revolutionists, for at that time many Christians were revolutionists, notably Dr. C. T. Wang and George Hsu Chien. Though he was now opposed to the Peiyang warlords, still he was loyal to his commanding officers, because he was a better soldier than a revolutionist, and because he knew that he was not strong enough to oppose them.

Later he joined Wu Pei-fu against Tuan Chi-jui, and was made Military Governor of Honan; but, just as he was planning to do something for the people of Honan, General Wu transferred him to Peiping. This highly displeased him and, together with their difference regarding certain political issues, accounted for his coup d'etat, overthrowing the Tsao Kun regime. But he was not yet powerful enough to have his way in North China, and his failure to oust General Chang Tso-lin ended in his own departure from the country.

In Russia he imbibed quite a part of communism, but he was too nationalistic to embrace it whole-heartedly. The Russians knew this and that was why they gave him such a mere pittance of support. This in turn swung him to General Chiang Kai-shek, but when General Chiang decided to give Tientsin and Peiping to General Yen Shih-shan, Feng felt himself cheated; for he had set his mind at being the master of North China so that he could do something for the people, and from the very beginning he felt that he was cooperating with Kuomintang rather than a mere cog in the party wheel. He revolted because of the conflict of interests; but his last conflict with the central government in Charhar was one more of policy than of interests.

Yes, General Feng was largely a child of circumstances, his opinion and his policy are largely a result of the persons around him. He is honest, but too simple; and he thought, when he was in Nanking, that China could be saved by the officials getting less pay and leading a simple life. Being a simple man himself, and seeing the logic that both men and officers are employees of the government and are to serve the country, he would not allow his officers such little comfort as smoking, not to say luxuries. That is why his generals left him and would not come back to him, leaving him "without capital," as he said in his reply to Fukien's invitation to join the revolt. Perhaps, the finis is written over the public career of an extraordinary man, who rose from a private to a commander of 300,000 men at one time.

[No. 10; Mar. 8, 1934]









