Shelly's love affairs are notorious. To Victorian eyes, they are shocking. Matthew Arnold, so very interesting in his views on literature, right or wrong, made a big fool of himself, when he came to touch on Shelly's sexual relations. But Time has vindicated Shelly, cleared him from all mud, and metamorphised him into Ariel—a butterfly, fluttering about from one flower to another, a frail, slight thing, creature of the air, as beautiful as it is innocent. Shelly's Epipsychidion is the song of an ideal lover, who does not love this or that woman, but every woman, in whom he finds a reflection of Ideal Beauty, whether in hand, face or voice.
Well, Tse-mo's relations with women are exactly like Shelly's. Let no woman flatter herself that Tse-mo has ever loved her; he has only loved his own inner vision of Ideal Beauty. Even a pale cast of that Ideal in any woman, Tse-mo loves. His burning incense at many shrines is no disloyalty, but rather it is the essence of his loyalty to his Ideal. Like the shift and play of shadows on a bright summer day, Tse-mo flits about from one girl-friend to another: but inasmuch as the shadows are caused by one sun, so also is Tse-mo's love due to only one thing—his vision of Ideal Beauty. To that he is ever a faithful votary, not only in his relations with women, but also in his writings, in his friendships with men, and even in the vagaries and irregularities of what appears at first sight to be nothing but a disordered kind of existence, at once brief and tragic.
Tse-mo, the man, is much greater than Tse-mo, the poet. We like, many of us, his poetry, because he wrote it. I doubt if there are any who like him, because of his poetry. His personality is his genius. The more of him, therefore, there is in anything he does or says, the more of magical charm it has for us. This is why his prose is so much better than his poetry: there is more of him in it than in his verse. Reading his prose, we become aware, all at once, of the glamour and the unearthly brightness of his personality: his lineaments, the accent of his talk, the rhythm of his speech—its aliveness, at one moment its sinuous retreat into some interesting irrelevancies, at another its victorious return to the main flood of chat, so eager, so ardent, as if nothing matters but chat for chat's sake—they are all there in his prose. His poetry, on the other hand, is one remove from his personality. There is something extraneous about it: it is not a part of, but an excretion, so to speak, from him. Whatever prestige it enjoys is borrowed from his personality. With the passing of the years, as Tse-mo becomes more a memory and less an obsession, his poetry too, I fear, will lose something of the radiance it now has. I am not sure, now that he has been dead two years, if it hasn't already suffered a little fading.
What is the secret of Tse-mo's personality? Is it physical? Something in that. But physically more impressive and more handsome than Tse-mo, there are literally thousands, who yet have not one tenth of his fascination. His nose is too large, his eyebrows too nondescript, his mouth somewhat over-drawn, and his jaw a little heavy looking, to be really beautiful. No, the secret of his charm lies elsewhere. It is to be found, I think, in his temperament and in his mind. They are the temperament and the mind of a bright, clever child, who can never grow old, who has an insatiable curiosity about the things around him, who makes no distinction between the world of wake and the world of dream, who can never hate anyone, and to whom it never occurs that anybody can really dislike him. Experiences brush him by, they cannot transform him. He plays about with things, as a child his toys. Ideas, the Theory of Relativity, Chandra Bose's discoveries in botany, the Irish Renaissance, Tagore, Liang Chi-chao, Cézanne's paintings, Picasso's drawings, Mei Lan-fang, Kreisler—they all provide him with endless entertainment. His life is a continual round of visits to friends. The places he stays in are mere corridors for his friends to go through. The wonder is that he ever finds time to write as much as he does. What to others would be vexatious interruptions, is to him nothing, but joyous variety; and variety is life to a child.
There are sorrows to be sure, in Tse-mo's life: keen and poignant, like those of a child; but lasting no longer than the morning dew. Pain is often inflicted by him on those he associates with; but the pain is robbed of half its hurt, because the hand that inflicts it is innocent. Like a child who kills birds and pulls out the wings of flies, Tse-mo can also, at times, be very cruel to people, without his knowing it. A creature of impulse, wholly innocent, Tse-mo breaks glasses, scatters flowers, and riots through a brake of brambles, as part of the day's play.
Some say, they see signs of maturity in Tse-mo's latter days. If so, a good thing he died when he did. And what a fairytale death it was! Died in an aeroplane crash, and against a mountain too! A poetic death, a child's life: what better fate can the gods grant to mortal man?
[No. 11; Mar. 15, 1934]