Dr. Lim is perhaps better known abroad than in China. Among Chinese who write in learned foreign journals, Dr. Lim easily tops the list. His contributions to physiology, since his eighteenth year, when he was a medical student in Edinburgh University, must be reckoned by the hundreds, but they are purely technical, and are such that only specialists would care to read them. They do not deal with physiological questions from the broad, philosophic point of view, like the way Verworm writes on The Cell, Pavlov on Reflex Action, or Sherrington on The Integrative Action of the Nervous System. This fact makes Dr. Lim a physiologist's physiologist, and not a layman's physiologist.

As with his writings, so with his mind: it is that of a scientific specialist, to whom nothing exists but what can be scientifically stated, and no truth valuable but what can be experimentally proved. It is not so much that he is not interested in things outside his line, as that he finds them irrelevant—superstitions, as he calls them. Literature, political science, philosophy—to him, they are just the playthings of the mind, but nothing to be serious about. Indeed, a certain bemused arrogance is evident in him towards studies, other than scientific. In this respect, he differs markedly from other Chinese scientists, such as Dr. V. K. Ting, Dr. Li Chi, and Dr. Chao Yuan-jen, who so often blaze such brilliant trails behind them in fields, outside their own. With Dr. V. K. Ting, for instance, it wouldn't surprise us in the least, if, getting up one fine morning, we were to find him famous as the author of (say) the History of Political Prostitution. As for Dr. Chao Yuan-jen, all things are possible with him, be they ingenious, original, and out of the way. In other words, Dr. V. K. Ting & Company are more to be described as savants than scientists. A scientist, pure and simple, is a very rare bird in China. We believe Dr. Lim is the only genuine instance of one.

Dr. Lim is at present Head of the Department of Physiology in Peking Union Medical College. Besides this, he is also Managing Editor of the Chinese Journal of Physiology.

So much in love is Dr. Lim with his work, that he is hardly out of his laboratory, morning, noon and night. There is scarcely one idle moment. His fingers are either dissecting animals for his experiments, or busy writing out the results of his researches on the endocrine glands, on metabolism, or on the hundred and one problems connected with digestion. He has his lunch in his office, and sometimes he even sleeps there. In every sense of the word, his office is his home. We see a profusion of papers there, numberless charts and stacks of physiological journals: no place, apparently, for small talk, and idle curiosity.

In appearance, Dr. Lim looks very much like an army officer. Solidly built, somewhat below the average height, with a face which means business and shows bull-dog determination, Dr. Lim is yet the most pleasant of companions, outside his office. He is game for any lark. He can drink like a fish, and dance like an angel. He has a passion for golf, and loves to take a hand at mahjong. And he is one of those very rare persons, who are not only good losers, but—what is more difficult—good winners.

[No. 14; Apr. 5, 1934]






