There is no English equivalent to the Chinese term ming shih (名士) just as there is no Chinese equivalent to the English word "gentleman." "Aesthete" seems as near as one can possibly get in English to a correct translation of the term ming shih, in the light of that illuminating chapter on "The Aesthetic Type" in Osbert Burdett's book The Beardsley Period. But the word "aesthete" is apt to bring to mind the lilies and languors of an Ernest Dowson, anemic and emaciated; while a ming shih, on the other hand, may be even brawny, full-blooded, of the earth, earthy like(say) Dr. Johnson or Prof. George T. Yeh.
Prof. Yeh's appearance is impressive and almost majestic. He is a six-footer, of a heavy build, swarthy and handsome. He has broad shoulders, a carrying voice, a jaw just on this side of squareness, and walks with a perceptible swagger. In spite of his aestheticism, he looks an athlete all over. We are told that he played tennis wonderfully well during his salad days. But we might guess the fact even without being told of it; for anyone who has conversed with Prof. Yeh will know how skilfully he can "keep the ball rolling" in conversation.
Indeed, he is one of those remarkable talkers who have at command more than one conversational style. Epigram and small talk are equally his fortes. But he is at his best in the digressive style, whether it be the freely associational manner of Mrs. Nickleby or the rambling allusiveness of Charles Lamb of whom, by the way, Prof. Yeh has a towering admiration. Like Johnson, he does not suffer interruption gladly, particularly interruption from a youngster whose role is to cock his ears and listen. I still remember my first talk with him in his charming study five years ago. I was a self-conscious jackanapes then; flushed with a grandiose sense of my own importance and primed with borrowed wit and wisdom, I tried desperately to get in a word edgewise to make a display. After having made several futile attempts to put a spoke on Prof. Yeh's conversational wheel, I had at last the good sense to give up the attempt as impossible and sink back in Prof. Yeh's comfortable sofas (the most comfortable sofas in Tsing Hua), and sip Prof. Yeh's famous Pu-er (普洱) tea and allow Prof. Yeh to spin on without let or hindrance his reams and reams of interesting talk. Literature forms the staple of his talk of course; but one can never draw a line at anything in his "dualogue" which ranges over the whole encyclopaedia—everything under the sun and something above it.
Prof. Yeh suffers as a lecturer from the defects of his qualities as a talker. His lectures are without programme or outline, trusting all to improvisation and mother-wit. His lectures upset all our preconceived notions of what lectures should be. They are full of surprises and shock tactics; and this unexpectedness constitutes not the least of their charms. They abound in brilliant apercus and profound asides but lack in system and organisation. Although they are so invigorating that one should ask for nothing better, yet dull students whose besetting virtue is note-taking and who come to class with the sincere hope to have their empty heads crammed with well-ordered facts, are apt to find them baffling. But then, so much the worse for dull students! What cares Prof. Yeh for them? He is all for educating a few individuals at the expense of the whole class.
Prof. Yeh is a literary free lance. He is too broad-minded to belong to any one clique or make common cause with any one faction. Like Mr. Yuan-ning Wen, he keeps himself abreast of every latest tendency in art and literature. Both are dilettantes or amateurs in the best sense of the words. I have often compared them to two reeds through which every prevailing wind of doctrine blows into exquisite music. In this respect, they are diametrically opposite to that single-hearted humanist Prof. Wu Mi who, a doctrinaire among his dilettantish colleagues, seems to invert the moral of Aesop's famous fable and suffer from the self-consciousness of a fox with a tail. All the same, these three professors are the three musketeers in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of Tsing Hua: Yeh suggests Porthos even in physical appearance; Wu, at once moralistic and romantic, certainly reminds us of Aramis; and Wen with his urbanity and resourcefulness resembles not a little Athos. Et D'artagnan?
Prof. Yeh is a first-rate essayist and critic. He had encouraged essay-writing long before it came into vogue and has perhaps the largest collection of English essays in China. His recent critical papers are especially interesting; e.g. the distinction he draws between impressions as the data of criticism and impressionism as the methodology of criticism, is probably of permanent validity. In spite of his overbearing presence and his uproarious laughter which possesses all the sinister qualities of the Whistlerian "Ha! Ha!" he is at bottom very shy, very sensitive and fastidious, not unlike the man he loves so much—Charles Lamb.
[No. 20; May 17, 1934]
英文里没有一个词能和中文的“名士”完全对应,就像中文里没有一个词能和英文的gentleman对应一样。在英文里能够找来最接近“名士”翻译的,似乎只有aesthete一词,根据是奥斯伯特·伯德特2所著《比尔兹利3时期》一书 “审美型”一章所描绘的那种人。但是这个词容易使人想起厄内斯特·道森的百合和倦怠,憔悴、无精打采;名士则不然,可以十分健壮,精神旺盛,富于人间烟火味,就像(比如说)约翰逊博士或是叶公超教授那样凡俗。