Tsing Hwa has seen many changes both of men and aims. From being a Middle School to prepare boys for the States, it has become a National Chinese University. From being an institution to teach boys to talk good Yankee English, and to look smart in foreign clothes, it has become a workshop to turn men and women into chemists, engineers, etc., etc. But through all these changes, there is one person in Tsing Hwa who has not changed—that person is none other than Mr. Wong-Quincey. He is a fixture there. Without him, Tsing Hwa will not be Tsing Hwa. With him, Tsing Hwa, in spite of all the transformations it has gone through, will still be Tsing Hwa, in the same way that Jack with baby's bibs will still be the same Jack with beard and moustache.

Mr. Wong-Quincey has been consecutively Professor, Dean, Vice-President and Acting President of Tsing Hwa College. Since Tsing Hwa's status has been raised to that of a University, Mr. Wong-Quincey has become Chairman of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature. It speaks much for his ability and prestige, that there has never been any trouble in his Department during all these years of "storm and stress."Whatever one may say about Mr. Wong-Quincey's teaching, this thing one must admit about him: he is all that a Chairman should be at a meeting. There is no fuss, no meandering about in irrelevant talkee talkee. All discussion is made to lead to some sort of decision. And when the meeting is over, one always has the feeling that something has been done.

As a teacher, Mr. Wong-Quincey is not a person who can inspire love or devotion in his pupils towards him. Admiration and respect he evokes in them. No student ever goes to see Mr. Wong-Quincey merely for talk's sake: a student only calls on him to talk business. And when the business is done, that's the end of the matter. There is no lingering, no wish to prolong the minute into the hour. The student goes away feeling relieved; and, I daresay, Mr. Wong-Quincey, too, feels relieved that something uncomfortable has been gone through and done with.

Mr. Wong-Quincey is one of the most impulsive and enthusiastic men I have ever known. But his impulsive and enthusiastic side never shows up in the lecture-room. There he is perfunctory and phlegmatic: he almost gives one the impression of a presbyterian clergyman going through the funeral service. There is a sense of weary effort, and monotonous constraint. When the hour-bell strikes, Mr. Wong-Quincey is glad to go away; and, I think, his students, too, reciprocate his feelings in the matter.

Nothing out of the way in Mr. Wong-Quincey's personal appearance or ways. If we laugh at him at all, it is because he is so normal, so very correct in his conformation to everything that a good citizen ought to be. In fact, he is irritatingly normal. He is hygienically clean, in both the physical and moral sense. He is blameless as a husband. He is conscientious as a teacher. He is punctilious in all that relate to his duties as a senior member of the Tsing Hwa staff. He loves gardening. He is a good tennis player. He is a good shot. He takes an interest in football. He wears pants in summer, and long gowns in winter. He smokes a pipe. There is nothing outrageous in his house. Everything about him is as it should be. And yet, why is it that his friends poke fun at him behind his back? I think the answer is to be found in his plays.

A few years ago, one of Mr. Wong-Quincey's plays, She Stoops to Compromise, was produced in Peking. The farce was excellent, the technique was perfect, the acting was good. There was not one dull moment in the whole play. Altogether it was a brilliant success. Everything that hard work and dramatic scholarship and ingenuity could do to make the play a good show was in She Stoops to Compromise. But when the applause was over, and the lights were out, and we were out once again in the open street, rushing about for our cars and our rickshaws, why was it that there arose in many of us a feeling of resentment, almost against the author? Is it not because Mr. Wong-Quincey has given us everything in She Stoops to Compromise, except the one thing needful—the something human? Yes, we miss that; and missing that, we are dissatisfied with Mr. Wong-Quincey. Success, respect, admiration may all be his due; but we shall sometimes pay him back with laughter, so long as he lacks the human touch.

[No. 25; June 21, 1934]







