Of our national heroes who led the Volunteers against the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1932, only few are now left in the field. Among those who remain we may mention only two: the "Little White Dragon," a former brigand chief, and General Wang Teh-lin, the self-styled "fighting bull."
Wang Lin who later came to be known as Wang Teh-lin was born in the valley of River Chi (沂水), Shantung, where Confucius longed to have his bath. His parents died early, and in his teens he was looked upon as a good-for-nothing loafer in his village. However, he was soon found among the more adventurous elements migrating from Shantung to Manchuria in the 90's and later owning a timber mill in Shanchakou (now Tungning), eastern Kirin. It was here that an important episode happened to him which changed Wang Lin the lumber mill owner into Wang Teh-lin who shines forth now as a lone star among the Volunteer leaders.
A few years before the Boxer Uprising, the Russian influence, if not dominant was already keenly felt in Manchuria; and over the hills of Shanchakou, as elsewhere along the Chinese-Russian border, Chinese and Russian frontier guards jointly searched the hills for bandits every winter. It so happened that six bandits were stopping at Wang Lin's lumber camp and were peacefully making themselves at home, when suddenly appeared not far from the camp the Russian guards. The outlaws, seeing that it was too late to escape, put up a desperate fight and killed several Russians. Half of their own number were killed and the others fled. The Russian guards reached the camp, shot down four or five mill hands and lined up the rest to face the firing squad. The Chinese soldiers hearing the shots hurried up the hills and were there just in time to save the innocent lumber jacks. All the while Wang Lin was returning to his camp from the city where he had collected accounts from his clients. In the camp he found his nephew—his sister's son, to be exact—among the dead, and he vowed vengeance.
In the spring he sold his mill and moved to Vladivostok, where he was known to the Chinese as a hard worker, a peaceful and honest man. But soon the number of drunken Russian guards who were drowned in the port or otherwise mysteriously disappeared was, so the story goes, on the increase. It did not take the Russians long to cast suspicion on this new comer, and one morning Wang Lin found himself arrested by the Russians who were quite determined to do away with him. But the Chinese population of Vladivostok was agog, and many Chinese firms of good reputation were willing to bail him out. The Russian authorities, in order to pacify the Chinese merchants and labourers, sent him to the Russian consul in Changchun. After three months' investigation, the consul found no evidence against him and set him free. Clad in autumn clothing he braved the Manchurian mid-winter weather and walked from Changchun back to Vladivostok. Then came the Boxer Uprising, and after the tumult which it created, we find Wang Lin and a score or so of his followers hunting in the woods along the highway between Vladivostok and Kirin city. They plundered and sometimes killed Russian travellers. And true to the traditions of outlaws, Wang Lin was always generous to the poor. The Russians pressed the Chinese authorities to exterminate the gang, but Wang Lin and his followers were always too fleet for the halfhearted Chinese soldiers and it was not until some time after one Russian official had been attacked that they were cornered and driven to a desperate fight. Five or six of Wang Lin's men were killed and the Chinese commanding officer desiring to end the trouble once for all—officially at least—got some villagers to verify that Wang Lin was among the dead. So Wang Lin was dead, and Wang Teh-lin was merrily carrying on his Robin Hood activities.
In 1915 due to a combination of factors, including the notorious Twenty-One Demands, Wang and his followers were incorporated into the Kirin regular army. He was made a major and his followers, over four hundred in number, formed a battalion. And for sixteen years he and his men led soldiers' humdrum life, with the occasional excitement in suppressing the bandits.
Then came the September 18 Incident. Two provinces were lost in as many days. It was a time of bewilderment to the local authorities. While they deliberated on what they should do, the Japanese lost no time in making further survey of eastern Kirin where they planned to build a railway of great strategic importance connecting Changchun to a northeastern Korean port. The surveyors came to south of Tunhua and came dangerously near the headquarters of Wang Teh-lin. His guards signalled to the Japanese to stop and shot and killed one of them when they ignored the guards' commands. The matter was referred by the Japanese to the garrison commander in Tunhua, and Major Wang was summoned. He went and he stuck to his gun. When the Japanese representative remarked to Major Wang's superior that Chinese military men were unreasonable, he spanked the Japanese on the cheek and retorted that there was no one in the world so unreasonable as the Japanese military who occupied two Chinese provinces without slightest provocation. He left with his bodyguards before any one else in the meeting grasped the full significance of the act.
By hook and crook the Japanese won over his superior who tried to persuade Major Wang to board the same train and go to the Kirin city. But he was too shrewd for the Japanese, and this was his reply: "After old Marshal Chang's train was bombed by the Japanese, who is safe to travel by train?" With these words he ended his allegiance to his former superior, and a few days later he captured Tunhua by a surprise night attack. What he did after that is too well known to call for repetition here. Suffice it to say that at one time he had under him between 100,000 and 200,000 men, although by the early part of 1933 his forces dwindled to 50,000-60,000 and he, as so many other Volunteer leaders, had to flee to Russia. In the following summer he came back to China by way of Europe and the South Seas. He stopped at Hongkong and with the promise of some material help by Canton back he went to assume his command of his forces without so much as touching Shanghai.
He is daring and quick in decision. A man of over fifty years old, he still lives a strenuous life. He is a simple man, but his tall and squarely built stature looks impressive; indeed there is something of a fighting bull in him. It was in Canton that he remarked: "I am a fighting bull, and I know only how to fight." To fight he certainly knows, for even as this is being written the news dispatches from Manchuria indicate that several districts in eastern Kirin have once more fallen into his hands and Chinese flags are proudly waving in that small corner of the territory that has been for centuries China's.
L. Y.
[No. 33; Aug. 16, 1934]
林 幽