The other day I was listening to a heated discussion on the subject of women's education—what an age-old topic! I call it primitive, for to think at a time when women's position in the society has been more or less established that there should still be doubts as to the advisability of educating your daughter or sister. However, doubt exists, even among women themselves, although they only whisper it among themselves. Well, the consensus of opinion is, that higher education is not necessary for women, because they very seldom make use of it. One person held the view that he had known a woman biologist who went to teach English all her life long, and another Master of English Literature who got married and did not know how to rear her children. The absurdity of the contention is not for this column to refute. But to come back from my digression. The point is how this controversial conversation led me to see how very few man of that type knew women like Ku Zing-whai.
That Zing-whai and I should become fast friends is rather strange. She and I never went to school together (as if having the same Alma Mater gives the affinity between friends). Her scholastic interest is quite different from mine; she buries herself among figures, bottles, plates whose very nature is alien to me! We did, however, share an apartment together for six or eight weeks when, in our exile student days, I did the cooking and she the dish-washing. I liked her then not because she could wash thoroughly or because she let me take my afternoon nap immediately after my lunch. The fact that one could so like her in such a short time is a recommendation itself.
Zing-whai is a native of Kating, a small town off the Shanghai-Nanking Railway, a small town that, nevertheless, boasts of its progressiveness. She distinguished herself in Chinese in the Kiangsu Provincial Normal School at Soochow, that scenic spot where old-time-beauty once thrived with old-time-scholar! Zing-whai was the youngest in her class, but one of the most brilliant. Later she went to Utopia College to prepare herself for going abroad. It was there that she stood out definitely as a future physicist and mathematician. She was graduated from Cornell University. Yale gave her her Master's degree, and the University of Michigan made her a full-fledged Doctor of physics. Her scholastic record was flawless. She is now connected with the Academia Sinica in the department of physics.
But Zing-whai as a person is even more lovely. Short in statue, yet embodying such a great mind, quiet, unpretentious, she moves among her friends a helper and comforter. Her spirit of sympathy is unimpeachable. Her friends can always go to her with their tales of woe and be sure that she'll give a ready and listening ear. That is her primary character, her interest in others. That is also true liberalism—always have room for other people's opinion. She does not like talking for the sake of talking, which most men [perhaps the writer means women!] find amusing and thrilling. Yet she has a sense of humour which most people lack.
You see, if only my friends who discussed so hotheadedly over the question of women's education had gone, instead of to the cabarets and members of women's clubs, to intelligent women to find the achievement of an educated woman, how much wasteful conversation could have been saved. But then, what will there be for them to talk about?
[No. 38; Sep. 20, 1934]