CHEN T' UNG-PE (陈通伯)
Thin, of medium height, with a sallow complexion, Mr. Chen is obviously made more for indoor, rather than for outdoor, work. Off the chair, he is not himself. On the chair, he is in his element, either for talking, reading, teaching, or (I am tempted to say) for fighting. His sedentary habit has moulded his body into a question mark. This is not noticeable when he sits down, but the moment he stands up, the weight of his head seems too much for his spinal chord to support: hence the pronounced stoop.
There seems to be nothing remarkable in Mr. Chen's appearance. But his is a face which, once seen, is not easily forgotten. There is something sinister about it, the more so when it is writhed into smiles. It always gives one the impression of a withdrawing of something somewhere. Is it the withdrawing of claws or of fangs? Or is the withdrawing more in the nature of the retreat of a tiger into its lair? I don't know, but somehow I would rather have Mr. Chen's scowl than his smile.
There is magic in Mr. Chen's large eyes. Well set in a sharply chiselled face, crowned by hair which is parted in the middle, his eyes eat their way through everything and everybody. Even when the eye-lids are droopy and tired, the eyes are always clear and bright. There seems to be every virtue in them, —penetration, intelligence, quickness, wit. But there is no kindness. Faults are only seen as faults. Accompanying the diagnosis, there may be laughter, but it is the derisive laughter of satire, not the kindly laughter of humour. So it is that, when Mr. Chen's eyes light on one, they make one uncomfortable and inexpansive: one feels that to unfold oneself in such company would be dangerous. Most often, therefore, one shuts oneself up before him; and one takes away from his presence only the memory of his clear and beautiful, but unkind, eyes.
Mr. Chen is most happy and at his best in the silent company of his books. And what a company. His catholicity of interest is reflected in the multitude and the variety of his books. There are books on all kinds of subjects under the sun. What is more, Mr. Chen reads them. Very few of his books are any good from the bibliophile's point of view. Mr. Chen is not interested in beautiful bindings and beautiful printing. This explains why it is that so many of his books are second-hand. He buys books to read, and not to look at. Although his wide reading shows the catholicity of his interest, it does not, however, give evidence of a catholic mind. Like his three favourite authors, —Jane Austen, H. G. Wells, and Anatole France, —Mr. Chen certainly has a good deal of "sense and sensibility" in what he does and says, but like them, too, there is also a good deal of "pride and prejudice" in his view of persons and things.
Besides reading, Mr. Chen finds his pleasure and ease in writing and translating. Most of his writings are in the nature of criticism. This is as one would expect. His forte is to analyse and satirize. With what ineffable lightness and clarity he does it! There is first the sinister smile, —the luring of the subject into the tiger's lair. And when he has sufficiently played with the subject, he gobbles it up, with a sneer or a laugh. To vary the figure, Mr. Chen's critical method always reminds me of a cat on a lawn playing about with a mouse on a cold, bright day in mid-winter. It's beautiful and cold to look at, and it always ends up in murder as a fine art.
Mr. Chen is, at present, Dean of the College of Arts of Wu-Han University. He runs the College with such good sense that it is now reputed to be the best of its kind in China. This should occasion no surprise, as in all those qualities of moderation, clear-headedness, and commonsense, which a good administrator ought to have, Mr. Chen is a shining example. For this reason, I should be happy to have Mr. Chen as my boss in any administrative work I have to do, but I should certainly not like to have him as my only companion in a desert island.
[No. 44; Nov. 1, 1934]