Mr. Sheng has told us all about himself in his book Ma Mère. But that was long ago. Lots of things have happened to him since then. He has married, and is now as fond a father as any of us. From being one of the taught, he has now become a teacher for many years among his own people. As private secretary of Chang Chi, he has had a taste of what it is like to be an official. Within the short space of two years, he has seen his country surrender Manchuria, and stage one of the most heroic fights in history in Shanghai. These things have not happened without having their traces on him. If he were to re-write his autobiography now, it would have to be a little different from before. But we doubt whether he'll ever do such a thing. We shall instead do it for him, —not in detail, for which we are not competent, but in the rough, which anybody who has spoken with him and shaken him by the hand can do.
Mr. Sheng looks his age, —the right side of forty. He has a few grey hairs, but his appearance and carriage are those of a man whom Time has only touched up with a light and leisurely hand. He is rather thin and tall, with a slight stoop in his gait. Restless and very much awake, he is most himself when he talks. Then it seems as if he is on the stage. He dramatises what he thinks. It almost appears as if his gestures and bodily movements are more expressive of what he wants to say than the torrent of words that tumble out of his mouth. Is it economics he is talking about? There is certainly logic and a good deal of sense in what he says. But what has the rightness or wrongness of a dramatis persona's economic views got to do with his acting? If the acting is good, we let the economic views take care of themselves. So also with Mr. Sheng. We attend to his expressive gestures and movements when he talks about economics, but we ignore his economics. Is it about Mallarmé, Romain Rolland and André Gide he is excited about? We are impressed by his excitement, but we very soon forget all he has to say about those idols of his. The acting is the thing.
This dramatic quality of Mr. Sheng's character is especially borne out by the manner he reads poetry. It is dramatic rather than recitative. In other words, we get a better idea of what he is reading by looking at him, than by listening to him. The modulations of his voice, his gestures and the swift changes of expression on his face, are those of an actor of poetry, and not of a reader of poetry.
This dramatic quality in Mr. Sheng would lead us to infer that his is a complex character. But strange to say, our first impression of him is of a naive person. His exuberant manner, his buoyancy, and his apparently reckless flow of words are undoubtedly responsible for this impression. But this impression is wrong. Mr. Sheng is a man of the world. He has been through much, and he has seen much and what is more, he has profited much from his experiences. The mind that directs that reckless flow of words is not reckless; it is very sensitive to atmosphere and persons. When it scents danger, it can shut itself up as effectively as an oyster. The flow of words may still go on, but as the ocean round a shut oyster. We get words and words, but not Mr. Sheng Cheng.
What is the real Sheng Cheng like? We don't exactly know. But this we know: he is neither so bad as his enemies make him out to be, nor so good as his friends imagine. He is like fire: its essence is to burn and to give warmth. Doesn't Mr. Sheng do that by his tremendous enthusiasm for causes, —good, bad and indifferent?
[No. 49; Dec. 6, 1934]