Dakota was drowning in sensation. Cam’s mouth closed over her nipple and she thought she was going to literally faint from the pleasure of it. Was this what good sex was like? Feeling so dizzy that you thought you might lose consciousness? His mouth was hot and wet, his tongue slick as he played and explored and tortured her. Hot suction, gentle licks, sharp bites followed by a soothing kiss. Had her breasts ever been this sensitive?

No. The answer was a firm no.

It was insane.

Cam had unlocked something inside her, some capacity for sexual response she hadn’t known was there, and even though she had so many reasons why sleeping with him was a horrible idea, all she wanted was to make this last all night.

He switched to her other breast and she threaded her fingers through his hair. She didn’t want him to stop sucking on her. Ever. Her entire being was focused on where his mouth pulled and tugged. She arched her back to offer herself more fully to him and he wrapped his arm around her waist, supporting her easily.

When he finally drew back, her breasts were throbbing, the tips cool from the wetness his mouth had left. His hair stuck out in all directions.

A moment passed before they simultaneously reached for the fastenings on each other’s pants. Their hands and arms tangled and they laughed.

“How about I race you?” he asked, already yanking on his belt to loosen it.

“You’re on.”

She thumbed the metal button on her jeans, pulled the zipper down and shoved her pants and panties down so she could step out of them, but when she looked up, he was naked and grinning triumphantly.

“I win,” he said.

No, she thought as she finally looked at his fully naked body, I am definitely the winner here.

She’d never seen so many beautiful male muscles this close up before. The bedside table lamp highlighted his sculpted physique, a physique honed by hundreds of hours of sweat and effort. All the reasons she’d resisted seemed to pale in comparison to the masterpiece of human anatomy standing in front of her. Her eyes took the scenic route down his body starting with his broad shoulders, the sculpted arms, his pectorals, those gorgeous abs and ending at—she swallowed hard—his cock.

It stood out from his body at a shameless, proud angle. The tip glistened and suddenly she couldn’t hold back anymore. She reached out and wrapped her fingers around the hot, hard, velvety length.

Cam groaned as she ran her fingers along the underside then squeezed. He stood there with his eyes closed as she caressed him. Another bead of liquid appeared at the head and she used it to smooth her way. He let out even more animal sounds of pleasure along with huffs of air. His cock was just as beautiful as the rest of him—smooth skin over iron. She wanted it inside her, filling her up over and over until she couldn’t stand it anymore. It had been so long since she’d had sex, and never with someone like Cam. From tonight on, she’d always compare her partners to Cam and they would always fall short, but that wasn’t going to stop her.

He pushed her hand away, his chest rising and falling, and she made the mistake of meeting his gaze. It smoldered. It captured. It demanded. She didn’t realize she’d been backing up until her legs hit the bed.

“Lie down.”

She did and he came to stand above her, devouring her with his eyes and making her skin tingle with awareness and anticipation. Feeling saucy, she lifted one knee, opening herself to him. He said something low and dirty under his breath as he put a hand on that knee and levered it to the side, opening her even more. Her heartbeat sped up. She wanted his weight on her, pressing her into the mattress so she couldn’t get away even if she wanted to.

His palm pressed flat against the curve of her belly and she put her hand on top of it and urged it downward.

“So impatient.”

She narrowed her eyes and said, “Hey, I touched yours.”

He laughed, which irritated and amused her. “You’re keeping score?”

“Why not? In bed, we’re equals.”

One eyebrow raised, he cupped her sex and she couldn’t suppress the shudder. One of his fingers toyed with the wetness at her opening and she arched upward.

“I hate to tell you this, but you’re wrong. I’m definitely in charge.” That finger probed her the tiniest bit and her breath came out in soft short huffs.

“Afraid to let a woman tell you what to do?” she challenged.

Something flashed in his eyes. Obviously a hot button. It figured. He was a hockey player, and therefore one of the toughest types of athlete out there.

“Not at all. You want to call the shots? Go for it.” He crossed his arms and gave her a “bring it” look that showed up mostly in a slight curl of his upper lip.

She rose up on her elbows, uncertain. Now that she was in charge, she wasn’t sure what to do.

“Kiss me some more,” she said, thinking that was as good a place to start as any.

“Where?” he asked, coming to be on all fours on the bed. Warmth emanated from his body in waves. One of his legs brushed against hers, the rough hair causing a delicious friction she wanted more of.

“Anywhere you want.”

He sat back on his haunches, his hands on the tops of those thick, muscular thighs. “That’s not how this game works, Dakota. You have to be specific.”

She wasn’t sure she liked this game, but she had her pride. She wasn’t going to back down now.

“Kiss me on my mouth, my neck, my ears, my face.” God, this was so unsexy.

He came down to her level, bringing his face within inches of hers. Her stomach got all fluttery again. “I like kissing you, Dakota,” he said. “I like it a lot.”

Their mouths met and her irritation at his teasing vanished. In its place was a feeling that was part yearning, part satisfaction and she decided it was a good thing she was horizontal because her bones felt like jelly again. He kissed her with a reverent hunger that she felt as well, but beneath the hot pleasure was the nagging feeling that this was too good to be true.

“What next?” he asked, after having ravished every part of exposed skin from her shoulders, up.

“Kiss my…my middle section,” she said, daring him to make fun of her word choice.

“Your wish is my command,” he answered, sliding down her body.

Her nipples tightened as his mouth drew near, but he kissed a tortuous path between them, down to her navel. She pouted a second before he reached up and squeezed her breasts, tweaking the nipples and making her gasp.

His hot tongue licked at her belly button and he dragged his lips along her bikini line. Shamelessly, she spread her legs in a wordless plea, but he ignored it. As the minutes ticked by and he continued kissing and nipping the skin of her abdomen and hips, she realized he wasn’t going to make a move without her direction.

“Touch me, kiss me…between my legs,” she said before he could ask her where.

She felt his fingers on her inner thighs. “Here?”


“And here?” He cupped her sex.


Once again, he obeyed and she surrendered to the heat and pleasure of it. The man knew what he was doing. Even though she was more desperate for sex than she’d ever been in her entire life, he slowed things down and took his time. He left no inch of her untouched, using his tongue and lips and even his teeth to tease and pleasure her until she was writhing with need.

“Cam, I need you,” she gasped, pulling at his head. “I need you inside me.”

His response was to go at her harder.

He was going to make her come with his mouth.

And it was going to be glorious.

Cam had always been good at setting goals and achieving them, and right now his life had but one purpose: to make Dakota climax. Hard. To that end, he focused all his powers of concentration and observation to gauge her body. He knew they’d passed the point of teasing and they were in the home stretch. All he had to do was keep tonguing that one hard little nub.

Well, that and manage to not come himself. His cock was aching like a son of a bitch and he was so worked up he was afraid he’d shoot his load long before he wanted to.

Shifting position, he moved his arm up and gently pushed a finger inside her. Fuck. She was so tight and hot and wet. When he pulled back and slid two fingers in, she moaned. Fuck, yeah. He began pumping his fingers in and out as he continued to work her clit. Her panting got louder. She became increasingly restless, so much so that he had to hold her with his free hand.

Just a little bit more, he thought. Come on, baby. Come on…

Then, as if she’d heard his silent plea, she arched off the bed with a cry. Her inner muscles contracted around his fingers as he continued to thrust them into her. Reveling in the intensity of her climax, he lashed at her clit with his tongue and struggled to keep her hips from bucking him off the bed. She was stronger than she looked.

Eventually, she calmed. Her breathing returned to normal and she released her grip on the sheets.

Immensely pleased with himself, he got a condom and rolled it on. She was so beautiful right now. Her hair was spread in a silky tangle around her head. Her nipples remained taut and he felt the urge to tongue them again, but resisted. It was way past time he was inside her. His cock was so hard he was pretty sure it could punch through drywall.

Watching her beautiful face, he slicked up the head by swirling it around her pussy. She moaned and shifted her hips.

“Still impatient,” he said, as he angled his cock and pressed forward.


“Oh, Cam,” she breathed, her voice low and throaty.

He slowly pushed himself all the way in and then pulled back, almost all the way out. He loved this beginning part, the slow and easy glide. She was tight around him and her lips were parted as she caressed his cheek, then curled her fingers around his neck to pull him down for a kiss. Tongues tangled as he continued to move in and out.

She raised her legs and rubbed them against his hips, letting out small huffs of pleasure in time to his thrusts. Her own hips rocked up and her eyes were half-closed.

“You feel so damn good,” he said.

He’d worked up a light sweat by now, but Dakota was already close. There was a desperation to her soft cries. She was squeezing his shoulders rhythmically, raising her hips to meet his and causing their bodies to smack together loudly. Gritting his teeth against his own imminent climax, he drove into her harder and faster. He reached back and levered her leg up toward her head and the sounds coming from her increased in intensity.

“Cam, yes, that’s it…don’t stop.”

“I’m not stopping, sweetheart. I’ll give you everything you need.”

Which might be a lie because he was about five strokes from losing it.

Clamping down on his own need with a vise grip, he concentrated on her, on pushing his body to just perform this task, no matter the personal cost—something it was accustomed to from years and years of hockey, and moments later, just when he thought he was going to lose control, she came. She arched violently and locked her legs around his waist, again surprising him with her strength.

The pleasure came in pulsing, primitive bursts throughout his body and he couldn’t suppress a deep groan as he emptied himself into her. Nothing existed in this moment except the physical rapture of coming inside her.

The tremors eventually subsided and he relaxed, making sure the bulk of his weight wasn’t smothering her. His arms felt like rubber. His ass burned from exertion, but fuck, it was worth it. Her skin was flushed and slick with sweat. She pulled his face down and kissed him hard, grinding herself against him, using her legs, which were still crisscrossed around him.

When their breathing had slowed and his skin felt chilled, he kissed her cheek and withdrew from her.

“Be right back,” he murmured.

“I’ll be here,” she said. “Not that I think I could go anywhere right now. Like, not even if the house was on fire.”

“I doubt that,” he said from the bathroom as he rid himself of the condom and cleaned up. “You’d be up to rescue Zinny in a heartbeat.”

“No I wouldn’t,” she said. “I’d let you do it. You’re faster.”

He laughed as he returned to the bed. “That was fantastic,” he said, pulling her close for a post-orgasm kiss.

“I’d have to agree,” she said with a drowsy smile he definitely wanted to see more of.

She smoothed her hand over his flank and it felt so damned nice. He had hands on his body all the time—the trainers were always manipulating some part of his body, working out stiffness, loosening knots, etc., but it wasn’t the same as having a woman touch him. At all. Even this casual touch satisfied some need deep inside him.

It had never been like this with his ex-wife Morgan. Sex with Morgan had been hot but shallow, he realized now. Everything with and about Morgan had been shallow, and Dakota was the opposite. Dakota experienced everything deeply, cared about more than material things, devoted herself to other people, not just herself.

She shifted position and sighed.

“What was that for?” he asked, fingering a lock of her hair. It was still strange to see it all loose and wild.

“I’m just wondering what’s going to happen now.”

He kissed her lips gently. “We’re going to rest a couple more minutes and then I’m going to jump you again.”

She laughed softly, but worry still lingered in her eyes. “No, I mean like tomorrow and so on. We crossed a line tonight.”

“And if I had it to do over again, I would. No question. This was right, Dakota. It felt right.”

“I agree, but when I walk out of this room, who am I?”

“Dakota, you’re not making sense. You’re you, a woman who was just sexually satisfied by a master of the erotic arts.”

She wriggled away from him, clearly irritated. “Stop it. I mean, am I your housekeeper with benefits now? Because even though the sex was incredible, I feel like a bad cliché.”

“Hey, don’t pull away.”

“Answer the question then.”

“No. We absolutely do not go back to me being your boss. Thanks for asking. That relationship isn’t working for me anymore. It did for a very short while, but I want more now. I want more of this.” He threaded his fingers through her loose hair and kissed her. “I want more of you being you, not…performing job duties. Not cleaning and cooking because you need the money. I…want to take the money out of the equation and I want us to just be us.”

She said nothing for a moment, just searching his face.

“You want to…change our relationship status?” she asked.

“Yes. I want you to be my girlfriend. If you want to.”

Please say you want to.

Anxiety had replaced the lovely, languorous lassitude that had weighted Dakota’s limbs just moments before. Cam wanted to be in a relationship with her.

Did she want that? Hell yes. She wanted that more than anything. Should she? If she said yes to this, she had no job. No source of income. She told him that.

“Jesus, I’ll provide for you—you and the Zin Bin. You don’t have to worry about money. I want to take care of you guys. I want that so much.”

“I know you want that to be comforting and I don’t doubt your sincerity, but I can’t live like that. I can’t be totally dependent on you. I can’t.”

“I actually knew you were going to say that and that’s fine. So just get another job, one that you actually enjoy.”

“Or maybe I could go back to school and finish my degree.”

“Damn straight you could,” he said. “I support you one hundred percent in whatever it is you decide to do. That’s the number one job of a boyfriend, I hear.”

Happier and more relaxed than she’d been in a very long time, she smiled at him. “You heard wrong, actually. The number one job of a boyfriend is making love to his girlfriend.”

“Is that so?” he asked, returning her smile.

“It is,” she said, rolling on top of him. “So you’d better get busy, buster.”