Born Just Right: The nonprofit run by Jordan and her mom, Jen
STEAM Squad: Jordan and her STEAM friends
MAKE magazine: A community of makers around the world
Tinkercad: The first 3-D CAD tool Jordan used
Girls Who Code: A nonprofit that aims to support and increase the number of women in computer science
DIY: A site that awards kids with digital (and real, if you want to pay) badges for making stuff
Eighteenx18: A creative platform to engage the young generation to speak our truth, get active, and (once you’re old enough) vote!
Black Girls Code: A nonprofit that focuses on providing technology education for African-American girls
Être: A resource site where motivated girls can find the tools they need.
GenderAvenger: An organization focused on making sure women (and girls) are included in public events
Girls on the Run: Jordan enjoyed running and learning about girl power through this organization.