Page numbers for Diagrams in bold
Aborigines: Tully River 171
abstinence and fasting 45
academia and art 81
adultery 104
Ajuan 130
alienation 21
animal sacrifice 108
anomy 62
Anthony, Saint: candles 10
anthropology: social xi
anthropomorphism 154
anti-ritualism 4, 5, 6, 21, 159, 160; causes 35; Navaho 14; Roman Catholic Church 3–4
anurara (shell-cash) 143
‘Are'are people (Melanesia) 134; ‘Big Man’ 135
Arianism 175
aristocracies: role structure 33
asceticism 155, 156; to affirmation 156
ascribed status 34
Austen, J. 116
Bantu religion 15
behaviour: sexual 72
belief: social determinates 152; types 70
Bernstein, B. 22–5, 27–30, 35, 169; linguistic code 25–6; speech categories 24
Big Man 68, 69, 70, 136, 140; Melanesia 134
bishops: USA 47
Bloor, D. xxvii
body: behaviour xxxv; bowels xxxiv; control (Dinka) 102; evil symbol xxxviii; juices 118; smooth/shaggy 81; social and physical 72–91; styles 76; symbols 20
Book of Manners for Women (Humphrey) xxxv
Brahmans 176
Brethren movement 77, 119, 120, 121
Bulmer, R. 40
bureaucratic system 66
bushmen: trance 87
Buxton, J. 108
Cage, J. 65
Calley, M. 88
candles: Saint Anthony 10
cargo cult 147
caste system 176
catechisms 52
Catholic Institute for International Relations 47
Catholicism see Roman Catholic Church
Central America 116
change: social 5
children 25, 26, 27, 28, 63, 65, 127; English mother 60; socialization 80
Christianity xxxiv, 4; see also Protestantism; Roman Catholic Church
Christopher, Saint 10
Cicero 75
circumcision 42
classification system 62
codes see speech codes
communication: animals 2; non-verbal 71
condensed symbols 37
Conference of Catholic Bishops on Penitential Observance (1966) 48
congregation: religious xiv
Constantinus, Emperor 175
convulsion therapy 109
cosmology 60, 110, 158; ideas 31
Cox, H. 18
creator: omniscient 124
cross-culture xxxvi
Crucible (Miller) 149
culture 72; primitive 8, 30; theory xxix
Culture of the Teutons (Grönbech) 137–8
‘dancing in the Spirit’ 88
Darby, J.N. 77
death: Dinka 105
deprivation 89
dietary rules 40
Dinka people 17, 83, 85, 98, 99, 100, 104; bodily control 102; death 105; flesh 103; political theory 106; spear master 102, 103, 105; transhumance 105
dinner: celebration of Sunday 36
dissenting enclave xxi
Dobu Islanders 150
dualism 124
Duchesne-Guillemin, L. 124
Durkheim, E. xv, xvi, xviii, 57, 62, 71, 144, 160
economic expansion 110
Eleazar 42
Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Durkheim) xvi
enclave: xx–xxii; dissenting xxi
English mother 60
Ensor, J. 65
equality xxii
Essays in the Sociology of Perception (Douglas) xxvi
ethnolinguists 58
Eucharistic Sacrifice and the Reformation (Clark) 50, 51
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. 16, 99, 100, 101, 102
evil symbol: body xxxviii
Exclusive Brethren see Brethren movement
exogamy 100
family 128; authority 27; control 29; military 34; personal 36; personal system 28–9, 34; positional 26, 33, 34; role system 26; structure 60
fasting and abstinence 45
Feng-shui system: geomancy 138, 139
First Crusade (1095) 163
food systems xxvii
Fortes, M. 66
Fortune, R.F. 150
Freedman, Professor M. 138, 139
French Catholics xxiv
Friday abstinence 3, 4, 39, 44
front-back dimension 80
fundamentalists 21
funeral sites 135
geomancy: Chinese 138, 139, 143
Ghana 66
ghosts: Mae Enga ancestral 137
Goffman, E. 79
Good Friday 39
Goodenough, E.R. 45
grid and group 64; social types 148–50
Griffiths, R. xxiv
Gross, J. xxvii
Gulliver, P. 68
Hadza hunters 111; menstruation 112; sexual division 112
Harrington, M. 165
Herberg, W. 49
hierarchy xxiv–xxv, 26, 36, 57
high classification 67, 70, 148
Hinduism 157
iconoclasm 130
ideal types xiv
impersonal to personal 155
impersonality: industrial society 69
industrial society: impersonal 69; social control 114
Institute of Technology and Society (Vienna) xxix
Instruction on the Eucharistic Mystery 51
internal organs: God, xxxiv
Keynes, J.M. 98
Kingsley, M. 112
Kluchhohn, C. 127
Knightly, P.: and Simpson, C. 161
Kung Bushmen: Kalahari Desert 85
Landau, S.: and Jacobs, P. 156
language 22–3, 73, 78, 99, 171; see also Bernstein
laughter xxxv
law: God-given 3
Lawrence, D.H. 32
Lawrence, P. 132, 133, 134, 146, 147
Lawrence, T.E. 161
Leach, E. 173
Lent 45
leprosy xviii
Lévi-Strauss, C. xxxvi, 73, 74, 177
Leviticus 40
Lienhardt, G. 17, 84–5, 104, 106, 128–30
Lim, R. xxix
lingua humilis 75
linguistic code 25
liturgy: reform 9
London 37; families 59; schools 25; West Indian sects 88, 89
Lord's supper 50
Lortz, Dr J. 51
Lugbara people 125
McCarthy, J. 149
Mae Enga: ancestral ghosts 137
magic 17, 109, 136, 146, 157, 158; civilization 9; natural 73; theology 8, 9–10
Maimonides xxxiv
Maine, H.J.S. 57
Mandari people 107–8; spirit possession 108
Marwick, M.G. 115
medicine men 86
Meggitt, M.J. 137
Merton, R.K. 2
methodology xxxvii
Middleton, J. 125
millennial movements 146, 162, 165, 166
Ming dynasty 139
Mitchell, C. 116
mobility: professional 29
Mormons xxiii
mother: English 60
‘mother-in-law language’ 171
Mysterium Fidei (Pope Paul VI) 49
myths 95
natural magic 73
natural symbols: four systems xxxvii
Navaho people 12, 13, 14; anti-ritualism 14; witchcraft 126
Ndembu people: rituals 10
Ndendeule people 68
Neal, Sister M.A. 7
Needham, R. 78
Nelson Darby, J. 122
neophytes xiv
net hunters: pygmies 15
New Catechism 52
New Guinea tribes 68; cargo cults 145–6
Newman, J.H. 175
Nilotic languages 99
nomads: Basseri 19, 20; Persian 19, 58
Norwegian Centre for Organization and Management xxviii
Nuer people 83, 97, 98, 101, 103; God 17; religion 16; rites 104
nyok 109
L'Osservatore Romano (Bertrams) 45
Ostrander, D. xxvi
Otto, R. 73
outcastes: voluntary 64
Parsons, T. 82; and Smelser, N. 82
pastoralists 126
Patterns of Sectarianism (Wilson) 5
Paul VI, Pope (1966) 45
penance 46
Pentecostal Church 54; London 124–5
Pentecostalists 88
phenomenologists 78
philosophy: Western 124
physical and social body 72–91
Plymouth Brethren 121
population: density 110
possession cults: women 96
prayer books 52
Primitive Classification (Durkheim and Mauss) 61
primitive ritualist 37
Prisoner of Grace (Carey) xi
Protestant, Catholic, Jew (Herberg) 22
proto-hierarchy xxv
Psalms xxxiv
psychopathic manifestation 123
Purity and Danger (Douglas) xxxiii, 40
pygmies 14, 16, 36, 38, 59; Ituri 154; kinship 111; Mbuti 11, 111; net hunters 15
Rayner, S. xxvii
reality: social construct 153
Reformation 130
religion: Bantu 15; Crow 144; forensic approach xvii–xix; Garia (New Guinea) 134; primitive 3, 17; private xix; sacramental 8, 9; sociology xiii, xiv, xix, xxiii, xxix, 7; trance 83
religious congregation xiv
Rendille pastoralists 109; social control 109
restricted code 25, 26, 27, 35, 57, 59, 170; ritual 58
Resurrection 10
Risk and Culture (Wildavsky and Douglas) xxviii
risk xxviii
ritual 1–20, 37; communication 2; conformity 4; restricted code 58–9; symbolic action 7–8
Rivière, P. 116
role structure: aristocracies 33
Roman Catholic Church xvi, xxiii, 46–51, 176; America 7; anti-ritualism 3–4; Eucharist 9, 44, 49; French xxiv; Friday Abstinence 3, 4, 39, 44
Rousseau, J.J. 6
Rovere, R. 149
Russell Sage Foundation (New York) xxvi
Sartre, J.-P. 163
Schebesta, P. 17
secularism 18
self 30
serfs 97
sex: frustration 92–3; intercourse xxxviii, 72, 105, 111; role 26
shamanism 83
Shevante people 116
Silent Language (Hall) 73
Simpson, C. and Knightly, P. 161
Sivan, E. xxiv
slaves 97
Smelser, N. 6; and Parsons, T. 82
social anthropology xi
social change 5
social control xxxvi, 30, 115; industrial society 114; Rendille society 109
social distance xxxiii
social group 58
social and physical body 72–91
social theory xiii
socialization 80
socio-linguistics 22
sociology of religion xiii, xiv, xix, xxiii, xxix
solidarity: mechanical/organic 24
sorcery 144
spear master: Dinka 102, 103, 105
speech 23, 24, 27, 60, 61; categories 24; codes 30, 168; elaborated 32
Spencer, P. 109
Spickard, J. xxix
Spirit Mediumship and Society in Africa (Beattie and Middleton) 93
spirit possession 93, 96, 100, 101; Mandari 108
status 34
strain 6
students: protesting (1968) 163, 178
style: body 76; intermediate 75; levels 75; lowly (lingua humulis) 75; sublime 75
success: personal 143
supernatural power 137
symbolic acts 2
symbols: bodily 20; Christian 11; condensed 10, 11, 37; diffuse 11; natural xxxvii; non-verbal 53; power of 48; socially determined 9
table manners 81
talking in tongues 54
Tallensi people 66
Tangu people 147
Tanzania: Ndendeule 68
theology 8
Thompson, M. xxvi
Thomson, R., Lord of Fleet 139–40
Thurber, J. 79
tongues: gift of 88; talking in 54
tooth money 135
trance 83–7, 102; bushmen 87; religious cult 83; Samburu 83; Western Dinka 85
transhumance 105
transubstantiation 49
tribal systems 66
tribes 82
Tribes without Rulers (Lienhardt) 105
Trinity: feminist perspective xxix
Trio 116
Tully River aborgines 171
underclass xxiii
United States of America (USA) 47; Catholicism 7; Christian denominations 22
University College (London) xxvi
Van Gennep, A. 89
virgin birth 173
war 67, 103; Central Africa 67
water-spirit: Duminea 95; minor 94
Weil, S. 92
Werke (Weimar) 51
West Indian sects: London 88, 89
Whorf, B.L. 23
Wildavsky, A. xxvii
witch-cleansing 126
witchcraft 66, 67, 116, 117, 125; bodily juices 118; characteristics 118–19; Navaho 126
women 79, 93, 96, 97; oru 95; possession cults 96; social life 96
Words (Sartre) 33
working class: English 170; unskilled 6
wrong-doing 110
Zambia 10