1776-1876: The Centennial Cook Book and General Guide, by Mrs. Ella E. Myers
American Cookery, by Amelia Simmons
The American Family Keepsake, by The Good Samaritan
Apician Morsels, by Dick Humelbergius Secundus
The Art of Dining, and the Art of Attaining High Health, by Thomas Walker
California Recipe Book, by Ladies of California
The Canadian Housewife’s Manual of Cookery
Canoe and Camp Cookery, by Seneca
The Compleat Housewife, by Eliza Smith
Confederate Receipt Book
The Cook Not Mad
The Cook's Own Book, and Housekeeper's Register, by Mrs. N.K.M. Lee
Cottage Economy, by William Cobbett
Dainty Dishes, by Lady Harriet E. St. Clair
Dairying Exemplified, by Josiah Twamley
De Witt's Connecticut Cook Book, and Housekeeper's Assistant, by Mrs. N. Orr
Every Lady's Cook Book, Mrs. T.J. Crowen
Fifteen Cent Dinners for Families of Six, by Juliet Corson
The Frugal Housewife, by Susannah Carter
The Hand-Book of Carving
The Health Reformer's Cookbook, by Lucretia E. Jackson
The Housekeeper's Manual
How to Mix Drinks, by Jerry Thomas
Jewish Cookery Book, by Esther Levy
Miss Leslie’s New Cookery Book, by Eliza Leslie
Mrs. Hale’s New Cook Book, by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale
Mrs. Owen’s Illinois Cook Book, by Mrs. T.J.V. Owens
Mrs. Porter’s New Southern Cookery Book, by Mrs. M.E. Porter
The New Housekeeper’s Manual, by Catherine E. Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe
The New England Cook Book
The Practical Distiller, by John Wyeth
The Physiology of Taste, by Jean A. Brillat-Savarin
Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats, by Eliza Leslie
The Times’ Recipes, by The New York Times
A Treatise on Bread, by Sylvester Graham
Vegetable Diet, by William Alcott
The Virginia Housewife, by Mary Randolph
What to Do with the Cold Mutton
The Young Housekeeper, by William Alcott