Funny Book Titles

General Titles - Part 1

Robots by Anne Droid

Songs from ‘South Pacific’ by Sam and Janet Evening

Karate and Judo by Marsha Larts

Pain in My Body by Otis Leghurts

She Was Naked by Oliver Klozoff

Fixing Computer Programs by Dee Bugger

How to Write a Will by Benny Fishery

Predicting the Future by Claire Voyant

It Won’t Work! by Mel Function

It’s All In Your Head by Madge Ination

Out and About

The Tragedy Near the Cliff by Ilene Dover

Falling Trees by Tim Burr

Danger! by Luke Out

Never Gonna Happen by Jason Rainbows

Almost Missed the Bus by Justin Time

Highway Travel by Dusty Rhodes

Ambulance Driving by Adam Muhway

The Hitchhiker by Juan Nalift

French Overpopulation by Francis Crowded

World Leaders by Polly Tickell

At School

I Love Mathematics by Adam Up

Body Parts by Anne Atomy

Circle Perimeters by Sir Cumference

The History of the Cold War by Sophie Etunion

Flips and Tumbles by Jim Nastics

How to Succeed in School by Rita Book

Explosives in Chemistry by Stan Wellback

You Did Exceptionally Well by Marco de Stinction

Every Word Ever by Dick Shunnery

A History of Communist Leaders by Dick Tater

General Titles - Part 2

Jewish Holidays by Hannah Kerr

Chest Pain by I. Coffalot

Money Management by Owen Cash

Woodworm Trouble by Nora Bedpost

Nuclear Explosives by Adam Baum

Songs for Children by Barbara Blacksheep

To Be Honest by Frank Lee

Keep On Trying by Percy Veer

A New Dawn Coming by Tamara Morning

I’m Highly Embarrassed by Rosie Cheeks

In Your Home

Carpet Fitting by Walter Wall

Sitting Down at the Barbeque by Patty O’Furniture

Interior Decorating by Curt Enrod

Old Furniture by Anne Teak

Bubbles in the Bathtub by Ivor Windybottom

Artificial Fabrics by Polly Ester

Japanese Clothing by Kim Ono

He Cuts the Grass by Moses Lawn

Repairing Old Clothes by Fred Bear

A Strong Hurricane by Rufus Gone

Crime and Punishment

Theft and Robbery by Andy Tover

Armed Heists by Robin Banks

Breaking the Law by Kermit A. Krime

Crackdown on Violent Crime by Lauren Order

Police Headquarters by Scott Linyard

I Didn’t Do It by Ivan Alibi

I Admit That It Was Me By Gil Tea.

Crime Doesn’t Pay by Laura Norda

Catching Criminals by Hans Upp

The Policeman and the Criminal by Iris Tew

The Worst Titles

The Runaway Horse by Gay Topen

Telephone Problems by Ron Number

Aching Joints by Arthur Itis

A Load of Old Rubbish by Stefan Nonsense

Will He Win? By Betty Wont

Sunday Service by Neil Downe

Blackpool Beach by Rhoda Donkey

Late Again by Misty Buss

Breakfast in Europe by Roland Butter

Win the Lottery by Jack Pot

General Titles - Part 3

Creaky Door by Rusty Hinges

Cry Wolf by Al Armist

Visiting Haunted Houses by Hugo First

Mosquito Bites by Ivan Itch

A Bestiary of Plant Eaters by Herb Avore

Lizards are Taking Over the World by E. Gwanna and Sally Manda

Pain and Sorrow by Anne Guish

A Terrible Journey by Helen Back

Vegetable Gardening by Rosa Cabbages

Cheese Dishes by Della Katessan

Every One A Winner

Dance Dance Dance by Sheik Yabuti

For the Betterment of Society by Ben Everlent

Keep the Animals In by Barb Dwyer

Gardening Equipment by Lon Moore

Come to My Party by Morris Merrier

The Atheist by Noel Noevan

Comedy Today by Stan Dupp

Modern Giants by Hugh Mungus

Dogs are Great by Kay Nein

Leather Preparation by Tanya Hyde

The Best Titles

Irish Flooring by Lynn O’Leum

Artificial Weightlessness by Andy Gravity

Remind Me of Your Name by Hugh R. Ewe

Without Warning by Oliver Sudden

Don’t drink the potion by Jacqueline Hyde

A Trip To The Dentist by Lord Howard Hurts

Monkeys and Other Primates by Jim Panzee

House Construction by Bill Jerome Holme

Unknown Instructions by Mr. Emmanuel

The Cat’s Revenge by Claude Balls