The Best of

L. Sprague de Camp


Introduction by Poul Anderson


published by Phoenix Pick

An Imprint of Arc Manor

P. O. Box 10339

Rockville, MD 20849-0339


Smashwords Edition


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The Best of L. Sprague de Camp copyright © 1978 by L. Sprague de Camp. Introduction copyright © 1978 by Poul Anderson. All rights reserved. This book may not be copied or reproduced, in whole or in part, by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without written permission from the publisher except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.


ISBN (Digital): 978-1-61242-249-7

ISBN (Paper): 978-1-61242-248-0






“Hyperpilosity,” copyright © 1938 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc., for Astounding Science Fiction, April 1938. Copyright renewed 1965 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“Language for Time Travelers,” copyright © 1938 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc., for Astounding Science Fiction, July 1938. Copyright renewed 1965 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“The Command,” copyright © 1938 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc., for Astounding Science Fiction, October 1938. Copyright renewed 1966 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“The Merman,” copyright © 1938 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc., for Astounding Science Fiction, December 1938. Copyright renewed 1966 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“Employment,” copyright © 1939 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc., for Astounding Science Fiction, May 1939. Copyright renewed 1966 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“The Gnarly Man,” copyright © 1939 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc., for Unknown, June 1939. Copyright renewed 1966 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“Nothing in the Rules,” copyright © 1939 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc., for Unknown, July 1939. Copyright renewed 1966 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“The Hardwood Pile,” copyright © 1940 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc., for Unknown, September 1940. Copyright renewed 1968 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“The Reluctant Shaman,” copyright © 1947 by Standard Magazines, Inc., for Thrilling Wonder Stories, April 1947.

“The Inspector’s Teeth,” copyright © 1950 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc., for Astounding Science Fiction, April 1950. Copyright renewed 1977 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“The Guided Man,” copyright © 1952 by Better Publications, Inc., for Startling Stories, October 1952.

“Judgment Day,” copyright © 1955 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc., for Astounding Science Fiction, August 1955.

“A Gun for Dinosaur,” copyright © 1956 by Galaxy Publishing Corporation, Inc., for Galaxy Science Fiction, March 1956.

“Reward of Virtue,” copyright © 1970 by Mercury Press, Inc., for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1970.

“The Emperor’s Fan,” copyright © 1973 by Random House, Inc., for Astounding.

“The Ameba,” copyright © 1973 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“The Little Green Men,” copyright © 1976 by L. Sprague de Camp.

“Two Yards of Dragon,” copyright © 1976 by Lin Carter for Flashing Swords No. 3.




To Poul and Karen Anderson: skaal!





Introduction by Poul Anderson


Language for Time Travelers

The Command

The Merman


The Gnarly Man

“Reward of Virtue”

Nothing in the Rules

The Hardwood Pile

The Relucant Shaman

The Inspector’s Teeth

The Guided Man

“The Ameba”

Judgment Day

A Gun for Dinosaur

The Emperor’s Fan

Two Yards of Dragon

“The Little Green Men”

Author’s Afterword