
A great big thank-you to Jill Marsal for being a fantastic agent and sounding board! I’m so blessed to work with you. To my amazing editor, Danielle Perez, thank you for all your help in making the Moon Shifter world shine. To the rest of the team at NAL who work so hard: Michele Alpern, Rosalind Parry, Kathleen Cook, Erin Galloway, and the very talented designer Anthony Ramondo. Everything you do is so appreciated.

Thank you to Dara Edmondson and Kari Walker a million times over. You two are amazing and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m lucky to call you my friends. Caridad Piñeiro, thank you so much for all your support. Laura Wright, you are the ultimate voice of reason. Our weekly phone calls keep me sane, and I treasure our friendship more than you know!

To my parents and sister, you guys are like anchors in a storm. I’m so blessed to always have your support. To my husband and son, I love you both more than anything and am so grateful for your never-ending patience when I’m on deadline.

For my readers, thank you for all your support of the Moon Shifter world! I wouldn’t be here without you. And last but definitely not least, to God for all the opportunities he’s given me.