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Second chances are not any easier than the first; this is why we must learn from our failures and avoid repeating our mistakes. Based on my trials and successes, I have learned so much that is helping me now. I only wish I could have learned these things earlier.

I would like to share some principles that have helped me make the most of my second chance. I call them “seven keys to a better life.” These principles are featured throughout this book, and it is my hope that they will be of some help to you too.

1. Develop a relationship with God and put Him first in your life.

2. Honor and respect your family by making them a priority above other things and other relationships.

3. Build a positive and strong support network of peers by choosing your friends wisely.

4. Tell the truth in all situations. Lying will always backfire.

5. Be mentored. We can learn so much from people wiser than ourselves. Then become a mentor, paying it forward to others.

6. Give hope and be an encouragement to others.

7. Pursue excellence in all you do through full commitment, sacrifice, and service.