Linus is now in Houston with his father. Get it together. Stephanie needs you.
Acton had been trying to force a few bites of breakfast down his throat this morning, when the text message from Dillon had arrived. And he’d had to read it several times over before the reality of it had finally sunk into his weary brain.
Linus was truly gone and he couldn’t begin to imagine the pain that Stephanie must be going through. He wanted to console her. To take away all the hurt she was feeling. But did she really need him now? Would she forgive him for walking away? For not understanding?
These past few days without her, he’d been trying to convince himself that she was better off without him. That she’d be better off with a man who could give her all the things she was accustomed to having in her life. Things that he could never give her.
But now as he drove through the rain toward the Fame and Fortune Ranch, he desperately wanted to believe that his love would be enough for her.
After a fitful night, with hardly any sleep, Stephanie was in such an awful state, she was forced to call Paws and Claws and tell them she was too sick to make it into work. It was the first time she’d ever missed work for any reason and she felt guilty about it. But her brothers had convinced her she was right. She couldn’t face work after going through the trauma of losing Linus.
What were her brothers going to think when they learned that not all of her misery was over Linus? That she was pregnant by the cowboy they’d feared would break her heart?
Oh, God, could it get any worse?
Finding no answers in the spring rain collecting in puddles on the walkway, she turned away from the window of her private suite in the ranch house and sat down on the couch.
After switching on a large, flat-screen TV attached to the opposite wall, she punched through dozens of channels before pushing the off button. She couldn’t focus on anything. Her thoughts continued to vacillate between Linus and Acton.
Was the baby okay? Was Eric Johnson holding him, loving him? Was he doing all the things that Linus needed to be happy and healthy?
Her heart felt heavy, and she heaved out a sigh as she tried to accept the fact that she couldn’t do anything about Linus now. But it was a different matter with Acton. Somehow she was going to have to find the strength to face him and tell him about the coming baby. Whether he had any deep feelings for her or not, he had a right to know that the two of them had created a child.
Eventually her pets must have sensed she needed comforting. Violet, the Siamese, curled up by her side, while, Daisy, the yellow tabby, settled herself in Stephanie’s lap. Even Orville hopped over and snuggled his furry body next to her bare feet.
“Well, guys, at least you three love me. But it’s going to be awfully quiet around here without Linus and Acton.”
Violet let out a coarse meow and then another. Stephanie was stroking the cat and trying to blink away another stream of tears, when the doorbell rang.
The unexpected sound jolted her. Who could that be? Her brothers had left for the construction site earlier this morning and Becky and the twins were on their way to the pediatric center.
Easing away from the pets, Stephanie went to the front door and peeked out the peephole.
Rain was dripping off the brim of his brown hat and the shoulders of his khaki Western shirt were splotched with wet spots. What was he doing here?
Her heart thumping fast, she opened the door and discovered her tongue had momentarily become glued to the roof of her mouth.
“Acton. What...why are you here?” she finally asked.
He gestured to the folded quilt and a plastic container jammed beneath one arm. “Your brothers told me you weren’t feeling well. I thought you might need a little TLC. This is my grandmother’s chicken soup and a favorite quilt of mine. It has dogs and cats on it, so I thought it might cheer you.”
None of what he was saying sounded like a man who wanted to end things, Stephanie thought. And when she looked into his eyes, she was mystified to see there was no anger or accusation flashing back at her. What did any of this mean?
Totally confused, she asked, “My brothers? You’ve talked to them?”
His smile took on a wry slant. “I have.”
She gestured for him to come in, and after he’d walked to the middle of the room, she shut the door and leaned her back against it.
“So you know that Linus is gone?” Even as she asked the question, fresh tears sprang to her eyes. She promptly dashed them away with the back of her hand. “I’m sorry. I can’t seem to stop crying.”
“Yes, I know about Linus. I can only imagine the pain you’re feeling right now. I’m really sorry, Stephanie. I know how much you cared about Linus. To tell you the truth, I’m missing the little guy pretty bad myself, too.” He walked over to the window and placed the container of soup and the quilt on the table.
Questions swirled in Stephanie’s head as she moved slowly toward him. “It’s been awful, Acton. Just awful. Not just because I lost Linus, but...because I lost you.”
His expression solemn, he shook his head. “I messaged you yesterday asking if we could talk. You never responded.”
A few minutes after Faye Donovan had left the clinic, Stephanie had discovered Acton had sent a text message earlier that morning. Her first instinct had been to call him. But the timing had been all wrong.
She sighed. “I didn’t respond because I...had to go home—to pack up all of Linus’s things and get him ready to leave with his father. It wasn’t a good time for us to talk.”
Damn it. If only he’d known. He’d been a class A idiot. “I’m really sorry. I had no idea.” He’d stop kicking himself eventually. Maybe in a year. “And now?” he asked gently.
Fearing another burst of tears was about to flood her eyes, she turned and walked over to the opposite side of the room. Standing near the fireplace, she stared out the window at the falling rain.
“We do have a lot to talk about,” she said quietly.
At the sound of his footsteps, she glanced around to see him walking toward her and the look of yearning on his face caused her heart raced with anticipation and hope.
Stopping an arm’s length away from her, he said, “And the first thing I need to say is that I’m sorry. Truly sorry.”
Moisture filled her eyes as she met his gaze. “Oh, Acton, after we argued that day at Paws and Claws, and I’d had time to calm down and think more clearly I felt ashamed and guilty and stupid. Yes, I was knocked sideways over the news about Linus, but that was no excuse for shutting you out. And I’m sorry about that. You were right all along. Linus should be with his real father. That’s the most important thing.”
He moved a step closer and Stephanie was suddenly overwhelmed by his rugged face and familiar scent. She was going to have his baby and she wanted it, and him, more than she wanted anything in her life.
“You don’t need to apologize to me, Stephanie. I was the one who handled things badly. But that was because I wanted to be the one to comfort you—help you deal with losing Linus.”
“I realize that now. But that day I wasn’t thinking clearly, Acton. And then afterwards, when reality began to set in...well, I thought I’d blown everything between us.” Her gaze somberly searched his face. “I think...the big problem is that I haven’t been completely honest with you.”
“You haven’t? About what?”
“My feelings for you. I should have told you long before all of this happened with Linus that I love you. That I’ve been in love with you almost from the very start.”
A mixture of amazement and doubt washed over his face. “Love? You love me? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Her gaze dropped to the pearl snap in the middle of his chest. “Because a guy like you—you’re not ready for marriage. And I was afraid it would make you run from me.”
“Who says I’m not ready?”
She looked guiltily up at him. “Well, most everyone who knows you has told me that you—”
“That I’m a playboy?” he interrupted with a frown. “That I don’t have a serious thought in my head? Well, they’re wrong, Stephanie. Maybe on the outside that’s what people think they see, but they don’t know what’s going on in here.” He tapped the region of his heart. “I’ve been committed to our relationship from the very beginning, Stephanie. I love you, too, sweetheart. More than you’ll ever know.”
Hope bubbled inside her, but before she could truly let her heart celebrate, she had to tell him about the baby.
Biting down on her lip, she carefully studied his face. “You say that now, Acton, but you might feel differently when I tell you the rest.”
Curious, he arched his eyebrows. “The rest? Your love comes with a condition?”
She smiled. Because when she thought about Acton’s baby, that’s the way it made her feel—happy. Oh, so happy.
“No. It comes with an addition. I’m pregnant, Acton. I’m going to have your baby.”
His eyes grew wide. “Pregnant? You, me... We’re going to have a baby?”
She nodded and, holding her breath, waited for his reaction.
It came with a smile that spread from ear to ear. “Oh, Stephanie! Wow! A baby for us! This is...amazing!”
“I realize it’s unexpected and I haven’t confirmed it with the doctor, but I’ve already taken a home-pregnancy test. And morning sickness is hitting me as soon as I lift my head off the pillow. I’m not sure how it happened exactly. But I think my pills are too weak, or you’re too virile. Take your pick.”
Suddenly he was laughing and hugging her tightly against him. “We’re going to have a baby and you love me. The only way I could be any happier is if you agree to be by my side for the rest of our lives.”
Leaning her head back, she smiled up at him. “Again, before I answer I have a condition.”
“Okay, lay it on me. I’m guessing you’re eventually going to want a giant wedding with twelve bridesmaids and me in a tuxedo.”
She laughed. “The wedding doesn’t have to be that big! As far as I’m concerned I’d be happy if we eloped to Las Vegas.”
His blue eyes twinkled. “Hey, now that’s a thought,” he said, then asked, “So what is the condition?”
“That we make our home on the Diamond D—in your grandparents’ farmhouse. Do you think you can make room for me, our baby and six more animals?”
Mystified, he gestured to their luxurious surroundings. “I can make room for all of you and more. But, Stephanie, what about this place? It’s so grand and—”
“Yes, it’s grand. But my home is with you—in the little house where we first made love. I want our children to be raised on the Diamond D, just like you.” Her smile was full of love. “And don’t worry about this place. My triplet sisters are planning to move to Rambling Rose soon to help with the restaurant. This part of the house will be perfect for them. And your house will be perfect for me. What do you think?”
“I came over here determined to fight for the woman I love. Now I’m thinking I’m the happiest man in the world.” Dropping his head, he placed a long, sweet kiss on her lips. “I want us to get engaged soon, Stephanie. As soon as I can find the perfect ring. What do you say?”
“I say yes!”
Cradling her face in his hands, he rubbed his thumbs over her cheeks. “I do have one important question, though,” he said. “Do you think Seymour and Grizabella will be willing to share their home with all your furry friends?”
Smiling cleverly, she brought her lips back to his. “Seymour and Grizabella will be glad to share. Remember, I can put special spells on animals.”
Groaning, he pulled her tightly into his arms. “Mmm. And you’ve put one on me that’s going to last a lifetime.”
Look for the next installment of the new continuity
The Fortunes of Texas: Rambling Rose
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And catch up with the previous Fortunes of Texas titles:
Fortune’s Fresh Start
by Michelle Major
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Keep reading for an excerpt from For the Twins’ Sake by Melissa Senate.