The Desert Spear is by far the longest and most challenging work I’ve ever attempted. Weaving eight active POV characters into a cohesive story stretched my feeble mind quite thin, and I could not have managed it without the support of my friends and family and, most of all, my test readers, who took the time to read the book in its early stages and offer the criticism and advice that helped evolve it into the story you hold in your hands. Thank you to: Myke, Matt, Dani, Stacy, Amelia, Jay, Mom, Denise, Cobie, Jon, Nancy, Sue, my agent Joshua, my editors Anne & Emma, my copy editor Laura, my international publishers & translators, and all the fans of the first book who took the time to write to me and give me encouragement as I struggled to make The Desert Spear my best work even as the rest of my life was turning upside down with a new baby and career. Thank you, all. You mean the world to me.