In 1990 the United States Navy and Air Force, together with the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), began a project to research the ionosphere. It is called the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and has become the target of conspiracy theories as well as genuine concern.
HAARP’s research is intended to improve communications and navigation, but it’s possible that their findings could have other uses. Some scientists cite the concept of “nonlinear processes,” in which a relatively small input of energy can be magnified into a much larger transmission of power. As professor Gordon J.F. MacDonald put it when he was a member of the President’s Council on Environmental Quality, “The key to geophysical warfare is the identification of environmental instabilities to which the addition of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of energy.” This leads many analysts to believe that HAARP’s ultimate purpose will be as a long-range particle beam weapon of mass destruction.
In its study entitled “Spacecast 2020,” the Air Force predicts that the National Weather Service will be absorbed by the Department of Defense. According to the report, weather service personnel would become paramilitary operatives, “supporting the military mission as a civilian during peacetime, becoming active duty military personnel during war, contingency (and) national emergency.”
HAARP is only one part of a long-term, large-scale military program that aims to control and manipulate the weather for tactical and strategic advantages. In a report entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: owning the Weather in 2025,” the benefits of weather modification are detailed by the government. By manipulating fog and precipitation over an enemy’s location, the report says, visibility could be degraded in the target area while enhanced over friendly forces. The growth of developing storms over enemy strongholds could be accelerated, and triggering more lightning strikes on enemy targets would provide a natural kind of firepower.
One of the first steps in any military campaign is to obtain air superiority over a battlefield, but the report goes one step further, asserting that space superiority will be essential in future wars. That includes the HAARP concept of manipulating the ionosphere to produce lensing effects, which would not only enhance communications between friendly forces but could be used to disrupt the enemy’s capabilities.
But these artificial electromagnetic fields can have a more insidious effect. They might be used by terrorists or by dictatorial governments seeking to control the population. As well, they have uses in dealing with security. Electromagnetic systems can produce mild to severe disruption, including rendering its subjects disoriented. Given this, it’s understandable that the military would be interested.
In other words, the same kind of focused electromagnetic energy created by HAARP is capable of disrupting mental processes. It may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but all indications are that HAARP is currently fully operational.
Until recently, mankind’s attempts to manipulate the weather have shown very little success, but new technological tools may be changing that. As with any experiment involving multiple unknown variables, the results will be unpredictable. Let’s hope they’re not detrimental to the earth and its inhabitants as well.