Books of the Bible

Ge Genesis
Ex Exodus
Lev Leviticus
Nu Numbers
Dt Deuteronomy
Jos Joshua
Jdg Judges
Ru Ruth
1Sa 1 Samuel
2Sa 2 Samuel
1Ki 1 Kings
2Ki 2 Kings
1Ch 1 Chronicles
2Ch 2 Chronicles
Ezr Ezra
Ne Nehemiah
Est Esther
Job Job
Ps Psalms
Pr Proverbs
Ecc Ecclesiastes
SS Song of Songs
Isa Isaiah
Jer Jeremiah
La Lamentations
Eze Ezekiel
Da Daniel
Hos Hosea
Joel Joel
Am Amos
Ob Obadiah
Jnh Jonah
Mic Micah
Na Nahum
Hab Habakkuk
Zep Zephaniah
Hag Haggai
Zec Zechariah
Mal Malachi
Mt Matthew
Mk Mark
Lk Luke
Jn John
Ac Acts
Ro Romans
1Co 1 Corinthians
2Co 2 Corinthians
Gal Galatians
Eph Ephesians
Php Philippians
Col Colossians
1Th 1 Thessalonians
2Th 2 Thessalonians
1Ti 1 Timothy
2Ti 2 Timothy
Tit Titus
Phm Philemon
Heb Hebrews
Jas James
1Pe 1 Peter
2Pe 2 Peter
1Jn 1 John
2Jn 2 John
3Jn 3 John
Jude Jude
Rev Revelation

Other Abbreviations

c. about
cf. compare
ch(s). chapter(s)
EBC Expositor’s Bible Commentary
e.g. for example
etc. and so on
ff. following verses
Gk. Greek
GK Goodrick/Kohlenberger number
Heb. Hebrew
i.e. that is
lit. literally
NT New Testament
OT Old Testament
v(v). verse(s)
ZPEB Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible