Dr. Morgan James
“Hurry,” Lila urged.
“I can’t go any faster.” Morgan squeezed the steering wheel, making his wound hurt. He probably should’ve let her drive, but with Atlas being within reach, he had insisted.
“They’re out of sight now.” She pressed her forehead against the passenger window.
“I know how to get to the cabin. And besides, this bumpy road only goes there.” A tire dipped into a hole, bouncing them, as if to prove his point.
“Ow.” She rubbed her forehead. “You’ve been staying too far behind them this whole time.”
“At least by staying out of sight, nobody’s going to tell us to go back home—because I’m not! Atlas is there, and we’re going to be there once he’s released.”
She sniffled. “I hope he’s okay.”
“He is.”
“How do you know that?”
Morgan didn’t respond. The car bounced again as they went over another giant hole.
Finally, the cabin came into view.
“Where’s the shed?” Lila asked.
“Just around the corner.” Morgan parked behind a row of trees, where nobody should notice the car.
They got out and took in the scene. Uniformed officers swarmed the property. Red and blue lights bounced off the cabin, trees, and people. The air was thick with anticipation.
Lila slid her hand into Morgan’s. “What do we do now?”
He squeezed her hand. “We have to wait.”
“Wait? But Atlas is here. Where’s the shed?”
“If we jump in, they’ll send us away. Maybe even arrest us.”
“They’d do that?”
“You think they wouldn’t?”
She leaned against him. “I hate this.”
“So do I, but we’re closer to getting him back since this nightmare started.”
“Can’t we at least go to the shed?”
“We’re better off here, where nobody’s likely to notice us.”
Lila pressed her face into his chest and sobbed. Morgan rubbed her back and watched the officers, trying to gauge how close they were to finding the boys.
Two policemen stepped out from the cabin. One turned to another. “It’s clear. Nobody’s inside, but we found the room where one of the boys was held. Moore and Alvarez are checking the scene.”
Lila pulled away from Morgan and ran toward the officers.
Morgan chased after her and pulled her into his arms. “Let them do their jobs. We’ll just get in the way.”
“Atlas isn’t here! Where did Brielle take him? What did she do to my baby?”
“We don’t know that she—”
“I’ll kill her!” Lila jumped back. “The police better get to her first, because she isn’t going to survive my wrath!”
“Wait a minute.”
Lila ran around the cabin before Morgan could stop her. He chased after her, but once he rounded the corner, she was out of sight. He looked all around, but the dark woods hid everything.
She most likely went around the building, knowing that the shed wouldn’t be far. He ran in that direction, calling for her.
No response, but the chatter of the officers grew louder. He called her name again and kept running. As he came to the other side of the building, he found officers playing with a lock on the shed.
The shed.
Was Atlas still in there?
Morgan’s heart skipped a beat and his stomach lurched. Was he about to see his son? If so, would he be okay? The thought of the most recent video simultaneously made his stomach twist and anger rage through him. He wanted to tear apart the two who done that to Atlas.
Before he realized what was happening, the police broke down the door and raced inside the shed. Morgan wanted to run, but his feet wouldn’t cooperate. They wouldn’t budge. Nothing would move. He could barely breathe.
Then three officers emerged from the shed. No, not three. Two, one on either side of Atlas, holding him up.
“Atlas!” Morgan finally gained control of his body and bolted toward his son.
“Where did you come from?” asked an officer.
Morgan ignored him and pulled Atlas away from the police and into his arms, never wanting to let go. Atlas wrapped his arms around Morgan and clung to him.
“Dad, how’d you get here?” Atlas whispered.
Hot tears blurred Morgan’s vision. “I recognized the shed from the videos.”
“You saw those?”
Morgan held back from saying everyone had. That his best friend had been behind the whole thing. He just nodded. “The important thing is that you’re okay.”
“How’d you recognize it? I don’t understand.”
“Let’s talk about that later. You’re free, you’re safe. That’s all that matters right now.”
“Atlas!” Lila appeared from around the cabin and ran over to them. She threw her arms around them both. “You’re okay!”
“Mom,” Atlas whispered. “I’m so sorry, you guys. I shouldn’t have snuck out. Emmett and I just wanted to get a video to go viral. It was stupid. I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry.” Morgan’s voice wavered. “I shouldn’t have told you to keep quiet about what you found.”
Atlas looked up at him with wide eyes.
“I told Mom and the twins everything. There aren’t any more secrets.”
“Really?” He looked back and forth between them.
Lila nodded. “It’s true. Dad told me all about… everything.”
Guilt stung. Though she’d forgiven him, it still hurt enough that she couldn’t bring herself to say anything specific about his previous marriage and son.
“And you’re okay with it?” Atlas asked.
“I’m working through it. I understand why he didn’t want to talk about it. And besides, what we have—our family—is more important than anything that happened in the past.”
He gave her a double-take. “Seriously? You two have been on the verge of divorce for so long. Now it sounds like you’re happy together.”
Morgan swallowed a lump in his throat. “Your abduction showed us what was really important, and that’s family. The five of us together is the only thing that matters.”
Lila sniffled and nodded. “We’ve had time to work things out. Your dad hasn’t worked a single minute since you disappeared.”
Atlas turned to Morgan. “You haven’t?”
Morgan shook his head. “Haven’t even gone to the office once. Like I said, now I see what really matters.”
“I can’t believe it.” Atlas rested his head between Morgan’s and Lila’s.
One of the officers cleared his throat. “I hate to break this up, but we need to take Atlas over there and have him checked out and answer some questions. He might need to go to the hospital.”
Lila stared him square in the eyes. “That’s fine, but we’re not leaving our son for a second.”
“We’ll see. Come over this way with me.” The officer led them around to the front of the cabin.
“Where’s Emmett?” Atlas asked.
The other officer turned to him. “It appears he was in the basement of the cabin, but he isn’t there now.”
“Where is he?” Atlas demanded.
“We have officers and canines searching the woods. There’s reason to believe he was in that room not long ago.”
“How do you know?”
“We’ll let you know once we find your friend. For now, we really need you to answer some questions for us.” He put a hand on Atlas’s shoulder.
Atlas winced. “Do I have to?”
“Sorry, but yes.”
Atlas threw a pleading look to Morgan.
Morgan nodded. “Unfortunately, you have to. But we’ll stay with you. We won’t leave your side.”
Relief flooded his expression.
“Can we?” Lila asked.
“You’d better believe it,” Morgan said quickly and with authority, daring the officer to cross him.
The officer nodded. “Should be fine, unless one of the higher-ups disagrees.”
They followed him over to the cars, where an ambulance now waited. Atlas sat in the back and answered questions while the paramedics looked him over.
A commotion sounded outside. Morgan put his hand on Lila’s arm. “I’ll be right back.”
She nodded, not taking her attention from Atlas.
Morgan stepped outside and looked around. An officer walked a handcuffed Brielle from around the cabin. Rage raced through Morgan, and he marched toward the girl he’d once considered a third daughter. “Why did you do it?”
She glared at him. “Because of you!”
“To make you pay for what you did to my family!”
“What did I ever do but treat you all like family?”
“You killed my mother!”
She may as well have punched him in the gut. “What?”
“You heard me!”
It took him a moment to find his voice. It came out quieter than he meant. “I tried to save her.”
“You could’ve done more! You could’ve saved her! But you didn’t, and she’s dead because of you! I’ve always wanted you to pay for it. It’s not fair that you get to walk around free and have your family when mine has been destroyed. You could’ve done more!”
The officer pulled her away. “Save it for later. Remember your right to remain silent?”
She tried to pull away from him, but he grabbed her arm and marched her toward a row of cruisers. “Trevor Parkway is out in the woods! You’ll find him. I couldn’t have done this without him!”
Atlas appeared from the ambulance. “Bri? What are you doing here?”
Morgan hated to tell him the truth, but he owed it to his son. “She’s the one who took you.”
Atlas’s eyes widened, but he didn’t look as shocked as Morgan would have expected. “That explains the sandwiches.”
“What?” Morgan asked.
Atlas looked at Brielle. “You brought me my favorite foods.”
She nodded, her expression softening. “I never wanted to hurt you or Emmett.”
He frowned, his eyes filling with an intense sadness. “Why’d you do it?”
Brielle glared at Morgan. “It was the only way to make him pay.”
“Pay? For what?” Atlas turned to Morgan. “More secrets?”
Morgan shook his head.
Brielle tried to pull away from the officer again. “He killed my mom!”
“What?” Atlas stared at Morgan, wide-eyed.
Morgan shook his head. “She’s wrong! I was the delivering doctor. Elisa started bleeding a lot, and long story short, my staff and I did everything humanly possible to save her and the baby. There was nothing we could do. They both passed away.” He looked into Brielle’s eyes. “You have no idea how much that tore me apart, especially after having lost a child myself. Your mom was more than a patient, she was a friend. It gutted me that I couldn’t do anything to save either of them. To see you and Topaz lose your mom, and for Tom to become a widower. I very nearly gave up my medical practice after that.”
Lila put her arm around Morgan. “He’s telling the truth. It tore him apart. No judge or jury could’ve given him more guilt than he already felt.”
Tears streamed down Brielle’s face. “You were the doctor. It was your job to save her!”
“Nobody could have,” Morgan said.
Atlas stepped onto the ground. “How did you get me and Emmett out here?”
“Trevor. He’s out in the woods. I couldn’t have done it without him.”
Atlas’s expression tensed. “Trevor. I knew that was him. Why does he hate me so much?”
“He’s jealous of you! So freaking envious he can’t think straight when your name’s mentioned. That’s why I got him to help me. I knew he’d jump at the chance.”
The officer pulled Brielle away. “You really should wait to say anything until you have an attorney.”
“Atlas deserves to know the truth. I never wanted to hurt him or Emmett!”
The cop dragged her away.
Atlas looked back and forth between Lila and Morgan. “I can’t believe she did that to us.”
Morgan pulled him into an embrace. “And I can’t believe she thought I killed her mom all this time. I did everything I could to save Elisa. The other doctors even told me to stop, that it was too late, but I kept trying to save both her and the baby. Tom was there. He knows. He’s even thanked me numerous times for my efforts.” Morgan broke down sobbing.
“Dad.” Atlas rubbed his back. “It’s not your fault.”
Lila put her arms around them.
“Where’s Emmett?”
Morgan looked up to see the Powells. “They’re looking for him.”
Rowena gasped. “He’s not here?”
“Was it Brielle or Tom?” Zion asked Atlas.
“Brielle.” Atlas’s voice cracked and he wiped his eyes.
“It’s okay, son.” Morgan squeezed him.
Zion pulled Atlas into a hug. “I’m glad you’re safe. Have you seen Emmett?”
Atlas shook his head no. “Not since we were at the asylum.”
Shouts sounded in the woods from behind the cabin, followed by scuffling noises.
“What’s going on?” Rowena exclaimed.
Zion let go of Atlas and held his wife.
The noises grew louder until a group of officers walked around the corner. Someone was with them, wrapped in a blanket.
“Emmett!” Atlas called.
Rowena broke free of Zion’s hold and ran toward her son, sobbing. Zion chased after her, and they both threw their arms around him.
“He’s safe.” Atlas breathed a sigh of relief. “He’s alive. We’re both okay.”
The officers guided the Powells over to the ambulance. The two boys pulled away from their parents and clung to each other.
“What the hell happened?” Emmett asked.
“It was Brielle and Trevor,” Atlas said.
“It’s a long story. Turns out she’s crazy pants. You okay?”
Emmett patted his back. “Of course. You?”
“You know it.”
The officers guided Emmett to the ambulance, and Atlas followed.
Morgan held Lila, and they spoke with Zion and Rowena, all expressing their relief at the boys’ safe return and the shock of Brielle being behind everything.
After what felt like forever, more police rounded the building with a cuffed high-school-aged boy.
“Must be Trevor.” Morgan glared at the kid.
“Is that everyone?” Rowena asked. “No more kidnappers or abducted kids?”
“That’s it.” Relief flooded Morgan. It was all over. Atlas and Emmett were safe and relatively unhurt. Their captors were now heading for jail. And most importantly, both boys would be home in their own beds that night.