I took off across Patagonia alone on horseback, yet there was no part of this whole adventure I accomplished myself.
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the fine people of Patagonia who befriended a neophyte horse woman who was alone—and often lost. The lessons they taught me—acceptance, tenacity, patience, contentment—ran far beyond shoeing horses and milking cows.
My first mentors in the ways of campo life, Sergio Vaquez and Veronica Romero, have become lifelong friends. Pancho Vio, has been an inspiration in seeing what the world needs and doing it. Scott and Paty Harris let me and my horses live on their beautiful campo on two separate occasions. Long after the coming of the automobile turned an extra horse on the farm from an asset into just another mouth to feed, the following people took care of my horses: Carolina Castro, Cristian Vidal, Lilian Henriquez and Gerhard Dallmann, Aguilino Olivares, Pancho Vio Giacaman and Cuchi Ramírez, Patricia Soto, and Sebastian and Alberto Galilea. Kindness along the way has been given to me by a list of people whose names that would fill another book. Thank you.
I would also like to thank my traveling companions, Paul Twardock, Harry House, Lindsey Holstrome, Cory Bunce, and Rachel James. In this day of preplanned experiences these folks were willing to cast off on a true adventure, where even the best made plans would likely prove futile. Liz Rumsey, Fredrik Norrsell, Dick and Gretchin Peterson, and Paty Soto accompanied me on many of the journeys that happened after the Cabalgata.
Over the years, many people helped horses become part of my life. I would like to acknowledge my first horseback riding instructor Heather Pelletier, my friend Olga Vonziegesar who took me on my first overnight horse trip and Trudi Angel, of Saddling South, who let me come along on a mule packing trip in Mexico just before I took off across Patagonia. I would also like to thank the Dryden/Winnestaffer family in Palmer, Alaska for allowing me to continue to have horses in my life.
There isn’t enough gratitude out there for the multitude of people who work, sometimes day and night, to try and keep our world healthy. In particular, Kristine Tompkins of Tompkins Conservation, who has made saving wildlands and wildlife her life’s work. Peter Hartman, regional director of CODEFF, (Comite Pro-defensa de la Flora y Fauna) and president of Aysén Reserva de Vida has worked tirelessly for decades to keep Patagonia wild. Daniela Castro, Marco Diaz, Carlos Garrido, and uncountable others supported the Patagonia Sin Repreasas movement and helped make the Cabagata Sin Represas the well-orchestrated and successful event it was.
Does every book have at least one advocate without whom the book wouldn’t exist? For Riding into the Heart of Patagonia, that person was Debra McKinney. At a chance meeting around a New Years’ bonfire, Deb—the author of Beyond the Bear—asked to see my book. She ended up helping me every inch of the way. A million thanks is not enough.
Another writer who has been a tremendous influence on my life is my friend Jill Fredston—author of Rowing to Latitude and Snowstruck. Whether in the field of avalanche science or writing, I have been trundling along behind Jill for most of my life. It has been a pleasure.
Other writing instructors and friends who have given me insight and encouragement were Andromena Lax of Alaska’s 49 writers organization, Dennis Eagan, Rachel James, and Nancy Shanteau.
I would like to sincerely thank Claudia Wilde and C.A. Casey at Bedazzled Ink for giving Riding Into the Heart of Patagonia, that “Yes” that every writer dreams of. In the publishing world I, once again, found myself a neophyte. Bedazzled Ink took it from there and ushered me forward.
In a culture where it is not common for women to do things like take of across Patagonia on a horse; I would like to thank my parents, Sally and Jim Pfeiffer for raising a daughter who—for better or worse—believed she could do anything she darn well pleased.
My husband, Fredrik Norrsell, is my biggest asset in life. Although I did not meet him until after the stories in this book took place, Fredrik accompanied me on over five hundred kilometers of rugged Patagonian horse trail through much of the same country described in the book. It is primarily his spectacular photography you see here. I could never have imagined a better partner in life.
I extend a heartfelt thank you to my friend Tammy Moser who allowed me to complete my final edits on her wonderful farm in Hawaii, and to NOLS Patagonia for taking me in off and on for decades. Everything I learned about Patagonia I learned in a second language. I would like to sincerely apologize for any mistakes I have made.