Welcome to E. Hoffmann Price’s Exotic Adventures MEGAPACK®! Wildside Press, in association with Mr. Price’s heirs, is dedicated to making the extensive body of work of this pulpsmith extraordinaire accessible once again to the public through our line of MEGAPACK® collections.

Edgar Hoffmann Price (July 3, 1898 – June 18, 1988) was born in Fowler, California. A graduate of West Point, he served in World War (followed by military duty in Mexico and the Philippines) and was a champion fencer and boxer—fellow pulp author Jack Williamson referred to him as “a real-life soldier of fortune.” Hoffmann was also something of a polymath—a Republican and a Buddhist, he was also an amateur Orientalist, and a student of the Arabic language.

Price’s first fiction sale was in 1924 to Droll Stories magazine and over the years he befriended, corresponded with, and personally met many authors of the pulp era including Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith and H.P. Lovecraft. He wrote hundreds of stories for many pulp magazines (including Weird Tales) in varied genres like horror, detective, adventure, fantasy and science fiction. Wildside Press is proud to make his work available to readers again. Due to the inaccessibility of much of Price’s work (he kept no manuscript archive and so we must resort to those original publication copies we can track down) we have decided to package the material into themed Megapacks, highlighting specific genres he worked in. Later volumes will be released as we gather further material (any collectors interested in aiding our endeavors by supplying photocopies from their collections are strongly urged to contact Wildside

E. Hoffmann Price’s Exotic Adventures MEGAPACK® contains 11 stories and short novels set in a wide range of locales: Europe, Polynesia, Asia, the Middle East, etc. Their settings also range chronologically, from historical adventures to contemporary thrillers and were all published between 1935 and 1945 (with an outlier from 1971 as the finale). These are full-blooded, two-fisted tales of warriors throughout the ages, seeking glory and triumph.

We hope you enjoy these rip-roaring tales of adventure and daring-do. We will be releasing additional collections of Price’s work in the near future. These include:

E. Hoffmann Price’s Two-Fisted Detective MEGAPACK®

E. Hoffmann Price’s War And Western Action MEGAPACK®

E. Hoffmann Price’s Fantasy & Science Fiction MEGAPACK®

The Tenth Golden Age of Weird Fiction MEGAPACK®: E. Hoffmann Price

E. Hoffmann Price’s Fables of Ismeddin MEGAPACK®

E. Hoffmann Price’s Pierre D’artois: Occult Detective & Associates MEGAPACK®

—Shawn Garrett

Editor, Wildside Press LLC



Over the last few years, our MEGAPACK® ebook series has grown to be our most popular endeavor. (Maybe it helps that we sometimes offer them as premiums to our mailing list!) One question we keep getting asked is, “Who’s the editor?”

The MEGAPACK® ebook series (except where specifically credited) are a group effort. Everyone at Wildside works on them. This includes John Betancourt (the publisher), Carla Coupe, Steve Coupe, Shawn Garrett, Helen McGee, Bonner Menking, Sam Cooper, Helen McGee and many of Wildside’s authors…who often suggest stories to include (and not just their own!)


Do you know a great classic science fiction story, or have a favorite author whom you believe is perfect for the MEGAPACK® ebook series? We’d love your suggestions! You can post them on our message board at http://wildsidepress.forumotion.com/ (there is an area for Wildside Press comments).

Note: we only consider stories that have already been professionally published. This is not a market for new works.


Unfortunately, as hard as we try, a few typos do slip through. We update our ebooks periodically, so make sure you have the current version (or download a fresh copy if it’s been sitting in your ebook reader for months.) It may have already been updated.

If you spot a new typo, please let us know. We’ll fix it for everyone. You can email the publisher at wildsidepress@yahoo.com or use the message boards above.