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When Kylena opened the classroom door during mid-morning classes she was surprised to see Linda McLean standing in the corridor.

"Can I speak with you for a moment, Miss Delton" she asked in an apprehensive tone.

"Yes," replied Kylena in a cool voice and turned back to the class. "Julie," she called. "Can you take over the junior's math for a few moments."

The Year 8 girl looked up and smiled. "Sure, Kylena," she replied, stood up to show a strapped ankle and band aids on both knees and limped across the room to where a group of four little ones were sitting in front of a box of equipment.

Linda frowned at Kylena.

"Yes, at times Julie calls me by my first name, Mrs. McLean," the teacher said, "And ... no, it makes no difference for the respect she has for me." She stopped for a second, "If you're interested, it is true I am meeting Julie's father socially and I personally see nothing wrong with that. He is a widower and I am a single woman." She grinned. "At least the locals can't accuse me of being a lesbian like the gossip suggested last year."

Linda McLean flushed. "I came to re-enrol my three children," she muttered.

"I see," Kylena replied. "I'm sorry about my outburst, Linda. Come on through to my office." She led the woman through to a tiny room and offered her one of the two chairs to sit in. "But why? My methods that you objected about last year haven't changed. I still operate a glide time system with the older children and, in fact, use it more now that I have the Year 1 to 3 to teach. We still use the internet for lessons and I still have a contract system with the children."

"I saw the Long Valley Road children at the cross country yesterday," Linda muttered with her face flushed. "Your kiddies were sitting together in a group with Melanie in charge while the Junction Road children were screaming around everywhere and Bruce Cheever just ignored them."

"You noticed, did you?" Kylena couldn’t suppress a grin.

"The whole school is like that," Linda continued. "Here, look at Dean's news book." She took an exercise book from her handbag and handed it to Kylena.

The boy was in Year 5 and Kylena remembered him as a difficult child to motivate. She took the book and inspected it. The exterior was covered in scribbles and the interior was no better. The first page had the date, well written and work was ruled off but by page three, the ruled lines became just a rough swish across the page, the date was gone and doodles began in the margin. Two pages later the writing had digressed to an untidy mess, words were scribbled over and the amount of work for a day reduced from almost a page to three lines. Worse though, throughout the whole exercise book there was not one teacher’s comment, correction or stamp.

"Bruce doesn't believe in marking children's work," Linda grumbled. "They have conferences instead. My other two kids are doing no better. Gillian never brings a reader home now and I have a terrible time to get James to even go to school."

"It is not my position to criticize my colleague," the principal replied in a professional voice. "All I can say is, my methods have not changed and we still have our bad days. This is a public school and we will enrol any primary school child who comes to us." She fixed the visitor with her blue eyes. "However, don't expect everything to be suddenly perfect for your children if they return here."

"So you'll take them," Linda added in a hesitant voice.

"Of course," Kylena replied. "When would you like them to start?"

"Tomorrow," the valley gossip and school's chief sceptic from the year before exclaimed.



"So she ate humble pie?" John laughed that evening when Kylena told him about the visit.

"Yes, and there’s more!" she placed her arms around his neck and plunked an affectionate kiss on his lips.

"Go on."

"After school, another woman arrived, stated she lived on the ridge between our two valleys and wanted to enrol her new entrant from the beginning of next term. Apparently, she was at the cross country and also noticed how well behaved our children were compared with those at Junction Road, too."

"So that makes twenty-two children."

"I rang the ministry and they said I could have a second teacher after the holidays and if I could maintain the number above twenty next year, the position would become permanent. With only Julie due to go onto high school, it should be easy."



Back in the school house later that evening, Kylena hummed a little tune as she placed two pieces of bread in the toaster and plugged in the kettle in preparation for a snack and cup of coffee before retreating to bed. Now, for the first time since moving to Long Valley School she knew she was a capable teacher. It would be the holidays soon and she would have completed one of the most successful terms she'd had, ever!

With a tuneful beep, her wristwatch signified ten p.m., the toaster popped up and she buttered both slices of toast before she sat on one of the table chairs to relax. A smile lit up her face as she thought about Linda returning her children to the school. Still daydreaming about the events of the day, she failed to hear the back door open and footsteps up the hall.

Without warning, a voice filled the room that sent cold shudders through her body. She literally jumped in fright and swung around to stare, horrified, at the red eyed unshaven man, dressed in dirty jeans and an equally filthy shirt, leaning against the door.

"Oh My God," she gasped, "Mic Werner. What are you doing here?"

"Hello Kylena," the man said in a hushed voice. "So you thought that if you shifted into the sticks, I wouldn't find you."

"Well, that is none of your business!" she replied trying desperately to keep the quiver out of her voice. She knew this man was violent and dangerous. "I'd appreciate it if you would leave at once."

"Well, if you're nice to me, I might just leave in a little while." Mic wiped his brow and Kylena noticed his arm was covered in tattoos, something new from when she knew him.

"What do you want, Mic?" she continued while her mind raced for she knew exactly what this man wanted.

"Bloody snooty bitch," he snarled before a thin smile crossed his lips. "Do you think a court restraint order would really keep me away." His eyes gazed at her heaving body. " You're still my wife. "

"Are you crazy!" Kylena's voice rose an octave as she forgot to keep calm " Get out of my house!" She stared straight into his eyes.

The man's own eyes grew dark with hostility. He leered, shrugged and stepped forward.



The terrified women noticed his bulging fly line, and smelt the stink of unwashed skin and alcoholic breath. Her mind flashed back to the brutal attacks that become a routine matter almost every day until she could stand it no longer and sort help from a women's refuge. They had helped her arrange a move north from Christchurch to Wellington where she had won her divorce and reverted to her maiden name. Later, she had won her present position and moved still further away from her failed marriage.

"You stay away from me!" she shrieked and dodged sideways. However, she realized there was no way she would be able to get help if she aggravated him so forced herself to calm and down and change tactics. Along the bench was the mobile phone. If only she could keep him talking...

"Tell you what," she said quietly. "Why don't you just relax I'll change into my nightie and we'll have a little fun on the couch?"

"You can't fool me, bitch," replied the man but he stopped advancing and glared at her.

"Keep back," Kylena hissed. Her body trembled in sheer terror but she managed to control herself and retain rational thoughts. The mobile phone! She reached back and leaned against the bench, her eyes wide.

"I've not been with a man for years," she whimpered in a sob of submission.

"Now that's a bonus," the man hesitated again and reached forward to run his fingers along Kylena's tank top while she trembled and shrank back.

Her mind, though was still functioning. Long fingers found the mobile phone behind her back. She found the memory buttons and felt along to the sixth button, John's number. In one frantic move she lashed out, kicked the man in the groin, dived sideways and lifted the mobile phone to her ear.

"You cow!” screamed her ex-husband. He buckled over in agony and was momentarily incapacitated before he rushed forward but Kylena was ready.

She stuck out a foot and gave the man a heave. The momentum carried him forward into the wall that he hit with a dull thud. The phone beeped in Kylena's ear, there was a slight click and John's voice answered.

"John," she screamed. "Get here. Quick! I'm being attacked." Her high-pitched screams of terror rang out as she ran towards the door in a valiant effort to escape.

But the petrified woman never made it. In one quick movement the man jumped to his feet, lashed out at her with his open hand and sent her sprawling across the floor. He grabbed the mobile phone, hurled it across the room as the hysterical young woman crawled to her knees and attempted to crawl away. Blood streamed down her face from a cut cheek. Werner grabbed her arm and yanked. A punch between the eyes almost knocked her unconscious but she shook away the spinning vision and again attempted to crawl away. Blood almost suffocated her as it poured, warm and sticky from her nose.

"No you don't, bitch," the man snarled and lashed out at her.

He was strong and wrenched her arm up her back and purposely squeezed a beast with his other hand. With a sound that penetrated the semi conscious woman's mind, her blouse was ripped downwards and top undergarments yanked off. He pushed her backwards onto the kitchen table and leered at her. Saliva dripped from his mouth onto the unkempt beard. She screamed, squirmed and kicked, slide sideways and crashed against a chair and back onto the floor just as a heavy boot connected her in the stomach.

"Got a boyfriend, have you?" he snarled and pulled her hair so that she had to stand. While she sobbed hysterically he swung her around, held her closely around the waist while his other hand fondled up her skirt.

She did, however, manage to make contact with the creature’s eyes. "For God's sake, Mic if you want sex, let's at least do it properly." Her voice was still a sobbing scream.

"Slut," he snarled and again slapped her so hard she crashed, whimpering into the corner.

He now forced her to her feet and stood back an arm's length goggling at her shaking body while she sobbed uncontrollably with her hands trying, unsuccessfully to cover her breasts.

Kylena shrieked and pelted him with her fists again but to no avail. He was just too powerful. He pulled her in tight and with one hand pulled her skirt up. The stink of the man was almost worse than the physical pain she was suffering.

It could get no worse!

But it did! Her attacker reached in a pocket, extracted an ugly looking stiletto knife and held it ready to thrust if she moved. She stopped fighting and stood still shaking.

"That's the girl," he grunted sadistically.

Kylena stood still sobbing. Blood dripped onto the tattered remains of her blouse. Hair had fallen over her bowed forehead and her whole body shuddered as heart rendering sobs filled the air.

" Now you'll cooperate," he chuckled as he reached forward, pushed her hair back and grasped her neck so tightly she gasped for breath as consciousness slipped away and bit her lip until it bled. "You know, I think I'll take your advice and do it all civilized like."

He swung her around and frog marched her into the bedroom, all the time maintaining a vice like grip and kissing her blood-covered face as she attempted to shrink away from him.

"If you relax you'll enjoy it too," he whispered. "Just like the old days."



When John answered the phone he immediately recognized Kylena's voice. The second he realized the phone was cut off he swung around to Julie who was still doing homework on the kitchen table. Fiona was down visiting Harold in the cottage and Helen had gone to bed.

"I have to go out," he uttered in a strange voice. Julie peered up and saw the desperate expression across her father's face.

"Is it Grandma?" she cried.

"No, not Grandma. There's a prowler at the schoolhouse," he explained and headed for the door. "Phone the cottage and tell Harold I may need help..."

Julie watched the swinging door for a second and ran to the telephone. She'd never seen her father like this before.

Meanwhile, John reversed the Land Rover around and accelerated off with the tires screaming in protest. Seconds later he was outside the schoolhouse, ignored an old truck parked on the grass verge and was out of his vehicle and heading for the building before the it had hardly stopped. He heard a stifled scream coming from inside. The door was locked but this didn't hinder his progress. One kick with heavy farm boots and the door splintered.

"Kylena!" he screamed as he ran up the darkened corridor.

"John, in here!" Kylena's muffled scream came from the bedroom.

He burst inside.

His eyes and brain absorbed the scene in the bedroom in milliseconds. There was blood on the floor and blankets and sheets strewn everywhere. All he could see of Kylena were her knees spread wide on the bed. Standing before her was the figure of a man with his trousers around his ankles and a bare posterior looking ghostly white in the dull bedside lamplight.

With a snarl of outrage, John charged in a full tackle that would have done a NFL football player credit. The assailant crumpled sideways onto the floor with John on top.

"He's got a knife!" shrieked a petrified Kylena as the rapist swung John aside.

"Oh, the boyfriend's arrived," he sneered and slashed out with the knife. John jumped back but not before he felt a sharp pain across his right arm. The other man grinned and stood back. "Not so smart now, are you, mate?"

With a smirk he yanked his pants up and attacked John with the knife slashing crossways. The farmer sidestepped and tried to find a weapon but there was none. He jumped backwards behind the bed with the man following him around. The knife slashed out and John just managed to avoid being sliced across the face.

Screaming, Kylena staggered up and swung the only thing handy, a pillow, at Werner's head. This didn't hurt him one little bit but the sudden movement distracted him.

"I'll get back to you again soon, bitch," he yelled and flung the pillow along with Kylena, across the bed.

John roared and charged forward once more. By this time Werner was standing with his back to the door and his arms in an attack mode. Obviously, he knew how use a knife.

"Come on, friend," he muttered. "You can't save your girlfriend now. "

John's eyes were wild and he was about to swing a fist forward when he noticed the door move. There was a flash, a dull clunk and Werner stood for a second with his eyes widened in surprise before they rolled up, he groaned and sank to the floor.

"I believe you want some help, John." Harold was standing in the doorway with a heavy spanner in his hand.

" John! John! sobbed Kylena. She rushed the few metres across the room, flung her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. Not caring that the only clothes she had on was a ripped blouse and skirt she smothered him with kisses as hysterical sobs continued to full the room.

John hugged her close with one arm while his other hand patted her hair. He turned the trembling face to his and caught her lips with his own. Her whole throbbing left side was covered in blood from a jagged slash just under her left shoulder and blood poured off her bloated face but she was conscious and managed to smile.

"Oh Kylena," John cried. "Kylena, my love. You're hurt!"



Harold meanwhile had swung the unfortunate man around in a deadly military type manoeuvre so he could retain a vice like grip on him. With one simultaneous yank, he twisted the knife away from of his victim's hand and threw it across the room out of harm's way.

"One move and I'll break your arm," he snarled in the groggy attacker's ear. He shoved the man into the hallway and kicked the door shut.

"Oh, John," Kylena sobbed but could not force out any more words.

John just clung her in close and kissed her hair until her shaking subsided and she turned a tear stained face up to his. He reached for a blanket and tenderly wrapped it around her shoulders while she flattened her skirt down.

"He never managed to do it," she sobbed. "You arrived in time." She remained in his arms but her whole body still shook with shock.

"You're safe now," John replied. He reached across and kissed Kylena as she turned her head up to meet his.

There was an oath outside the door, a crash of the door being hitting the wall and Harold appeared rubbing his jaw.

"The bastard was only faking. He got away."

An engine roared to life out the front, there was a howl of tires and gravel hitting metal and the sound of a vehicle accelerating away. This was followed by eerie silence.

"Let him go. I'll ring the police," John said and gazed into the young woman's eyes. "We'll get you to hospital, my love.” He turned to Harold. "Can you ask Fiona to go home and look after the girls?" Now the action was over his face was as pale as Kylena's.

"Right!" Harold grunted. “But I'll stay around in case he return."  He smiled at the shaking woman.” Don't worry, Kylena. I'd doubt if that pervert would want to tackle John again.”

"Thank you, Harold," Kylena whispered. "If you two hadn't arrived." Her lip dropped, she erupted into shuddering tears and buried her head into her lover's chest.



At the accident and emergency centre of the Palmerston North Hospital, John guided Kylena through the two sets of swinging doors to a waiting room chair and walked up to the reception counter.

"My friend here has been hurt," he told the nurse standing there. "She's cut rather badly."

The young nurse glanced up from her computer terminal and stared at the man in front of her. "I believe you need assistance too, sir," she remarked.

That was when John realized his arm was throbbing in pain. The right sleeve as soaked in blood and drips were landing on the counter top. Kylena looked no better with her blouse covered in blood and eyes already swollen. The earlier wound on her cheek had opened and more blood from a forehead cut seeped onto her eyebrow before dripping down a tear-stained cheek. She stood up to walk over to John at the counter but collapsed back into the chair.

"A stabbing and possible rape," the nurse reported through her intercom. "Can we have immediate assistance, please?"

A moment later a man in a white coat appeared and walked up to the pair "Let's get you both through to a cubical." he said in a dry voice. "I'd say there’s a little stitching to be done."



Kylena was admitted to the hospital but John had his arm stitched, other wounds patched and discharged. He waited until a nurse assured him Kylena was to be given a sedative and would be asleep until early morning.

"Come back then," she advised. "She will be fine."

"Sure," replied John and strolled out to the deserted car lot. It was close to midnight and he did not feel like returning home so rung Fiona on the mobile phone. After reporting that they were both okay he strolled across the road to a motel where he spent the night. As early as possible in the morning he was back at the ward to find Kylena bandaged like a balaclava with only her swollen, blackened eyes and puffed cut lips exposed. She watched him walk in and bring a chair to the bed.

"You're early," she said in a neutral voice.

"I stayed across the road," he replied and bent over to kiss her but the response was a mere peck.

"I see," John retorted and took Kylena's hand. "You think I am disturbed because you were subject to a brutal attack?"

Her eyes met his and she nodded. “I’m tarnished goods, John," she whispered.

"That is utter rubbish?" he retorted. "You were a victim. I'm proud of how you handled the situation."

Kylena's eyes fixed on his. "You don't understand," she added. "That man wasn't just a stranger.”

"No?" John studied her closely. "Who was he?"

"If I tell you and you want to walk away, I'll understand," she replied, her voice still serious.

"Don't be silly!" he replied. "Why would you think I'd do that?"

"I haven't been honest to you, John," Her eyes were wide and, without warning, awash with tears. “The man's name is Mic Werner and he was my husband. I divorced him two years ago and he traced me, somehow."

In sobbing half sentences she continued. "We met at university. He was one of those macho guys, great rugby player, liked the booze and swept me off my feet. The trouble started only a month after we were married but I clung on another eighteen months, hoping he'd get better." She shuddered. "He was insanely jealous and more violent as time went by." Kylena's voice dropped to a whisper as she continued to tell everything of the previous five years. "So I'm not that innocent young virgin of your fantasies, John but a used woman from a failed marriage.

"I see so what does it make me." John sat on the bedside and took her hand. "My marriage was a sham, too Kylena." He placed a finger on her lips when she attempted to talk. "Hear me out. Anne and I never lived as man and wife for two years before her death." He shrugged, "It was one of my original reasons for planning to come here. I thought a new start might help her but she became ill and I clung on for the girls' sake."

"Was that all? "Kylena whispered.

"She was a female version of your husband, I guess." He waved his hand. "No, she wasn't violent but had an alcohol problem." He bent forward and kissed the young woman on the lips. "So if you can put up with this old hack..." he said.

Kylena wiped her eyes and smiled. “Would you like to come in again, John?" she asked

He frowned. "What?"

"Go out, turn around and come in again."

"Well, if you wish." He shrugged and walked out of the ward. "Hi Kylena," he said when he reappeared and reached for her hand.

The response this time was entirely different. She reached up, swung her arms around his neck and gave him a bruising kiss. “I love you, John," she whispered and flopped back on the pillow.

"What happens if I go out and come in a third time?" he chortled.

"This is a public hospital so you'd better not. I must say you look a bit cut up, yourself."

"Yeah," John replied as he ran fingers down a cut on his face and the bandage on his arm. “But you look like a punching bag gone wrong."

"I know." She smiled." I'm too scared to even look in a mirror. From the inside I feel like a throbbing balloon. The doctor thinks one of my ribs is broken but all they can do is strap it up."

John smiled down at her, bent forward and ran a finger over her lips before he spoke again. "Oh one thing," he said offhandedly.


"I love you too, Kylena and don't you forget it. Nothing you told me will change that, one little bit."

