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Abraham Lincoln Brigade
the Abwehr (German military intelligence)
African Americans
German American Bund racism against
Silver Legion racism against
Alexander, Thomas
Alinsky, Saul
America and a New World Order (Howard)
America First Committee
anti-Semitism within
business interests driving
congressmen tied to
extremists associated with
founding of
German American Bund members in
infrastructure of
Lindbergh as front man of
membership numbers/demographics
Nazi agenda advanced by
New Deal opposition by
nonintervention/isolationism as focus of
post-war exposés on
American Communist Party
American Fellowship Forum
American Jewish Committee
American Legion
in America First Committee
by businessmen
in colleges/academia
communism’s tie to
as espionage goal
in German American Bund
by Hitler/Nazis
Holocaust denial and
by Lindbergh
in religious right groups
Sedition Trial’s argument on
in Silver Legion
Army Air Corps, US
Association for German Cultural Relations Abroad
Atlanta Constitution
Auhagan, Friedrich Ernest
Bank of Boston
Barkley, Alben W.
Barry, Frank J.
Battle of Britain
Beard, Charles
Beck, Glenn
Beer Hall Putsch, Germany
Bennett, David H.
Berle, Adolf A.
Birkhead, Leon M.
Bissell, Pelham St. George, III
Black Mail (Hoke)
Bode, Adolf
Boehmler, Lucy
Bohle, Ernst
anti-intervention sentiment, U.S., and
intelligence agencies of
propaganda by
British Foreign Office
British Security Coordination (BSC)
British Union of Fascists
Brown, Jerry
BSC. See British Security Coordination
Bullitt, William
Bureau of Indian Affairs, US
Burger, Ernest Peter
Bush, George H. W.
businessmen-Nazi collaboration
in America First
Coca-Cola and
Davis’s role in
espionage and
Ford Motors and
General Motors and
nonintervention as goal of
post-war report on
on presidential election plot
on presidential overthrow plot
via propaganda dissemination
via US businesses in Germany
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Butler, P. D.
Butler, Smedley
Cabaret (film)
California Daily Bruin
California Un-American Activities committee
Camp Siegfried, Yaphank, Long Island
Canaris, Wilhelm
Cantor, Eddie
Cárdenas, Lázaro
Carlson, John Roy (Arthur Derounian)
Castle, William, Jr.
Cazalet, Victor
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Chicago Daily Times
Chicago Daily Tribune
Chicago Times
Christian Front
anti-Semitism in
founding of
investigation of
Christian Medical Research League
Christian Mobilizers
Christian Nationalist Party
Christian Party
Churchill, Winston
CIO. See Congress of Industrial Organizations
City College of New York
Civil War, US
Clark, Tom
Clinton, Bill
Coast Guard
Cold War
Cole, Wayne
collaborators, Nazi. See supporters, Nazi
anti-Semitism in
exchange programs by
Nazi support at
nonintervention sentiment in
propaganda dissemination by/at
Columbia Daily Spectator
Columbia University
The Coming American Fascism (Dennis)
Committee of One Million
Commons, John R.
anti-Semitism’s association with
FBI’s focus on
McCarthy’s investigation of
religious right perspectives on
Sedition Trial and
US popular opinion on
Confessions of a Nazi Spy (film)
The Confessions of a Barbarian (Viereck)
Congressional Record
congress-Nazi collaboration
America First and
Fish’s role in
via franking
Lundeen’s role in
nonintervention as goal of
post-war report on
via propaganda dissemination
Wheeler’s role in
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Coolidge, Calvin
Cottrell, Edwin A.
Coughlin, Charles Edward
anti-Semitism by
background of
Christian Front’s ties to
cultural impact of
investigation of
National Union for Social Justice formation by
nonintervention views of
political campaigning by
radio broadcasts by
Union Party’s tie to
Cowley, W. H.
Crockett, Alice
Cruickshank E. W. H.
Cuneo, Ernest
Daily Mail (UK)
Dasch, George John
Davis, Joseph Graham “Gray,” Jr.
Davis, Joseph Graham, Sr.
Davis, William Rhodes
Day, Stephen A.
Dearborn Independent
Defenders of the Christian Faith
the Defender (newspaper)
Defense Base Realignment and Closure Commission
Democratic Party
Dennis, Lawrence
Derounian, Arthur (aka John Roy Carlson)
Detroit Free Press
Dewey, Thomas
Dieckhoff, Hans-Heinrich
Dies, Martin, Jr.. See also House Committee on Un-American Activities
Die Zeit (newspaper)
Diggins, John P.
Dilling, Elizabeth
Dixiecrat Party, US
Dondero, George A.
Donovan, William “Wild Bill”
the draft, US
Duquesne, Frederick
Early, Stephen
“Econorama” exhibition
Eicher, Edward
espionage. See spy operations, German
Espionage Act of 1917, US
Etzold, Thomas H.
Everybody’s Magazine
Facts in Review
Fahrney, Merry
Fair Housing Act (US)
FARA. See Foreign Agents Registration Act
Farago, Ladislas
Farm Credit Administration, US
Farmer-Labor Party, US
academia and
America First and
businessmen’s support of
German American Bund’s embrace of
Silver Legion’s embrace of
US popular opinion on
the Fatherland (journal)
communism’s spread as focus of
congressional investigations by
German-US business ties and
Nazi collaboration investigations by
spy/espionage investigations by
Federal Reserve
The Fifth Column Is Here
Fish, Hamilton, III
propaganda campaign by
Flanders Hall Publishing
Flynn, Michael
Follmer, Cyrus
Ford, Benson
Ford, Clara
Ford, Edsel
Ford Foundation
Ford, Henry
in America First
anti-Semitism of
business operations in Germany by
Hitler’s relationship with
Ford, Henry, II
Ford Motor Company
branches in Nazi Germany
forced labor used by
initial public offering of
Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)
Foreign Office, London
Foreign Oil Company, Inc.
Foreign Organization of the Nazi Party
Franco, Francisco
franking scheme
Franz Friedrich, Prince (of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst)
Freedom of Information Act, US
Fresno State College
Friends of Democracy (US)
Friends of Germany (US)
Friends of the New Germany (US)
espionage associated with
Froboese, George
Führerprinzip (Führer principle)
Galahad Press
Galilean (journal)
Gallagher, Michael
Gallup polls
Gardner, Frasier S.
Gauss, Henry
Gellermann, William
General Motors
forced labor used by
German American Bund
in America First Committee
anti-communist rhetoric of
anti-Semitism in
armed wing (OD) of
Christian Front associations with
Ford’s alleged ties to
history of
investigations/prosecutions of
media exposé on
membership statistics
Silver Legion associations with
spies tied to
structure of
summer camps of
Youth Division
German American Business League
German American Settlement League
German Communist Party
German Foreign Ministry
German Foreign Office, US
German Library of Information, New York City
German Tourist Information Office
Germany. See also Hitler, Adolf/Nazi Germany
emigration to US from
Ghormley, Robert L.
Gienanth, Ulrich von
Goebbels, Joseph
Gold Shirt movement (Mexico)
Gold Star Mothers
Goldwater, Barry
Göring, Hermann
Lindbergh’s visits to
post-war interviews by
Göttingen University, Germany
Grand Cross of the German Eagle (Nazi medal)
the Great Depression, US
Greenbaum, Isadore
Griebl, Ignatz T.
Griffin, William
Guffey, Joseph F.
Hadley, Edwin
Halifax, Lord
Hamilton, John D.
Hanfstaengl, Ernst “Putzi”
Hansen, Joseph
Harvard University
Hayes, Carlton J. H.
Hearst, William Randolph
Heidelberg University, Germany
Henry Madden Library, Fresno, California
Hertslet, Joachim
Hess, Rudolf
Higham, Charles
Hill, George
Himmler, Heinrich
Hindenburg, Paul von
Hitler, Adolf/Nazi Germany. See also supporters, Nazi
anti-Semitism of
ascent of
economic policies of
education policies of
Ford’s relationship with
Lindbergh’s relationship with
Mein Kampf and
overthrow plots against
presidential election meddling by
Princess Stephanie’s relationship with
US Nazi organizations and
US terror campaign by
Wiedemann’s relationship with
Hoerlin, Kate Eva
Hoffman, Rolf
Hoke, Henry
Hollywood Anti-Nazi League
Holt, Rush
Hook, Frank E.
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar. See also FBI
Hormel, Jay C.
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization
House Committee on Un-American Activities (Dies Committee)
communism as focus of
congress-Nazi collaborations and
German American Bund investigation by
religious right investigations by
Silver Legion investigation by
House McCormack-Dickstein Committee
Howard, Graeme
Hoxsey, Harry
Hubertus, Prince zu Löwenstein
Ickes, Harold
I.G. Farben company
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (film)
Ingalls, Laura
International Business Machines (IBM)
It Can’t Happen Here (Lewis)
Iwanowa, Elsa
Jackson, Robert H.
Jacob, John. See Kroeker, John J.
Germany’s coordination with
Pearl Harbor bombing by
Jewish War Veterans
Jews. See also anti-Semitism
in Holocaust
Johnson, Hugh S.
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Judson, Clay
Kahn, Albert E.
Kappe, Werner
Katz, Otto
KCKN Kansas City
Keith, Max
Kennedy, John F.
Killinger, Baron Manfred von
Knox, Frank
the Kristallnacht pogrom
Kroeker, John J. (aka “John Jacob”)
Kruppa, Friedrich Karl
Kuhn, Fritz Julius. See also German American Bund
Ku Klux Klan
religious right funding by
Kunze, Gerhard Wilhelm
Lafayette College
La Follette, Robert
La Guardia, Fiorello
Lahousen de Vivremont, Erwin Von
Landon, Alf
Lang, Fritz
Lang, Herman W.
Lasswell, Harold
Lawrence, David
League of American Patriots
League of German Girls
League of Nations
Leche, Richard W.
Lemke, William
Lend-Lease policy, US
Lengyel, Emil
Letts, Malcolm
Lewis, Fulton, Jr.
Lewis, John L.
Lewis, Sinclair
Lido, Julio Lopez. See von der Osten, Ulrich
Life magazine
Limbaugh, Rush
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
Lindbergh, Charles
as America First’s front man
anti-Semitism of
Germany visits by
Nazi medal awarded to
post-war career of
World War II service by
Long, Huey
Los Angeles Times
Lothian, Lord
Ludwig, Kurt Friedrich
Lundeen, Ernest
Lundeen, Norma
Luther, Hans
Luther, Martin
MacDonnell, Francis
Madden, Henry Miller
Madison Square Garden, New York City
Manafort, Paul
Manchester Guardian (UK)
Martin, James Stewart
McAdoo, William
McCarran, Pat
McCarthy, Charles/McCarthyism
McGill, George
McMullin, James
McPherson, Aimee Semple
McWilliams, Joe
Mein Kampf (Hitler)
Men Into Beasts (Viereck)
Menzies, Sir Stewart
Metcalfe, James
Metcalfe, John C. (aka Hellmut Oberwinder)
Mexican Petroleum Company
Nazi spy network in
oil exports from
Million League
Monroe Doctrine, US
Mooney, Edward
Mooney, James D.
Moses, Tom
Mosley, Oswald
Mount Holyoke College
Munich crisis of 1938
Murphy, Frank
Mutual Broadcasting System
Myers, Gustavus
National Air Museum, Washington, DC
National Recovery Administration, US
National Socialist Party
of Germany
US perspectives on
National Socialist Teutonia Association (US)
National Union for Social Justice
Nation, Carrie
Native Americans
Nazi Party. See also Hitler, Adolf/Nazi Germany
origins of
US groups modeled on
youth divisions of
Nazi Spies in America (Turrou)
Neutrality Act, US
New College for the Education of Teachers
New Deal policies
America First’s opposition to
New Masses (newspaper)
New York Enquirer
New York Times
New York University
New York World
Nicolai, Walter
Nicolson, Harold
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Night of the Long Knives
Nixon, Richard
Nobel Prize
nonintervention sentiment. See also propaganda, German; supporters, Nazi
by America First
by businessmen
by congressional members
by Coughlin
as espionage goal
by students/academia
Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League
Norden bombsight
Norwood, Stephen
Nostradamus, Michel
Nuremberg Trials
Nye, Gerald P.
Obama, Barack
Oberwinder, Hellmut. See Metcalfe, John C.
Office of Naval Intelligence, US
Office of Strategic Services, US (OSS)
Office of the Coordination of Information, US (COI)
Olympic Games of 1936, Berlin
Opel Motors
forced labor used by
Operation Alcatraz (CIA)
Operation Pastorius (Nazis)
“Order of ’76” organization
Ordnungsdienst (OD)
OSS. See Office of Strategic Services, US
the Paul Reveres
Pearl Harbor bombing
Pearson, Drew
Pelley, William Dudley. See also Silver Legion
background of
Christian Party formation by
investigations of
post-war life of
presidential run by
Pesci, Joseph
Philadelphia Inquirer
Pittman, Key
Pius XI, Pope
Plotting America’s Pogroms (Spivak)
PM magazine
Porsche, Ferdinand
Powers, Ray Rivington
propaganda, German. See also supporters, Nazi
businessmen’s dissemination of
college/academia dissemination of
congressmen’s dissemination of
failures of
franking scheme for
goals of
Lundeen’s role in
methods used for
in presidential election
religious right’s dissemination of
Strempel’s role in
Viereck’s role in
during World War I
at youth camps
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Quaker Oats
Ex parte Quirin legal case
Radio League of the Little Flower
Reagan, Ronald
The Red Network (Dilling)
Red Scare. See also communism
The Reds Are Upon Us (Silver Legion document)
Reed, Clyde
Regnery, William
Reichsbank, Berlin
religious right
anti-Semitism practiced by
in Christian Front
coalitions within
Coughlin’s leadership of
cultural impact of
radio programs as platforms for
Smith’s leadership of
Winrod’s leadership of
Republican Party
fascism in
the Revealer (newspaper)
Reznicek, Felicitas von
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Richter, Stephanie. See Stephanie, Princess
Rockwell, George Lincoln
Rogge, Oetje John
post-war collaboration report by
Sedition Trial by
Roman Catholic diocese, Detroit
Romney, George
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
America First’s opposition to
businessmen’s opposition to
election plot against
espionage investigations under
intervention push by
Lend-Lease policy by
New Deal policies by
overthrow plot against
propaganda targeting
religious right’s opposition to
Sedition Trial and
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rothermere, Lord
Rumrich, Günther Gustav
Russett, Bruce M.
Russian Revolution. See also Soviet Union
Rust, Bernhard
Ruth, Babe
Sabotage! The Secret War Against America (Sayers/Kahn)
Sadowski, George G.
San Francisco Chronicle
Saturday Evening Post
Sayers, Michael
Schacht, Hjalmar
Schofield, Lemuel B.
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Schwinn, Herman Max
Sears, Roebuck and Company
Sebold, William (aka “Harry Sawyer”)
Sedition Trial
senators. See congress-Nazi collaboration
Service Cross of the Order of the German Eagle (Nazi medal)
Seven Sisters colleges
Shanahan, William Oswald
Sharp, Stanley L.
Shell Oil
Shrine of the Little Flower, Little Oak, Michigan
Silver Legion (aka “Silver Shirts”)
anti-communist rhetoric by
anti-Semitism in
cultural impact of
disbanding of
fascism as platform of
founding of
German American Bund associations with
infrastructure of
investigations/prosecutions of
membership figures for
paramilitary wing (Silver Rangers) of
Singer sewing machines
Skyland Press
Sloan, Alfred P.
Smith Act, US
Smith, Gerald Lyman Kenneth
political campaigning by
Smith, Kay
Smith, Truman
Social Justice (newspaper)
Sokolsky, George
“Soulcraft” (spiritual system)
Soviet Union. See also communism
Cold War with
Russian Revolution and
Spanknöbel, Heinz
The Spectator (UK)
Spirit of St. Louis (airplane)
Spivak, John L.
spy operations, German
break up of
defections in
by Duquesne
election meddling and
goals/focus of
investigation of
New York network of
operational divisions in
Princess Stephanie and
techniques used in
terrorist plot and
Wiedemann and
Stalin, Joseph
Standard Oil
Stanford Daily
Stanford University
Stauffenberg, Claus von
Stephanie, Princess (Stephanie Richter von Hohenlohe)
Stephenson, William
Steuben Society (US)
Stevenson, William
Stewart, Donald Ogden
Stimson, Henry L.
Streicher, Julius
Strempel, Heribert von
businessmen propaganda and
as CIA asset
congressional propaganda and
religious right propaganda and
Stuart, Robert Douglas, Jr.
students. See colleges/universities
Sturmabteilung (SA)
Der Stürmer (newspaper)
Sunday Express (UK)
supporters, Nazi. See also America First Committee; businessmen-Nazi collaboration; colleges/universities; congress-Nazi collaboration; German American Bund; religious right; Silver Legion; spy operations, German
numbers/statistics on
post-war lives of
Supreme Court, US
Taft, Robert A.
Tenney, Jack/Tenney Committee
Thompson, Dorothy
Thomsen, Hans
Thorkelson, Jacob
Thurmond, Strom
Tooze, Adam
Towner, Elwood A. (aka “Chief Red Cloud”)
Townsend, Francis E.
Treasury Department, US
Treaty of Versailles
Truman, Harry
Trump, Donald J.
Turner, Henry Ashby, Jr.
Turner, Margaret
Turrou, Leon G.
Twain, Mark
UK National Archives
Under Cover (Carlson)
Union Party
United Mine Workers (UMW)
United Nations
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
University of Frankfurt, Germany
University of Idaho
University of Nebraska
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Urbach, Karina
US National Archives
USS Lexington
USS Yorktown
Vassar College
Viereck, George Sylvester
background of
investigation of
propaganda disseminated by
religious right ties to
Villa, Pancho
von der Osten, Ulrich (aka “Julio Lopez Lido”)
Voss, Otto
Wagenheim, Irmingard von
Wallace, Henry A.
Waller, Willard
Waring, Dorothy
Warner Brothers
Washington, George
“Washington Merry-Go-Round” column
Weber, Thomas
Weekly Foreign Letter
Westrick, Gerhardt Alois
Wheeler, Burton K.
in America First
congressional propaganda campaign by
Wheeler, John L.
White, William Allen
WIBW Topeka
Wiedemann, Fritz
Williamson, Walter W.
Willkie, Wendell
Wilson, Woodrow
Winchell, Walter
Winkler-Koch Engineering
Winrod, Gerald Burton
anti-Semitism by
background of
investigation/prosecution of
political campaigns by
radio campaigns by
Winrod, John Wesley
Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune
Wiseman, Sir William
WJR Detroit
WMCA New York
Wood, Robert E.
Wootten, Gerald O.
World Service (Nazi Germany)
World War I
German immigration and
Hitler’s service in
Treaty of Versailles in
World War II. See also nonintervention sentiment
Battle of Britain in
economy post-
Pearl Harbor’s bombing in
World Wildlife Fund
W.R. Davis, Inc.
Yale University
Zachary, Roy