3. The Religious Right

  1.  Charles J. Tull, Father Coughlin and the New Deal, Men and Movements (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1965), 197.

  2.  “Father Coughlin Given Rebuke,” Times Herald [Port Huron, Michigan], November 21, 1938, 2.

  3.  “Coughlin Talks on Persecution: Says that Nazis Blame Jews for Ills,” Detroit Free Press, November 21, 1938, 2.

  4.  “Father Coughlin Given Rebuke,” Times Herald (Port Huron, Michigan), November 21, 1938, 1–2.

  5.  Tull, 202.

  6.  Sheldon Marcus, Father Coughlin: The Tumultuous Life of the Priest of the Little Flower, 1st ed. (Boston: Little, Brown, 1973), 182.

  7.  Conducted by Gallup Organization, December 18–23, 1938, and based on 1,500 personal interviews. Sample: National adult. Sample size is approximate. [USGALLUP.38-141.Q01A]. Figures based on an estimated US population of 129.8 million in 1938.

  8.  Tull, 197.

  9.  David Harry Bennett, Demagogues in the Depression: American Radicals and the Union Party, 19321936 (New Brunswick, NJ,: Rutgers University Press, 1969), 54.

  10.  “Is Rush Limbaugh in Trouble?” Politico, May 24, 2016, http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/05/is-rush-limbaugh-in-trouble-talk-radio-213914.

  11.  Bennett, 57.

  12.  Bennett, 31.

  13. Glen Jeansonne, Gerald L. K. Smith, Minister of Hate (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988), 55.

  14.  Bennett traces the 1936 attempt to combine these factions: see Bennett, 4–7.

  15.  Marcus, 14–23; Ruth Mugglebee, Father Coughlin, the Radio Priest, of the Shrine of the Little Flower (Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Co., 1933), 157–58.

  16.  “Shrine Service This Evening,” Detroit Free Press, October 7, 1928, part 4, p. 8.

  17.  Mugglebee, 166.

  18.  Mugglebee, 169–71.

  19.  Marcus, 55.

  20.  Marcus, 29; Mugglebee, 178–79.

  21.  Mugglebee, 183.

  22.  Marcus, 35–36.

  23.  Marcus, 37; Mugglebee, 254–55.

  24.  Marcus, 45–48; “Roosevelt, Stimson Talk State Affairs,” Hartford Daily Courant, January 10, 1933, 4.

  25.  Marcus, 46; Mugglebee, 325.

  26.  Gerald Horne, The Color of Fascism: Lawrence Dennis, Racial Passing, and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism in the United States (New York: New York University Press, 2006), 54; Mugglebee, 324–25.

  27.  Marcus, 68–69.

  28.  Tull, 62–63, 69.

  29.  Tull, 72–73.

  30.  Richard J. Evans, The Third Reich in Power, 19331939 (New York: Penguin Press, 2005), 341–42.

  31.  Cf. Mugglebee, 354.

  32.  Bennett, 72.

  33.  Conducted by Gallup Organization, June 29–July 3, 1936, and based on 1,500 personal interviews. Sample: National adult. Sample size is approximate. [USGALLUP.072636.R01].

  34.  Mugglebee, 357–58.

  35.  Tull, 86, 101.

  36.  Jeansonne, 21, 25.

  37.  Jeansonne, 36.

  38.  Report on Smith from Detroit office, May 20, 1941, p. 2, FBI file on Gerald L. K. Smith, pt. 1, FBI Vault.

  39.  Jeansonne, 48; Marcus, 102–3.

  40.  Marcus, 103.

  41.  Tull, 150.

  42.  See, for instance, “Landon’s Manager Scores Injection of Racial Issue into Presidential Campaign,” Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, July 19, 1936, 1–2.

  43.  Bennett, 97–98; Tull, 125–26.

  44.  Bennett, 210.

  45.  Dorothy Thompson, “On the Record: The Lunatic Fringe,” Cincinnati Enquirer, July 21, 1936, 4.

  46.  Letter from Coughlin to Dies, August 5, 1936, box 89, file 52, Martin Dies Papers.

  47.  Cf. Jeansonne, 55.

  48. Jeansonne, 55; Donald I. Warren, Radio Priest: Charles Coughlin, the Father of Hate Radio (New York: Free Press, 1996), 89.

  49.  Dorothy Thompson, “On the Record: The Lunatic Fringe.”

  50.  Bennett, 239.

  51.  Report on Smith from Detroit office, May 20, 1941, pp. 5–6, FBI file on Gerald L. K. Smith, pt. 1, FBI Vault.

  52.  Bennett, 263–64.

  53.  Jeansonne, 63.

  54.  Bennett, 279.

  55.  “From Other Papers: The Winrod Campaign,” Iola Register [Kansas], June 17, 1938, 4.

  56.  G. H. Montgomery, Gerald Burton Winrod: Defender of the Faith (Wichita, KS: Mertmont Publishers, 1965), 10; Ribuffo, 80–81.

  57.  Montgomery, 12; Ribuffo, 81.

  58.  Montgomery, 14–16.

  59.  Montgomery, 21–23, Ribuffo, 88.

  60.  Ribuffo, 51–52, 103, 113.

  61.  Rogge, 213.

  62.  “Bible School Park Minister Defends Hitler,” Binghamton Press [New York], July 26, 1935, 3; Memorandum on the Rev. Gerald B. Winrod, April 1947, Gerald B. Winrod; subject folder, John C. Metcalfe Papers.

  63.  Rogge, 215.

  64.  Strong, Organized Anti-Semitism in America, 75.

  65.  Rogge, 213, 215.

  66.  Kroeker to General H. S. Parks, US Army, August 13, 1945, subject box 1, Autobiographical—J, John Jakob Kroeker Papers, MS. 501, Mennonite Library and Archives, Bethel College, North Newton, Kansas.

  67.  Ribuffo, 119.

  68.  Letter from Winrod to Kroeker, August 22, 1938, Correspondence series, Corres. Winrod, Gerald, John Jakob Kroeker Papers, MS. 501, Mennonite Library and Archives.

  69.  Transcript of radio addresses by Winrod, March 3 and 17, 1938, Correspondence series, Corres. Winrod, Gerald, John Jakob Kroeker Papers, MS. 501, Mennonite Library and Archives.

  70. New York Times, “Hamilton Assails Kansas Candidate,” July 23, 1938.

  71.  Ribuffo, 122–23.

  72.  Ribuffo, 123.

  73.  Letter from Roosevelt to White, June 8, 1938, White, William Allen folder, box 173, President’s Secretary file, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum, Hyde Park, New York.

  74.  Letter from White to Roosevelt, June 10, 1938, White, William Allen folder, box 173, President’s Secretary file, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum.

  75.  “Progressives Target,” Kane Republican [Kane, Pennsylvania], March 24, 1938, 7.

  76.  “Arch-Fascist seeks US Senate post,” Chicago Times, July 5, 1938; Gerald B. Winrod file, John C. Metcalfe Papers.

  77. New York Times, “Windrod of Wichita,” July 23, 1938, 12.

  78. New York Times, “Kansas Feud Helps Winrod,” July 31, 1938, 59.

  79. New York Times, “Hamilton Assails Kansas Candidate,” July 23, 1938.

  80. New York Times, “Kansas Sees Bigotry Beaten,” August 7, 1938, 59.

  81.  Winrod “Prayer Circle” letter, October 14, 1939, box 1A, folder 1, Gerald B. Winrod Papers, Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections.

  82. Los Angeles Times, “Aimee’s ‘Sub’ Protested,” November 12, 1938, A1; “Aimee Temple Defies Protest,” November 13, 1938, A7; “Temple Bomb Threat Fails,” November 14, 1938, A1; “Winrod Drops Sermon Plans,” November 17, 1938, A8.

  83.  Survey by Fortune. Methodology: Conducted by Roper Organization during August, 1938 and based on 5,157 personal interviews. Sample: National adult. [USROPER.38-002.Q09].

  84.  Methodology: Conducted by Gallup Organization, March 10–15, 1939, and based on 1,500 personal interviews. Sample: National adult. Sample size is approximate. [USGALLUP.39-151.QA08].

  85.  Survey by Fortune. Methodology: Conducted by Roper Organization during July, 1939 and based on 5,236 personal interviews. Sample: National adult. [USROPER.39-007.QB3].

  86.  Bennett, 279–80.

  87.  Tull, 207–8; Marcus, 156.

  88.  Albin Krebs, “Charles Coughlin, 30’s ‘Radio Priest,’ Dies,” New York Times, October 28, 1979, 44.

  89.  Cf. Bennett, 281.

  90.  Rogge, 303–4.

  91.  Walter W. Williamson, Heil Roosevelt: An American Student in Nazi Germany (Xlibris, 2000), 67.

  92. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Appendix A, p. 571.

  93.  Rogge, 306–7: Warren, 233.

  94.  Letter from Kroeker to Winrod, February 12, 1939, Correspondence series, Corres. Winrod, Gerald, John Jakob Kroeker Papers, MS. 501, Mennonite Library and Archives.

  95.  Letter from Kroeker to Winrod, April 19, 1939, Correspondence series, Corres. Winrod, Gerald, John Jakob Kroeker Papers, MS. 501, Mennonite Library and Archives.

  96.  Letter from Kroeker to Winrod, April 18, 1939, Correspondence series, Corres. Winrod, Gerald, John Jakob Kroeker Papers, MS. 501, Mennonite Library and Archives.

  97.  MacDonnell, 108.

  98.  Kroeker to General H. S. Parks, US Army, August 13, 1945, subject box 1, Autobiographical—J, Correspondence series, Corres. Winrod, Gerald, John Jakob Kroeker Papers, MS. 501, Mennonite Library and Archives.

  99.  Winrod “Prayer Circle” letter, October 14, 1939; undated letter headlined “The Defender asks for fair play,” box 1A, folder 28, Gerald B. Winrod Papers.

  100.  Tull, 223.