4. The Senators

  1.  Appendix to the Congressional Record, June 19, 1940, p. 4036.

  2.  “Strict Neutrality Urged by Lundeen,” New York Times, March 21, 1940, 10; “Lundeen Issues Call for Anti-War Party to be Formed in Chicago by Farmers, Labor,” New York Times, August 2, 1940, 5.

  3. PM, “George Viereck (Benedict Arnold) is Germany’s Paid Press Agent,” August 12, 1940, 8; Dies Committee Hearings—Appendix—part 7, vol. 1, pp. 39–40.

  4. Niel M. Johnson, George Sylvester Viereck, German-American Propagandist (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1972), 10–16; Phyllis Keller, States of Belonging: German-American Intellectuals and the First World War (Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press, 1979), 121; George Sylvester Viereck, Confessions of a Barbarian (London: John Lane, Bodley Head, 1910).

  5.  Johnson, 29–38.

  6.  Johnson, 40–43.

  7.  Keller, 154.

  8.  Johnson, 69; Keller, 168–69.

  9.  Johnson, 81.

  10.  Cf. Keller, 176.

  11.  Derived from Foreign Office reports 1939–41, including: report on Axis America, April 1941, FO 371/26214; report on Nazi and Nazi-inspired propaganda in the United States, June 5, 1940, FO 371/24237.

  12. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Appendix A, 561.

  13.  Dies Committee Hearings—Appendix—part 7, vol. 1, pp. 39–40.

  14.  Keller places this number at closer to $200,000 (180).

  15.  “German War Declaration Handed U.S.” Daily Independent [Murphysboro, Illinois], December 11, 1941, 1.

  16.  Geraldine Smith, “Revolt of the Major’s Daughter,” Philadelphia Inquirer Everybody Weekly, August 31, 1941, 3.

  17. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Appendix A, 551.

  18.  Preliminary interrogation report on Heribert von Strempel, December 14, 1945, Strempel, Heribert (von) file 6, Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, CIA CREST.

  19.  Memorandum from Saint to Amzon on von Strempel, file 9, p. 2, Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, CIA CREST.

  20.  Memorandum from Saint to Amzon on von Strempel, file 9, p. 2, Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, CIA CREST.

  21. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Appendix A, 563.

  22.  Memorandum from Saint to Amzon on von Strempel, file 9, p. 3, Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, CIA CREST.

  23.  “Lundeen to Replace Olson on the Ballot,” New York Times, August 30, 1936, 3.

  24.  “Lundeen Noted as Isolationist,” New York Times, September 1, 1940.

  25.  Letter from Viereck to Lundeen, April 23, 1937, folder 7, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers, Hoover Institution.

  26.  Letters between Viereck and Lundeen, April 1937, folder 7, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  27.  “Viereck’s Letter Barred at Trial,” New York Times, March 3, 1941, 13.

  28.  Letter from Viereck to Lundeen, June 12, 1937, folder 7, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  29.  Letter from Viereck to Lundeen, February 1, 1938, folder 7, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers. Lundeen himself marked this letter with the note “no reply.”

  30.  Alton Frye, Nazi Germany and the American Hemisphere, 19331941, Yale Historical Publications Miscellany (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967), 162.

  31.  Cf. Frye, 162.

  32. Dies Committee Report, Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States, Vol. 14, p. 8188.

  33.  Letter from Viereck to Fish, August 4, 1938, folder 7, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  34.  Viereck v. United States, 318 U.S. 236 (1943), Justia, https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/318/236/case.html.

  35.  Letters from Viereck to Lundeen, October 10–12, 1939, folder 7, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  36. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Appendix A, 562.

  37.  Adolphus Werth, It Happened Again: How the War Came, A Flanders Hall Book-of-the-Hour (Scotch Plains, NJ: Flanders Hall, 1940).

  38.  Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, Lord Lothain vs. Lord Lothian: Excerpts from the Speeches and Writings of the Marquess of Lothian, British Ambassador to the United States (Scotch Plains, NJ: Flanders Hall, 1940); Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Appendix A, 563.

  39. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Appendix A, 562.

  40. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Appendix A, 562.

  41.  Richard M. Langworth, “Tangling with the Media: The Curious Case of William Griffin,” Finest Hour, Autumn 2011, https://www.winstonchurchill.org/publications/finest-hour/finest-hour-152/tangling-with-the-media-the-curious-case-of-of-william-griffin.

  42. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Appendix A, 565.

  43.  “Say Hill Ordered Mail Bags Moved,” New York Times, January 13, 1942, 40.

  44.  Frye, 161.

  45.  FBI file, Lindbergh, report on the book Sabotage, September 17, 1942, p. 14.

  46.  “Say Hill Ordered Mail Bags Moved,” New York Times, January 13, 1942, 40.

  47.  Undated letter from Fish to be included with copy of speech, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  48. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Appendix A, 577–78; Rogge, 355.

  49.  November 21, 1941 report to FBI by Office of Naval Intelligence, San Diego, FBI Lindbergh file, FBI Vault.

  50.  Letter from Lundeen to Viereck, August 23, 1940; Letter from Viereck to Lundeen, August 22, 1940; Box 179, Folder 8, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  51.  “25 Dead in Crash of Air Transport; Lundeen Is Killed,” New York Times, September 1, 1940, 1; “Says Fatal Plane Struck Full Tilt: Wreckage and Two of Those Killed in Plane Crash,” New York Times, September 2, 1940, 32.

  52.  Report on the book Sabotage, September 17, 1942, pp. 13–14, Lindbergh FBI file, FBI Vault.

  53.  Letter from Jackson to Lundeen, October 10, 1940, “Death of Ernest Lundeen Investigation,” Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  54.  Report on the book Sabotage, September 17, 1942, p. 14, Lindbergh FBI file, FBI Vault.

  55.  Viereck to Lundeen, August 14, 1940, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  56.  Letter from the Make Europe Pay War Debts Committee to Walter Winchell, October 12, 1940, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  57.  Letters from Viereck to Mrs. Lundeen, September–November 1940, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  58.  Letter to Norma Lundeen from Widow’s Protective League, San Francisco, September 17, 1940, box 179, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  59. Address by Norma Lundeen, National Broadcasting Company, May 18, 1941, Death of Ernest Lundeen Posthumous Lawsuits file, Ernest Lundeen Papers. Underlining original.

  60.  “Memorandum for Mrs Lundeen,” testimony of February 24, 1942, reporter’s transcript, Death of Ernest Lundeen Posthumous Lawsuits file, Ernest Lundeen Papers.

  61.  File on Wirsing, Giselher, file 16, p. 47, Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, CIA CREST.

  62.  “The Congressional Frank and Nazi Propaganda” secret report, p. 2, FO 1093/167/1. Italics mine.

  63.  “The Congressional Frank and Nazi Propaganda” secret report, p. 4, FO 1093/167/1.

  64.  “The Congressional Frank and Nazi Propaganda” secret report, p. 9, 11–12, FO 1093/167/1.

  65.  “The Congressional Frank and Nazi Propaganda” secret report, p. 3, FO 1093/167/1.

  66.  Correspondence related to interception of mail at Bermuda, September 17–27, 1941, DEFE 1/205.

  67.  Johnson, 225–27.

  68.  Letter from George A. McNulty to Major H. Montgomery Hyde, July 19, 1943, DEFE 1/205. Also see letter from Viscount Halifax to Foreign Office, July 27, 1943, DEFE 1/205.

  69.  “Arrest Fish Secretary as Espionage Suspect,” Lansing State Journal, October 25, 1941, 8.

  70.  “Aide to Fish Is Sentenced,” Oakland Tribune, February 6, 1942, 24.