1.  August 23, 1939 journal entry, box 2, folder 4, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  2.  September 17, 1940 journal entry, box 2, folder 12, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  3.  November 9, 1940 journal entry, box 2, folder 12, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  4.  July 15, 1941 journal entry, box 2, folder 4, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  5.  July 11, 1941 journal entry, box 2, folder 18, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  6.  September 15, 1941 journal entry, box 2, folder 19, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  7.  September 16, 1941 journal entry, box 2, folder 4, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  8.  Cole, Senator Gerald P. Nye, 152.

  9.  September 17, 1941 journal entry, box 2, folder 4, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  10.  Letter from Fred and Alana Peterson, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 16, 1941, chapter reactions to C. A. Lindbergh’s Des Moines speech, America First Committee Records.

  11.  Cole, Senator Gerald P. Nye, 150.

  12.  September 18, 1941 journal entry, box 2, folder 4, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  13.  Telegram from Niebuhr to Judson, September 14, 1941, Colonel Lindbergh’s Des Moines speech, box 5, America First Committee Records.

  14.  Letter to Page Hufty with accompanying photographs, September 23, 1941, Western Trip file, America First Committee Records.

  15.  Transcript of Assembly Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities in California, October 14–17, 1941, vol. 3, pp. 780–86, California Un-American Activities Committees Records, California State Archives.

  16.  Transcript of Assembly Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities in California, October 14–17, 1941, vol. 3, pp. 844–45. California Un-American Activities Committees Records.

  17.  “Spectators Ejected at ‘Un-American’ Hearing,” Santa Cruz Sentinel, October 16, 1941, 1.

  18.  Cole, Senator Gerald P. Nye, 153; Berg, 430.

  19.  “CBS Is Firm in Row with America First,” New York Times, October 26, 1941, 16.

  20.  “$10,000 to Combat Lindbergh Is Sought from Movie Unit of Friends of Democracy,” New York Times, October 31, 1941, 3.

  21.  December 7, 1941 journal entry, box 3, folder 1, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  22.  December 8, 1941 journal entry, box 3, folder 1, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  23. December 8, 1941 journal entry, box 3, folder 1, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Papers.

  24.  Cf. Cole, vii.

  25.  Cf. Berg, 437.

  26.  Letter from Perkins from P. N. Loxley, November 29, 1941, FO 1093/167/1.

  27.  Report on the America First Committee, 1941, p. 10, FO 1093/167/1.

  28.  “America First,” address by Donald Trump, delivered at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC, April 27, 2016, Vital Speeches of the Day.

  29.  Reidy Reid, “America First!” musical score and lyrics, Dixie Music Pub. Company, 1941.