Drying food is the oldest method of food preservation, dating back thousands of years. Even as late as the nineteenth century, it was one of the main ways foods were preserved and stored.
Dehydrating is an inexpensive way to preserve food. Most fruits and vegetables, such as corn, onions, peas, peppers, tomatoes, and herbs, are good for drying.
Solar dehydrators and electric dehydrators are the main methods of drying food. Sun drying is the least-expensive method since it takes advantage of sunlight. Although it is possible to dehydrate in a kitchen oven, it is expensive and hard to control—many ovens do not get to a low enough temperature to properly dehydrate food.
A recent development in dehydrating is freeze-drying for home use. Freeze-dryers are expensive but can be made cost-effective if several families split the cost.
When produce is harvested, the very best grade is used for fresh produce in markets. Large canning companies use the next best grades. What is left over is used for dehydrating. Commercial dehydrating may use higher temperatures to speed up the dehydration process, which can reduce nutritional value.
To assure the best quality and nutritional value, a great option is to dehydrate foods at home. By using a good dehydrator and lower temperatures (110° to 145° F or 40° to 60° C), along with selecting quality produce, you can have an excellent product. You can save money by growing your own produce, purchasing fruits and vegetables in season, or buying in bulk during special sales.
If food is properly dried, packaged, and stored, its shelf life will be from six months to more than two years.
An electric dehydrator is easy to use and does the most consistent job. There are two basic types: vertical flow (usually round) and horizontal flow (usually rectangular). Although sun drying is least expensive, it is not as consistent as other methods because of air and temperature variations. See table 31.1 for descriptions of three popular dehydrators.
Table 31.1
Dehydrator Style |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Vertical Dehydrator |
Vertical Dehydrator |
Horizontal Dehydrator |
Dehydrators shown are Cuisinart Food Dehydrator, Nesco GardenMaster Food Dehydrator, and Excalibur 9-Tray Hydrator |
Vertical-flow dehydrators have a heat source that may be either at the base or at the top of the dehydrator. A fan helps airflow vertically throughout the dehydrator. Some designs force air over the food trays for better circulation. The challenge of this design is the tendency for the food-filled trays to block airflow. The round design also limits the amount of space available for food.
Horizontal-flow dehydrators have a heat source and fan located at the back. Airflow is more evenly distributed than in a vertical model because it flows across the drying trays. Heat is well distributed in most models, making them excellent for dehydrating meat. They also require less tending and rearranging of trays.
Commercial solar dehydrators are hard to come by, but you can make your own simply with screens that have an insect-proof covering. Both simple and elaborate DIY solar dehydrator plans can be found with an internet search.
Most of the work in dehydrating fruits and vegetables is in preparing them for dehydrating. To shorten prep time, use time-saving tools. The list of specialized kitchen tools for canning in chapter 29 is useful for dehydrating as well. The equipment and supplies listed in table 31.2 will also help with dehydrating.
Table 31.2
Vegetables are easy to prepare for dehydrating. Begin by paring and slicing uniform pieces. The most important step is blanching, and almost all vegetables must be blanched. Blanching deactivates enzymes, speeds up drying by relaxing the tissue, preserves vitamins and flavors, and sets colors. Arrange in a single layer on dehydrating trays.
The best temperature for dehydrating most produce is 125° to 140° F (57° to 60° C). Drying times will vary widely according to the individual item, the size of the pieces, the humidity in the air, and the dehydrator used and drying in the sun takes longer than drying in an electric dehydrator. Most vegetables are dry when they are brittle or crisp, although tomatoes and mushrooms should be pliable. Dehydrated vegetables should have about 95 percent of their moisture removed.
Prepare fruits by paring and slicing uniformly. Pretreat light-colored fruit to help prevent darkening by dipping them in a solution of ascorbic acid or Fruit Fresh (one tablespoon per quart). Blanch fruits with skins like grapes, plums, and cherries in boiling water for thirty to sixty seconds.
Fruit is dry when it is leathery and pliable and retains its characteristic color. Dehydrated fruit should have about 80 percent of its moisture removed. Produce should be allowed to cool before you test its dryness. Although not ideal, it is also better to over dry than under dry. Long-term storage requires a drier product.
Produce should be cooled after dehydrating and before being placed in storage containers. Seal the dried food in vacuum-packed plastic bags, in a resealable plastic bag, or other airtight container. Add an oxygen absorber. Place packages in a #10 can with a plastic lid or in a glass jar. Store all dehydrated products in a cool, dry location. Jars are best if kept in the dark.
Dehydrated meat is usually marinated and known as jerky. But it is possible to dehydrate untreated meat as well.
Use lean cuts of beef, other red-game meat, salmon, and turkey for jerky. Do not use pork because the dehydration temperatures are not high enough to kill the trichinosis parasite.
It is a personal preference whether to cut meat with the grain or against the grain. Slicing with the grain will make it chewier, and slicing against the grain will make it more prone to falling apart. Slightly defrosted meat is easier to slice. See table 31.3 for complete instructions on making jerky.
Table 31.3
Step 1 |
Slice the meat into very thin strips, removing as much fat as possible. |
Step 2 |
Coat the jerky with salt. Add spices if desired. Salt helps with the curing and speeds dehydrating. |
Step 3 |
Spray trays with nonstick cooking spray. |
Step 4 |
Lay out the meat strips, leaving space around each piece to allow for good airflow. |
Step 5 |
Set drying temperature to 165° F (80° C). Check every couple of hours. It should take about eight hours to thoroughly dry. |
To add flavor, marinate the meat for ten to twenty-four hours, depending on how seasoned you want it to be. Refrigerate it during marinating. Many jerky recipes use soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce, along with sugar and spices like pepper, garlic, and onion powder. Test out several recipes and sure to stockpile the ingredients you like.
Periodically cut into jerky to check for doneness. How fast it dries will depend on how thick the jerky is and how moist it is from the marinade. Jerky is ready when you can bend and crack it, but it should not be brittle. It should be a dark brownish-red in color.
Jerky was not originally intended for long-term storage. The idea is that you make jerky as meat becomes available, either after a good sale at the grocery store or after slaughtering a steer or game.
Store jerky in a refrigerator or freezer if possible. Homemade jerky should be eaten within one to two months. Commercial jerky can last one to two years because it’s cured with sodium nitrate, a preservative.
The latest contribution to food preservation at home is the Harvest Right home freeze dryer—a home appliance that will freeze-dry food. Food that is made using this dryer is excellent and rivals commercial freeze-dried foods.
It uses a refrigeration condenser that freezes food to a very low temperature (-40°F). A vacuum pump creates a vacuum inside the drying chamber, which pulls off the ice crystals, which then change to vapor and evaporate. It will handle both fresh and cooked foods, including combination meals. The biggest limitation is cost, but look for prices to continue to come down.