With a quick search you will find countless articles, books, and internet sources about growing vegetable gardens and fruit trees. Those included here focus on the basics and the gardening methods mentioned in the book. Many university extensions offer excellent horticulture information.
The Backyard Homestead by Carleen Madigan (2009) is a guide to growing and harvesting a sustainable, self-reliant homestead, including fruits and vegetables, grains, and livestock.
“Specialized Gardening Techniques” Bulletin A3384 (PDF)
This University of Wisconsin publication by Helen C. Harrison describes wide-row planting, square-foot gardening, and raised beds.
Webpage: https://learningstore.uwex.edu/Assets/pdfs/A3384.pdf
All New Square Foot Gardening, Third Edition by Mel Bartholomew (2018), an updated version of the classic More Food from Grow-Box Gardens by Jacob R. Mittleider (1982), teaches you how to become a successful DIY square-foot gardener.
How to Grow More Vegetables (And Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains and other Products, 9th Edition) by John Jeavons (2017) demonstrates sustainable growing methods for organic and intensive small-scale gardening.
Backyard Winter Gardening: Vegetables Fresh and Simple in Any Climate without Artificial Heat or Electricity, the Way It’s Been Done for 2,000 Years by Caleb Warnock (2013) explains how to extend the harvest into winter months to add to your food security.
Fruit Trees
The Fruit Gardener’s Bible: A Complete Guide to Growing Fruits and Nuts in the Home Garden by Lewis Hill and Leonard Perry (2011) is an authoritative guide to growing fruit trees.
Field Crops
Homegrown Whole Grains: Grow, Harvest, and Cook Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rice, Corn and More by Sara Pitzer (2009) explains cultivating, harvesting, and using whole grains.
Microgreens and Sprouts
Microgreens: A Guide to Growing Nutrient-Packed Greens by Eric Franks & Jasmine Richardson (2009) is a complete guide for getting started growing microgreens.
Homegrown Sprouts: A Fresh, Healthy, and Delicious Step-by-Step Guide to Sprouting Year Round by Rita Galchus (2013) is about how to grow your own sprouts from the unique perspective of Rita, the Sprout Lady.
Though not comprehensive, the following list gives you a number of well-regarded references and resources to consider when raising animals in general. Reference resources are also listed for specific animals.
Cooperative Extension
Every state has a land-grant university tasked with providing education in agriculture to the citizens of the state. It is a valuable resource for information about raising animals as well as other agricultural and horticulture topics. Many extensions maintain a useful website.
General Guides to Raising Animals
Barnyard in Your Backyard: A Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Rabbits, Goats, Sheep, and Cattle by Gail Damerow (2002) contains basic information to get started raising animals.
The Complete Beginners Guide to Raising Small Animals: Everything You Need to Know about Raising Cows, Sheep, Chickens, Ducks, Rabbits, and More by Carlotta Cooper (2012) offers a good sampling of what is required to raise farm animals.
The Spruce, a website dedicated to all things about your home, has a strand for urban, suburban, and small-sale hobby farms. You will find many good articles to help you make introductory information about raising most small farm animals.
Website: https://www.thespruce.com/small-farm-4127721
Storey’s Guides to Raising Animals
This well-regarded, best-selling series of books is designed to help those who want to raise animals, including rabbits, chickens, ducks, turkeys, goats, llamas, sheep, pigs, beef cattle, horses, and honeybees.
Butchering Poultry, Lamb, Goat, and Pork: The Comprehensive Photographic Guide to Humane Slaughtering and Butchering by Adam Danforth (2014). If you raise animals you will want to know how to slaughter and butcher them.
Merck Veterinary Manual by Susan Aiello and Michael A. Moses. This basic authoritative guide to animal health is used by veterinary professionals. Also available online,
website: merckvetmanual.com
Veterinary Guide for Animal Owners: Caring for Cats, Dogs, Chickens, Sheep, Cattle, Rabbits, and More by C. E. Spaulding and Jackie Clay (2015) — an excellent resource for animal owners, this book discusses how to prevent and cure common problems in simple terms.
Raising Rabbits 101 by Aaron G Webster (2015) — a good starting place, covering all aspects of raising rabbits, especially helpful for beginners.
The Chicken Chick’s Guide to Backyard Chickens: Simple Steps for Healthy, Happy Hens by Kathy Shea Mormino (2017). This book covers it all—coops, chicken care, breed selection, chicken health, etc. The chart “Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Got Chickens” is enlightening!
The Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens: How to Raise a Happy Backyard Flock by Ann Kuo (2019). The author’s experience with raising chickens in an urban setting will help you decide if raising chickens is for you. Good basic information, enthusiastically presented.
“Raising Chickens 101: How to Get Started,” The Old Farmer’s Almanac. This is the first of six articles about raising chickens. Other articles discuss choosing chickens, building a coop, raising chicks, collecting eggs, and what to do when chickens stop laying eggs.
Webpage: https://www.almanac.com/news/home-health/chickens/raising-chickens-101-how-get-started
The Backyard Goat: An Introductory Guide to Keeping and Enjoying Pet Goats, from Feeding and Housing to Making Your Own Cheese by Sue Weaver (2011). This is a good guide for beginners, giving the basics on getting started raising goats.
Backyard Goats is a website all about raising goats, including breed selection and goat care.
Website: https://backyardgoats.iamcountryside.com/
Sheep, Pigs, and Cows
The Backyard Sheep: An Introductory Guide to Keeping Productive Pet Sheep by Sue Weaver (2013) is a good guide for beginners that includes information on breed selection, care, feeding, doctoring, breeding, and using sheep for milk and fleece.
“Raising Sheep on a Small Farm” by Lauren Arcuri (2018) is an article from “The Spruce” website. This is a good introduction if you want a small flock of sheep.
Webpage: https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-raise-sheep-3016859
“Raising Small Groups of Pigs” by Elizabeth Hines, Penn State Extension, April 20, 2016, is a good place for beginners to get information about how to raise pigs on a small homestead.
Webpage: https://extension.psu.edu/raising-small-groups-of-pigs
“The Beginning Farmer’s Guide to Raising Backyard Beef” by Melissa K. Norris (2015). This article contains hints for raising beef cattle. It includes ideas about fencing, breed selection, cattle feed, and butchering.
Webpage: https://www.hobbyfarms.com/the-beginning-farmers-guide-to-raising-backyard-beef-3/
The Backyard BeeKeeper, Fourth Edition by Kim Flottum (2018). Helpful beginning guide by honeybee researcher.
Home Aquaponics System is an inclusive website with many articles and tips for aquaculture. They also sell many tools and equipment for home aquaculture.
“Raising Fish for Food: Backyard Fish Farming for Survival,” January 27, 2014.
Webpage: https://survivalist101.com/raising-fish/
Edible Wild Plants and Wild Game
The Forager’s Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants by Samuel Thayer (2006)
Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants of Eastern and Central North America, Third Edition by Steven Foster and James A. DukePeterson (2014)
Edible and Poisonous Plants of the Western/Eastern United States Identification Set. Fifty-two-card set with color pictures and descriptions.
The Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival by Dave Canterbury (2014) is a good general book, with sections on tools, hunting, trapping, butchering, and cooking.
Hunt, Gather, Cook: Finding the Forgotten Feast by Hank Shaw (2012) is for those just beginning to explore the possibilities of foraging, fishing, and hunting for food.
National Center for Home Food Preservation is part of the USDA and publishes complete guides for all types of food preservation, including canning, freezing, drying, curing and smoking, fermenting, pickling, and making jams and jellies. Besides factual, accurate information, the publications offer recipes and troubleshooting suggestions.
Root Cellars
The Complete Root Cellar Book: Building Plans, Uses, and 100 Recipes by Steve Maxwell and Jennifer MacKenzie (2010) provides complete and detailed information on building root cellars and choosing vegetables to store.
Home Canning
The USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning, 2015 Revision. Thorough factual canning reference.
Website: https://nchfp.uga.edu/publications/publications_usda.html
Ball Blue Book—is published annually and its contents change over time. Thorough instructions for canning, freezing, and dehydrating—includes recipes. The All New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving (2016), a recent Ball publication, is larger and expanded.
The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning: Everything You Need to Know to Can Meats, Vegetables, Meals in a Jar, and More Diane Devereaux (2018) A little bit of “how-to” to give you confidence and a lot of recipes for practice.
Putting Food By, authored by Ruth Hertzberg and Janet C. Greene, et al (2010, 5th edition). This classic reference is updated and includes information for all types of food preservation.
A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing and Smoking of Meat, Fish and Game by Wilbur F. Eastman, Jr. (2002). This is a no-nonsense resource on time-honored ways of preserving meats.
Extension Bulletins
“Canning Meats in Cans” (2016) FNH-00227 and “Canning Fish in Cans” (2017) FNH-00125, University of Alaska Extension bulletin www.uaf.edu/files/ces/publications-db/catalog/hec/FNH-00227.pdf. They also have a series of YouTube videos with directions for home canning.
“USU Steam Canning: Position Statement” No. 002 (2005) Utah State University Extension bulletin
“Guidelines for Using an Atmospheric Steam Canner for Home Food Preservation,” University of Wisconsin Extension
Dehydrating Foods
The Dehydrator Bible by Jennifer McKenzie, et al (2009) includes comprehensive information as well as over three hundred recipes for dehydrated food.
The Ultimate Dehydrator Cookbook: The Complete Guide to Drying Food, Plus 398 Recipes, Including Making Jerky, Fruit Leather & Just-Add-Water Meals by Tammy Ganloff. (2014) By a well-regarded dehydrating expert—the title is self-explanatory.
“Home Freeze Drying—The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” by Laurie Neverman blog: Common Sense Home
Webpage: http://commonsensehome.com/home-freeze-drying/
Salt Curing, Smoke Curing, and Pickling
Several university extensions offer excellent information about meat curing. You can be sure the method and recipes are checked for safety.
“The Art and Practice of Sausage Making” by Martin Marchello and Julia Garden-Robinson, University of North Dakota Extension Service
“Basics of Sausage Making,” Anand Mohan, PhD, UGA Extension
“Curing and Smoking Poultry Meat,” Oregon State University Extension Service, SP 60-593
“Dry Curing Virginia-Style Ham,” Virginia Cooperative Extension, Publication 458-233
“Smoking Fish at Home—Safely,” Pacific Northwest Extension Publication, Publication, PNW238
Dry-Curing Pork: Make Your Own Salami, Pancetta, Coppa, Prosciutto, and More (Countryman Know How) by Hector Kent (2014)
The Sausage and Jerky Makers’ Bible: The Home Processor’s Guide to Charcuterie and Sausage and Jerky Handbook (1994) by Eldon Russell Cutlip (2014)
Amazing Ribs by Meathead Goldwyn. This website is about all things meat. Besides information on grilling, there are several well-informed discussions about curing meats.
“The Science of Curing Meat Safely” will help you understand the meat curing processes.
Webpage: amazingribs.com/tested-recipes/salting-brining-curing-and-injecting/curing-meats-safely
Repair and Home Maintenance
You might want to have books that give a foundation of how your house works and how to maintain and repair it. Although the internet is populated with countless DIY videos, printed material in your hands could be invaluable in a crisis. The following resources will help you with fundamental home maintenance.
How Your House Works: A Visual Guide to Understanding and Maintaining Your Home by Charlie Wing (2012)
Ultimate Guide to Home Repair and Improvement by Editors of Creative Homeowner (2016)
You may also want to keep books on basic plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, auto repair, small-engine repair, blacksmithing, masonry work, and construction on hand. Home Depot and Lowes offer their own repair manuals and specialized instructions, many of which are free.
Home Security
“Be Ember Aware” by University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (2009)
Website: https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/27530896/be-ember-aware-university-of-nevada-cooperative-extension-/6
“Protecting Your Home from Wildfire,” California Chaparral Institute
website: http://www.californiachaparral.com/fire/protecting-your-home/
Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country: How to Save Your Home, Business and Life by Peter I. Yanev and Andrew C. T. Thompson (2009)
DIY Secret Hiding Places:90 Places to Hide What You Don’t Want Found by Steve Plant (2015).
The High Security Shelter: How to Implement a Multi-Purpose Safe Room in the Home by Joel Skousen and Andrew Skousen (2017)
Wood Fuel
Norwegian Wood: Chopping, Stacking, and Drying Wood the Scandinavian Way by Lars Mytting (2015) is both entertaining and factual. If you plan on heating primarily with wood, this book will teach you the tricks of the trade.
“Wood Heating Appliances for Homes and Businesses” by Scott A. Sanford and David S. Liebl, University of Wisconsin Extension (2014).
Website: https://learningstore.uwex.edu/Assets/pdfs/GWQ066.pdf
Solar Energy
Wholesale Solar “Wholesale Solar Load Evaluation Calculator.” This website will also help you calculate your off-grid system size.
Website: wholesalesolar.com/solar-information/start-here/offgrid-calculator
Manual of Composting Toilet and Greywater Practice (2016). The British Columbia government has published a very helpful 23-page manual in pdf format. You can get an updated website with a simple Google search.
Emergency Medicine
The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for When Help is NOT on the Way, revised (2013) by Joseph Alton, MD, and Amy Alton, ARNP.
Website: doomandbloom.net offers useful information and emergency medical products.
Alton’s Antibiotics and Infectious Disease by Joseph Alton, MD and Amy Alton, ARNP (2018)
Where There is No Doctor: A Village Healthcare Handbook by David Werner, et al (updated 2015)
Medical Dictionaries
Medical Terminology Made Easy by Eva Regan (2016)
Stedman’s Medical Dictionary (2005 or current edition)
Anatomy Texts
Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank H Netter, M.D. (2014)
Gray’s Anatomy for Students (2014)
Medical Handbooks
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Maxine Papadakis, Stephen McPhee, Michael Rabow (2020) updated annually. Used by NP and PA students, practitioners.
The Merck Manual, Robert S. Porter, editor (updated periodically)
Physicians’ Desk Reference, updated annually and includes a pharmaceutical reference.
Childbirth Resources
Varney’s Midwifery by Tekoa L King and Mary C. Brucker (2018) ) is a basic midwifery guide.
SWLing Post blog is dedicated to teaching about shortwave-radio communication and offers a forum for the shortwave community.
Passport to World Band Radio is a reference for shortwave communication. Issues from 1986 to 2009 may be found in print from secondary sources.
American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the United States’ amateur radio organization.
Chapter 42 is only a very basic overview of survival firearms. A simple internet search will give you ample information about firearms. This list includes basic information and a few classic resources.
Gun Laws
For up-to-date gun laws, refer to the following two websites:
Basic Firearms References
Gun Digest, Jerry Lee, editor (published annually)
Includes gun reviews and gun articles, also free downloads.
Website: gundigest.com
Shooter’s Bible: The World’s Best-Selling Firearms Reference by Jay Cassell (published annually)
This is the most comprehensive reference for new guns and those currently in production.
Website: skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510748125/shooters-bible-111th-edition/
Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson H. Kearny (1979, 1987, 2001)
The classic nuclear war survival manual by an Oakridge National Laboratory scientist is still relevant today, forty years after it was written. Available in paperback or downloadable as a PDF.