IP Version 6

The current version of IP (as we write) is officially known as IP Version 4; throughout this book, whenever we talk about IP with no further qualification, that's what we're talking about. There is, however, a new version of IP in the works right now, known as IP Version 6 (IPv6 for short). Why do we need a new version of IP, and how will IPv6 affect you?

The impetus to create IPv6 was one simple problem: the Internet is running out of IP addresses. The Internet has become so popular that there just won't be enough IP network numbers (particularly Class B network numbers, which have proven to be what most sites need) to go around; by some estimates, if nothing had been done, the Internet would have run out of addresses in 1995 or 1996. Fortunately, the problem was recognized, and something was done. Two things, actually — first, the implementation of a set of temporary measures and guidelines to make best possible use of the remaining unassigned addresses, and second, the design and implementation of a new version of IP that would permanently deal with the address exhaustion issue.

If you're going to create a new version of IP in order to deal with address-space exhaustion, you might as well take advantage of the opportunity to deal with a whole raft of other problems or limitations in IP as well, such as encryption, authentication, source routing, and dynamic configuration. (For many people, these limitations are the primary reasons for IPv6, and the addressing problem is merely a handy reason for other people to accept it.) This produces a number of implications for firewalls. According to Steve Bellovin of AT&T Bell Laboratories, a well-known firewalls expert and a participant in the IPv6 design process:[6]

IPv6 is based on the concept of nested headers. That's how encryption and authentication are done; the "next protocol" field after the IPv6 header specifies an encryption or an authentication header. In turn, their next protocol fields would generally indicate either IPv6 or one of the usual transport protocols, such as TCP or UDP.

Nested IP over IP can be done even without encryption or authentication; that can be used as a form of source routing. A more efficient way is to use the source routing header — which is more useful than the corresponding IPv4 option, and is likely to be used much more, especially for mobile IP.

Some of the implications for firewalls are already apparent. A packet filter must follow down the full chain of headers, understanding and processing each one in turn. (And yes, this can make looking at port numbers more expensive.) A suitably cautious stance dictates that a packet with an unknown header be bounced, whether inbound or outbound. Also, the ease and prevalence of source routing means that cryptographic authentication is absolutely necessary. On the other hand, it is intended that such authentication be a standard, mandatory feature. Encrypted packets are opaque, and hence can't be examined; this is true today, of course, but there aren't very many encryptors in use now. That will change. Also note that encryption can be done host-to-host, host-to-gateway, or gateway-to-gateway, complicating the analysis still more.

Address-based filtering will also be affected, to some extent, by the new autoconfiguration mechanisms. It's vital that any host whose address is mentioned in a filter receive the same address each time. While this is the intent of the standard mechanisms, one needs to be careful about proprietary schemes, dial-up servers, etc. Also, high-order address bits can change, to accommodate the combination of provider-based addressing and easy switching among carriers.

Finally, IPv6 incorporates "flows." Flows are essentially virtual circuits at the IP level; they're intended to be used for things like video, intermediate-hop ATM circuit selection, etc. But they can also be used for firewalls, given appropriate authentication: the UDP reply problem might go away if the query had a flow id that was referenced by the response. This, by the way, is a vague idea of mine; there are no standards for how this should be done. The regular flow setup protocol won't work; it's too expensive. But a firewall traversal header might do the job.

As you can see, IPv6 could have a major impact on firewalls, especially with respect to packet filtering. However, IPv6 is not being deployed rapidly. The address exhaustion problem doesn't seem to be as bad as people had feared (under many estimates, the address space ought to have been gone before this edition made it to press). On the other hand, the problem of converting networks from IPv4 to IPv6 has turned out to be worse. The end result is that while IPv6 is still a viable technology that is gaining ground, it's not going to take over from IPv4 in the immediate future; you're going to need an IPv4 firewall for quite some time.

[6] Steve Bellovin, posting to the Firewalls mailing list, 31 December 1994.