When somebody requests that you allow a service through your firewall, you will go through a process of evaluation to decide exactly what to do with the service. In the following chapters, we give you a combination of information and analysis, based on our evaluations. This section attempts to lay out the evaluation process for you, so that you can better understand the basis for our statements, and so that you can make your own evaluations of services and servers we don't discuss.
When you evaluate services, it's important not to make assumptions about things beyond your control. For instance, if you're planning to run a server, you shouldn't assume that the clients that connect to it are going to be the clients it's designed to work with; an attacker can perfectly well write a new client that does things differently. Similarly, if you're running a client, you shouldn't assume that all the servers you connect to are well behaved unless you have some means of controlling them.
Different protocols are designed with different levels of security. Some of them are quite safe by design (which doesn't mean that they're safe once they've been implemented!), and some of them are unsafe as designed. While a bad implementation can make a good protocol unsafe, there's very little that a good implementation can do for a bad protocol, so the first step in evaluating a service is evaluating the underlying protocol.
This may sound dauntingly technical, and indeed it can be. However, a perfectly useful first cut can often be done without any actual knowledge of the details of how the protocol works, just by thinking about what it's supposed to be doing.
No matter how little else you know about a protocol, you know what it's supposed to be able to do, and that gives you a powerful first estimate of how risky it must be. In general, the less a protocol does, the safer it is.
For instance, suppose you are going to invent a protocol that will be used to talk to a coffee maker, so that you can put your coffee maker on the Web. You could, of course, build a web server into the coffee maker (or wait for coffee makers to come with web servers, which undoubtedly will happen soon) or use an existing protocol,[1] but as a rugged individualist you have decided to make up a completely new protocol. Should you allow this protocol through your firewall?
Well, if the protocol just allows people to ask the coffee maker how much coffee is available and how hot it is, that sounds OK. You probably don't care who has that information. If you're doing something very secret, maybe it's not OK. What if the competition finds out you're suddenly making coffee in the middle of the night? (The U.S. government discovered at one point that journalists were tracking important news stories by watching the rates at which government agencies ordered pizza deliveries late at night.)
What if the protocol lets people make coffee? Well, that depends. If there's a single "make coffee" command, and the coffee maker will execute it only if everything's set up to make coffee, that's still probably OK. But what if there's a command for boiling the water and one for letting it run through the coffee? Now your competitors can reduce your efficiency rate by ensuring your coffee is weak and undrinkable.
What if you decided that you wanted real flexibility, so you designed a protocol that gave access to each switch, sensor, and light in the machine, allowing them to be checked and set, and then you provided a program with settings for making weak coffee, normal coffee, and strong coffee? That would be a very useful protocol, providing all sorts of interesting control options, and a malicious person using it could definitely explode the coffee machine.
Suppose you're not interested in running the coffee machine server; you just want to let people control the coffee machine from your site with the coffee machine controller. So far, there doesn't seem to be much reason for concern (particularly if you're far enough away to avoid injury when the coffee machine explodes). The server doesn't send much to the client, just information about the state of the coffee machine. The client doesn't send the server any information about itself, just instructions about the coffee machine.
You could still easily design a coffee machine client that would be risky. For instance, you could add a feature to shut down the client machine if the coffee machine was about to explode. It would make the client a dangerous thing to run without changing the protocol at all.
While you will probably never find yourself debating coffee-making protocols, this discussion covers the questions you'll want to ask about real-life protocols; what sort of information do they give out and what can they change? The following table provides a very rough outline of things that make a protocol more or less safe.
Safer | Less Safe |
Receives data that will be displayed only to the user | Changes the state of the machine |
Exchanges predefined data in a known format | Exchanges data flexibly, with multiple types and the ability to add new types |
Gives out no information | Gives out sensitive information |
Allows the other end to execute very specific commands | Allows the other end to execute flexible commands |
The more risky an operation is, the more control you want to have over who does it. This is actually a question of authorization (who is allowed to do something), but in order to be able to determine authorization information, you must first have good authentication. It's no point being able to say "Cadmus may do this, but Dorian may not", if you can't be sure which one of them is trying to do what.
A protocol for exchanging audio files may not need any authentication (after all, we've already decided it's not very dangerous), but a protocol for remotely controlling a computer definitely needs authentication. You want to know exactly who you are talking to before you decide that it's okay for them to issue the "delete all files" command.
Authentication can be based on the host or on the user and can range considerably in strength. A protocol could give you any of the following kinds of information about clients:
No information about where a connection comes from
Unverifiable information (for instance, the client may send a username or hostname to the server expecting the server to just trust this information, as in SMTP)
A password or other authenticator that an attacker can easily get hold of (for instance, the community string in SNMP or the cleartext password used by standard Telnet)
A nonforgeable way to authenticate (for instance, an SSH negotiation)
Once the protocol provides an appropriate level of authentication, it also needs to provide appropriate controls over authorization. For instance, a protocol that allows both harmless and dangerous commands should allow you to give some users permission to do everything, and others permission to do only harmless things. A protocol that provides good authentication but no authorization control is a protocol that permits revenge but not protection (you can't keep people from doing the wrong thing; you can only track them down once they've done it).
If you have a chance to actually analyze a protocol in depth, you will want to make sure that there aren't any hidden surprises. Some protocols include little-used commands that may be more risky than the commands that are the main purpose of the protocol. One example that occurred in an early protocol document for SMTP was the TURN command. It caused the SMTP protocol to reverse the direction of flow of electronic mail; a host that had originally been sending mail could start to receive it instead. The intention was to support polling and systems that were not always connected to the network. The protocol designers didn't take authentication into account, however; since SMTP has no authentication, SMTP senders rely on their ability to control where a connection goes to as a way to identify the recipient. With TURN, a random host could contact a server, claim to be any other machine, and then issue a TURN to receive the other machine's mail. Thus, the relatively obscure TURN command made a major and surprising change in the security of the protocol. The TURN command is no longer specified in the SMTP protocol.
Even if the protocol is reasonably secure itself, you may be worried about the information that's transferred. For instance, you can imagine a credit card authorization service where there was no way that a hostile client could damage or trick the server and no way that a hostile server could damage or trick the client, but where the credit card numbers were sent unencrypted. In this case, there's nothing inherently dangerous about running the programs, but there is a significant danger to the information, and you would not want to allow people at your site to use the service.
When you evaluate a service, you want to consider what information you may be sharing with it, and whether that information will be appropriately protected. In the preceding TURN command example, you would certainly have been alert to the problem. However, there are many instances that are more subtle. For instance, suppose people want to play an online game through your firewall—no important private information could be involved there, right? Wrong. They might need to give usernames and passwords, and that information provides important clues for attackers. Most people use the same usernames and passwords over and over again.
In addition to the obvious things (data that you know are important secrets, like your credit card number, the location the plutonium is hidden in, and the secret formula for your product), you will want to be careful to watch out for protocols that transfer any of the following:
Information that identifies individual people (Social Security numbers or tax identifiers, bank account numbers, private telephone numbers, and other information that might be useful to an impersonator or hostile person)
Information about your internal network or host configuration, including software or hardware serial numbers, machine names that are not otherwise made public, and information about the particular software running on machines
Information that can be used to access systems (passwords and usernames, for instance)
Even the best protocol can be unsafe if it's badly implemented. You may be running a protocol that doesn't contain a "shutdown system" command but have a server that shuts down the system anyway whenever it gets an illegal command.
This is bad programming, which is appallingly common. While some subtle and hard-to-avoid attacks involve manipulating servers to do things that are not part of the protocol the servers are implementing, almost all of the attacks of this kind involve the most obvious and easy ways to avoid errors. The number of commercial programs that would receive failing grades in an introductory programming class is beyond belief.
In order to be secure, a program needs to be very careful with the data that it uses. In particular, it's important that the program verify assumptions about data that comes from possibly hostile sources. What sources are possibly hostile depends on the environment that the program is running in. If the program is running on a secured bastion host with no hostile users, and you are willing to accept the risk that any attacker who gets access to the machine has complete control over the program, the only hostile data source you need to worry about is the network.
On the other hand, if there are possibly hostile users on the machine, or you want to maintain some degree of security if an attacker gets limited access to the machine, then all incoming data must be untrusted. This includes command-line arguments, configuration data (from configuration files or a resource manager), data that is part of the execution environment, and all data read from the network. Command-line arguments should be checked to make sure they contain only valid characters; some languages interpret special characters in filenames to mean "run the following program and give me the output instead of reading from the file". If an option exists to use an alternate configuration file, an attacker might be able to construct an alternative that would allow him or her greater access. The execution environment might allow override variables, perhaps to control where temporary files are created; such values need to be carefully validated before using them. All of these flaws have been discovered repeatedly in real programs on all kinds of operating systems.
An example of poor argument checking, which attackers still scan for, occurred in one of the sample CGI programs that were originally distributed with the NCSA HTTP server. The program was installed by default when the software was built and was intended to be an example of CGI programming. The program used an external utility to perform some functions, and it gave the utility information that was specified by the remote user. The author of the program was even aware of problems that can occur when running external utilities using data you have received. Code had been included to check for a list of bad values. Unfortunately, the list of bad values was incomplete, and that allowed arbitrary commands to be run by the HTTP server. A better approach, based upon "That Which Is Not Expressly Permitted Is Prohibited", would have been to check the argument for allowable characters.
The worst result of failure to check arguments is a "buffer overflow", which is the basis for a startlingly large number of attacks. In these attacks, a program is handed more input data than its programmer expected; for instance, a program that's expecting a four-character command is handed more than 1024 characters. This sort of attack can be used against any program that accepts user-defined input data and is easy to use against almost all network services. For instance, you can give a very long username or password to any server that authenticates users (FTP, POP, IMAP, etc.), use a very long URL to an HTTP server, or give an extremely long recipient name to an SMTP server. A well-written program will read in only as much data as it was expecting. However, a sloppily written program may be written to read in all the available input data, even though it has space for only some of it.
When this happens, the extra data will overwrite parts of memory that were supposed to contain something else. At this point, there are three possibilities. First, the memory that the extra data lands on could be memory that the program isn't allowed to write on, in which case the program will promptly be killed off by the operating system. This is the most frequent result of this sort of error.
Second, the memory could contain data that's going to be used somewhere else in the program. This can have all sorts of nasty effects; again, most of them result in the program's crashing as it looks up something and gets a completely wrong answer. However, careful manipulation may get results that are useful to an attacker. For instance, suppose you have a server that lets users specify what name they'd like to use, so it can say "Hi, Fred!" It asks the user for a nickname and then writes that to a file. The user doesn't get to specify what the name of the file is; that's specified by a configuration file read when the server starts up. The name of the nickname file will be in a variable somewhere. If that variable is overwritten, the program will write its nicknames to the file with the new value as its name. If the program runs as a privileged user, that file could be an important part of the operating system. Very few operating systems work well if you replace critical system files with text files.
Finally, the memory that gets overwritten could be memory that's not supposed to contain data at all, but instead contains instructions that are going to be executed. Once again, this will usually cause a crash because the result will not be a valid sequence of instructions. However, if the input data is specifically tailored for the computer architecture the program is running on, it can put in valid instructions. This attack is technically difficult, and it is usually specific to a given machine and operating system type; an attack that works on a Sun running Solaris will not work on an Intel machine running Solaris, nor will an attack that works on the same Intel machine running Windows 95. If you can't move a binary program between two machines, they won't both be vulnerable to exactly the same form of this attack.
Preventing a "buffer overflow" kind of attack is a matter of sensible programming, checking that input falls within expected limits. Some programming languages automatically include the basic size checks that prevent buffer overflows. Notably, C does not do this, but Java does.
Some protocol implementations include extra debugging or administrative features that are not specified in the protocol. These may be poorly implemented or less well thought out and can be more risky than those specified in the protocol. The most famous example of this was exploited by the 1988 Morris worm, which issued a special SMTP debugging command that allowed it to tell Sendmail to execute anything the intruder liked. The debugging command is not specified in the SMTP protocol.
Suppose somebody comes up with a perfect protocol—it protects the server from the client and vice versa, it securely encrypts data, and all the known implementations of it are bullet proof. Should you just open a hole for that protocol to any machine on your network? No, because you can't guarantee that every internal and external host is running that protocol at that port number.
There's no guarantee that traffic on a port is using the protocol that you're interested in. This is particularly true for protocols that use large numbers of ports or ports above 1024 (where port numbers are not assigned to individual protocols), but it can be true for any protocol and any port number. For instance, a number of programs send protocols other than HTTP to port 80 because firewalls frequently allow all traffic to port 80.
In general, there are two ways to ensure that the packets you're letting in belong to the protocol that you want. One is to run them through a proxy system or an intelligent packet filter that can check them; the other is to control the destination hosts they're going to. Protocol design can have a significant effect on your ability to implement either of these solutions.
If you're using a proxy system or an intelligent packet filter to make sure that you're allowing in only the protocol that you want, it needs to be able to tell valid packets for that protocol from invalid ones. This won't work if the protocol is encrypted, if it's extremely complex, or if it's extremely generic. If the protocol involves compression or otherwise changes the position of important data, validating it may be too slow to be practical. In these situations, you will either have to control the hosts that use the ports, or accept the risk that people will use other protocols.
[1] An appropriate choice would be the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP), defined in RFC 2324, April 1, 1998, but like most RFCs issued on April 1st, it is rarely implemented.