Chapter 11

A few days later

Brett knocked

on Terri’s door.

“Since when

do you knock?”

she called out.

“Come on in.

Are you still

angry with me?”

“I can’t stay angry

with you,”

Brett said.

“I just wanted to ask

if you need help

with your move

back home.”

“I could use

some help,”

said Terri.

“But you don’t need

to help me.”

“I know,”

said Brett.

“I want to.”

He went on.

“I can get

my buddy’s truck.

We can do the move

on Saturday.”

“Why are you doing this

for me?”

asked Terri.

“What are friends for?”

said Brett.

“So you’re not

in love with me.

But I wouldn’t want

to miss out

on a good friend.”

Terri thought

about Brett and David.

Here was Brett,

a good guy

right across the hall,

in love with her.

And there was David.

She hardly knew him.

And yet

she couldn’t get him

out of her mind.

She touched

Brett’s arm.

“Can you and I

really be friends?

Even after I move?

I’d miss you a lot.”

Brett smiled at Terri.

“I’ll have the truck here

first thing Saturday morning.

It won’t take long.

You don’t have

that much stuff.”

“More than I had

when I moved in here,”

Terri laughed.

Brett looked around.

The apartment was full.

“Yes, you sure do!

Hope it all fits

in your mother’s house!”

He laughed too.

Then he headed

for the door.

“Brett,” said Terri.

“You’re a great guy.

I love you too.”

“Yeah, I know,”

Brett said.

“Just like a brother.”