† Translated from L. Verheijen, La Règle de s. Augustin, Etudes Augustiniennes, vol. 1 (Paris, 1967) 148–49. The psalm numbers are those of the LXX.
a. The Latin antiphonae here and throughout probably means “antiphonal psalmody.” See R. Taft, The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West (Collegeville, 1986) 94–95.
† Translated from De sermone Domini in monte, ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCL 35 (Turnhout, 1967) 108, 115–16.
† Translated from De diversis quaestionibus octoginta tribus. De octo Dulcitii quaestionibus, ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCL 44 A (Turnhout, 1975) 241–42.
a. The traditional designation (“the fortieth day”) for the season of Lent.
1. See Rom 8:23.
b. The traditional designation (“the fiftieth day”) for the season of Pentecost.
2. 1 John 3:2. 3. See Acts 1:1–9. 4. See Acts 2:1–4.
† Translated from Sancti Aureli Augustini De utilitate credendi… Contra Faustum, ed. J. Zycha, CSEL 25.1 (Vienna, 1891) 562–64.
1. See Acts 14:13–18. 2. See Rev 19:10; 22:8ff. 3. See Dan 6.
† Translated from Quaestiones evangeliorum, ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCL 44 B (Turnhout, 1980) 98–99.
1. 1 Pet 2:9.
† Translated from Sancti Aureli Augustini Confessionum Libri Tredecim, ed. P. Knoll, CSEL 33 (Vienna, 1896) 15ff.
a. WEC 2:53.
b. Gervasius and Protasius: the proto-martyrs of Milan, who, according to later tradition, were martyred in the latter half of the second century.
c. Augustine’s son.
d. Evodius: a close friend of Augustine and later bishop of Uzalis.
e. See WEC 2:53-T-2.
f. Athanasius: anti-Arian bishop 328–73 of Alexandria (WEC 2:90).
† Translated from Sancti Aureli Augustini Scripta contra Donatistas, vol. 1, ed. M. Petschenig, CSEL 51 (Vienna, 1908) 145ff.
a. Parmenian: Donatist bishop 362–91/92 of Carthage.
b. Tichonius: ca. 330–ca. 390, lay exegete in Carthage.
c. Felician: Donatist bishop of Musti in northern Africa.
d. Maximian: Donatist bishop 393–?
† Translated from De fide rerum invisibilium… De catechizandis rudibus…, ed. M.P.J. van den Hout, CCL 46 (Turnhout, 1969) 135–36, 158–59, 173.
1. See Exod 1:8ff. 2. See Exod 7:1ff. 3. See Exod 14:18ff. 4. See Exod 12:3ff. 5. Isa 53:7.
† Translated from Sancti Aureli Augustini Scripta contra Donatistas, vol. 2, ed. M. Petschenig, CSEL 52 (Berlin, 1909) 68.
†† Translated from Sancti Aureli Augustini De peccatorum meritis et remissione et de baptismo parvulorum…, ed. C.F. Urba and J. Zycha, CSEL 60 (Vienna, 1913) 20ff.
1. Rom 5:16. 2. Rom 5:18. 3. See Gen 3:10. 4. Gen 2:17. 5. Sir 25:23. 6. Matt 19:5–6.
7. Rom 8:17. 8. See John 3:5. 9. Titus 3:5. 10. Rom 8:24–25. 11. See Rom 5:6. 12. See Luke 5:31. 13. Matt 9:12; Luke 5:32.
14. See Isa 59:2. 15. See Rom 5:10; 1 Tim 2:5. 16. See Rom 4:5. 17. See Mark 16:16; John 3:5; 1 Cor 10:16. 18. Titus 3:5. 19. 1 Pet 3:21. 20. John 6:51, 53. 21. See Isa 59:2. 22. See Job 14:4–5. 23. Ps 51:5. 24. Matt 26:28. 25. John 12:46.
26. John 1:9. 27. See John 1:1. 28. See Rom 8:17. 29. 1 Cor 14:20. 30. See John 1:9. 31. John 12:46.
32. See 1 Tim 4:5. 33. See Matt 15:17. 34. See John 6:27. 35. 1 Cor 7:14.
a. WEC 1:27.
36. See Rom 5:18. 37. See Titus 3:5. 38. John 3:3. 39. See Mark 1:4; Acts 2:38. 40. See John 3:14. 41. Rom 5:12. 42. John 3:5. 43. Matt 1:21. 44. Matt 9:12. 45. See John 6:54.
b. Letter 64. II. (WEC 1:566).
c. Letter 64. V. (WEC 1:568).
46. Luke 9:56.
† Translated from Commentaire de la premier Epître de s. Jean, ed. P. Aagaësse, SChr 75 (Paris, 1961) 192–95.
1. 1 John 2:19. 2. 1 John 2:20.
† Translated from De trinitate libri XV, vol. 1, ed. W.J. Mountain, CCL 50 (Turnhout, 1968) 136; vol. 2, CCL 50 A (Turnhout, 1968) 526.
1. See 1 Cor 1:23. 2. See Luke 22:19; 1 Cor 11:24–25. 3. Acts 10:38. 4. See Luke 3:22.
† Translated from In Iohannis evangelium tractatus CXXIV, ed. R. Willems, CCL 36 (Turnhout, 1954) 57ff.
1. See Matt 28:19. 2. See Exod 34:28. 3. See 1 Kgs 19:8. 4. See Matt 4:2.
5. Titus 2:12. 6. Titus 2:13. 7. See Matt 20:9–10. 8. John 15:3. 9. Prov 23:1–2.
10. 1 Pet 2:21.
† Translated from PL 44:707–8.
† Translated from De fide rerum invisibilium; Enchiridion ad Laurentium de fide et spe et caritate, ed. M.P.J. van den Hout, CCL 46 (Turnhout, 1969) 83–84, 108–9.
1. See Luke 15:32. 2. Rom 8:14. 3. See Wis 9:15. 4. 1 John 1:8. 5. See Ps 51:17. 6. Ps 38:9.
7. See 2 Cor 1:22.
† Translated from Enarrationes in Psalmos I–l, ed. E. Dekkers, CCL 38 (Turnhout, 1956) 144; Enarrationes in Psalmos LI–C, CCL 39 (Turnhout, 1956) 668ff.; Enarrationes in Psalmos CI –CL, CCL 40 (Turnhout, 1956) 1451ff.
a. This seems to be the origin of the saying attributed to Augustine, “Whoever sings, prays twice.”
1. See Mark 16:2.
† Translated from Sancti Aureli Augustini De fide et symbolo… De cura pro mortuis gerenda…, ed. J. Zycha, CSEL 41 (Vienna, 1900) 623–24, 646.
1. See 2 Macc 12:43.
†† Translated from De civitate Dei, vol. 1, ed. B. Dombart, CCL 47 (Turnhout, 1955) 276ff.; vol. 2, CCL 48 (Turnhout, 1955) 717ff.
a. Protasius and Gervasius: proto-martyrs of Milan whose bodies were discovered by Ambrose in 386; later tradition places their martyrdom in the latter half of the second century.
b. Cappadocia: a district in eastern Asia Minor.
† Translated from De doctrina christiana, ed. K.-D. Daur, CCL 32 (Turnhout, 1962) 86.
† Translated from De fide rerum invisibilium;… De haeresibus, ed. C. Beukers, CCL 46 (Turnhout, 1969) 341.
a. Pelagians: adherents of a heresy initiated by Pelagius and holding that a person can be saved by that person’s merits alone.
†† Translated from De fide rerum invisibilium;… Sermo ad catechumenos de symbolo, ed. R. Vander–Plaetse, CCL 46 (Turnhout, 1969) 185–86, 198–99.
1. Rom 10:10.
2. Matt 6:12.
† Translated from Retractiones libri II, ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCL 57 (Turnhout, 1999) 98.
a. Unfortunately this book has been lost.
† Translated from La Règle de s. Augustin, ed. L. Verheijen, Etudes augustiniennes 1 (Paris, 1967) 420–21.
1. Col 4:2.
†† Translated from S. Aureli Augustini Hipponiensis Episcopi Epistulae, vol. 1, ed. A. Goldbacher, CSEL 34.1 (Vienna, 1895) 56–57.
a. Aurelius: bishop of Carthage 391–ca. 430. This letter was written ca. 392.
† Translated from CSEL 34.1:65.
a. Maximinus: a Donatist bishop in Numidia (northern Africa). This letter was written between 391 and 395.
†† Translated from CSEL 34.1:121–22.
a. Alypius: bishop of Thagaste, now Souk-Ahras in Algeria. This letter was written in 395.
b. Namely, Valerius, Augustine’s predecessor as bishop of Hippo.
††† Translated from S. Aureli Augustini Hipponiensis Episcopi Epistulae, vol. 2, ed. A. Goldbacher, CSEL 34.2 (Vienna, 1898) 32ff.
a. Casulanus: a priest, perhaps in Africa. This letter was written after April 397.
1. See Exod 34:28. 2. See 1 Kgs 19:8. 3. See Matt 4:2; Luke 4:2.
b. Manichaeism: a dualistic doctrine based on an ancient conflict between light and darkness, between good and evil, preached by Mani (ca. 216–76); his followers were found, for example, in Egypt, Rome, and Africa.
c. WEC 2:53.
4. See Gen 2:2–3. 5. Isa 26:20.
† Translated from CSEL 34.2:81–82.
a. This letter was written ca. 391.
1. Ps 126:2.
†† Translated from CSEL 34.2:159ff.
a. Januarius: a layman most probably living in Africa. This letter was written about 400.
1. See Matt 11:30.
2. 1 Cor 11:29.
3. Luke 22:20.
4. Luke 22:20; 1 Cor 11:25. 5. 1 Cor 11:20. 6. Matt 26:26. 7. Matt 26:20–21.
† Translated from CSEL 34.2:170ff.
a. This letter continues Augustine’s reply to Januarius, which began in Letter 54 (WEC 3:98-W-6).
1. Rom 4:25.
2. John 5:24. 3. John 13:1. 4. See Exod 34:28. 5. See 1 Kgs 19:8. 6. See Matt 4:2. 7. See Matt 17:2–5. 8. Rom 3:21.
b. Donatists: a schismatic Christian group in Africa whose members emphasized the Church as being one holy body, and who rejected sacraments celebrated by those outside Donatism.
9. Ps 84:4.
† Translated from CSEL 34.2:230.
a. Quintianus: a priest of Carthage. This letter was written soon after Christmas 401.
b. Manichaeans: those espousing a dualistic doctrine based on an ancient conflict between light and darkness, between good and evil, preached by Mani (ca. 216–76); his followers are found, for example, in Egypt, Rome, and Africa.
†† Translated from CSEL 34.2:252.
a. Jerome: the great biblical scholar and teacher (WEC 3:145). This letter was perhaps written in 403.
b. Oea: today the city of Tripoli in Lybia.
† Translated from CSEL 34.2:364.
a. This letter was written in 404/405.
†† Translated from CSEL 34.2:521ff.
a. Boniface: bishop of Catapua in Numidia (northern Africa); this letter was written sometime between 408 and 413.
1. John 3:5.
2. Rom 6:4.
† Translated from S. Aureli Augustini Hipponiensis Episcopi Epistulae, vol. 3, ed. A. Goldbacher, CSEL 44 (Vienna, 1904) 359–63.
a. Paulinus (WEC 3:110): the bishop of Nola, a town located east of Naples. This letter was written toward the end of 416.
1. 1 Tim 2:1.
2. Matt 4:10. 3. Ps 5:7. 4. Rom 8:34. 5. 1 John 2:1–2.
6. See 1 Cor 10:17.
† Translated from CSEL 44:401–3.
a. Macedonius: a civil official in Africa; this letter was written in 413/414.
1. See Matt 5:45.
† Translated from CSEL 44:489–90.
a. Evodius (d. after 424): the bishop of Usalis in Africa; this letter was written in 414/415.
1. Phil 1:23. 2. See Job 4:19.
†† Translated from S. Aureli Augustini Hipponiensis Episcopi Epistulae, vol. 4, ed. A. Goldbacher, CSEL 57 (Vienna, 1911) 39.
a. Boniface: a Roman presbyter who was to become the bishop of Rome 418–22; this letter was written in 417.
1. Matt 16:19; 18:18. 2. See 2 Sam 12:1–20; 24:17. 3. See Matt 26:69–75; Mark 14:66–72; Luke 22:55–62.
† Translated from CSEL 57:490–91.
a. Honoratus: a friend of Augustine whom Augustine tried to convert from Manichaeism; this letter was written in 429.
†† Translated from S. Aureli Augustini Hipponiensis Episcopi Epistuale, vol. 5, ed. A. Goldbacher, CSEL 58 (Vienna, 1923) 609.
a. Marcianus: known only as an early friend of Augustine.
b. Terence, Andria, 189.
††† Translated from CSEL 58:639ff.
a. Seleuciana: perhaps a widow or some type of consecrated virgin.
1. See Col 1:24.
b. Novatian (d. 257/258): a Roman presbyter who was disappointed by the election in 251 of Cornelius as bishop of Rome; he joined a highly rigorist faction and became a rival of Cornelius.
2. Acts 2:38. 3. Matt 6:12; Luke 11:4. 4. Ibid.
† Translated from Epistolae ex Duobus Codicibus Nuper in Lucem Prolatae, ed. J. Divjak, CSEL 88 (Vienna, 1981) 134–35. The enumeration “28” is also according to this volume.
a. Novatus: the bishop of Sitifis, which is now Sétif in Algeria. This letter was written ca. 418.
a. Awaited is a critical edition of all Augustine’s sermons, a work that began with CCL 41.
b. The enumeration followed below and the date of each sermon’s delivery are generally those found either in Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia, ed. A. Fitzgerald (Grand Rapids, 1999) or in The Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century, Part 3: Sermons, vols. 1–11, ed. J.E. Rotelle (New York, 1990–2005).
† Translated from Sermones de Vetere Testamento…, ed. C. Lambot, CCL 41 (Turnhout, 1961) 241.
a. Enumeration according to the Greek.
1. Matt 6:12.
†† Translated from CCL 41:620.
a. This sermon was given at Carthage in 418 on a Sunday and at the site of Cyprian’s execution.
††† Translated from PL 38:333.
a. This sermon was preached in 418.
†††† Translated from PL 38:382.
a. This sermon was given a week before Easter, sometime between 410 and 412.
1. Matt 6:12. 2. Isa 58:7. 3. Sir 29:15, Vulgate.
† Translated from PL 38:389.
a. This sermon was given a week before Easter, sometime between 410 and 412.
†† Translated from PL 38:393, 399.
a. This sermon was given between 412 and 416 and sometime before the Easter Vigil.
† Translated from PL 38:433.
a. This sermon was given after 400, perhaps in 412.
1. Matt 11:25.
†† Translated from PLS 2:424–27.
a. This sermon was given in the summer of 397.
† Translated from PL 38:696.
a. This sermon was given during Lent in 416/417.
1. See Matt 20:1–10.
†† Translated from PL 38:734–35.
a. This sermon was given shortly before Easter.
1. See 1 Cor 11:29. 2. John 6:55.
† Translated from Dolbeau, no. 7, p. 142.
a. This sermon is, as it were, a “postscript” to Sermon 142, perhaps dating from 406.
†† Translated from PL 38:868.
a. This sermon was given in 417/418.
††† Translated from Dolbeau, no. 10, pp. 167–68.
a. This sermon was preached in 397.
1. 1 Tim 3:2.
†††† Translated from PL 38:936–37.
a. Preached on an occasion similar to All Souls Day.
† Translated from PL 38:950.
a. This sermon was preached in 414.
†† Translated from PL 38:1024–25.
a. This sermon, preached on New Year’s Day in 404 (perhaps 420/435), is also found in Dolbeau, where it is no. 26.
† Translated from PL 38:1064–65.
a. Given two weeks before Easter, sometime before 410.
1. See Exod 14. 2. See John 19:34.
3. Ps 106:11.
† Translated from PL 38:1065–66.
a. This sermon was preached two weeks before Easter in 391.
b. Added by a copyist.
†† Translated from PL 38:1077.
a. This sermon was given at the beginning of Lent, perhaps in 397, for those enrolled to be baptized.
1. Luke 9:62.
† Translated from PL 38:1084, 1087.
a. This sermon was given on Good Friday before 420.
†† Translated from PL 38:1087–88.
a. This sermon was perhaps given before 396.
1. 2 Cor 11:27.
††† Translated from PL 38:1089.
a. This sermon was probably given before 396.
1. Rom 4:25. 2. 1 Cor 5:7. 3. See Rom 6:9.
4. Ps 76:10, LXX.
† Translated from PL 38:1068.
a. This sermon was given during the year 400.
1. Ps 18:28.
†† Translated from PL 38:1092.
a. This sermon was given between 400 and 405 or after 412.
b. A term designating all the newly baptized regardless of age.
† Translated from PL 38:1095.
a. This sermon was given on Easter or during its octave and between 412 and 416.
†† Translated from PL 38:1099–1101.
a. This sermon was given at Easter, sometime between 412 and 417.
b. Cf. Didache IX.4 (WEC 1:186).
1. 1 Cor 10:17.
2. 1 Cor 11:27.
† Translated from PL 38:1101.
a. This sermon was given on Easter, perhaps ca. 420.
†† Translated from PL 38:1104.
a. This sermon was given at Easter or during the Easter octave.
††† Translated from PL 38:1104.
a. This sermon was given on Monday or Wednesday of Easter week in 412/413.
†††† Translated from PL 38:1111.
a. This sermon was given during Easter week, perhaps on Easter Tuesday 412/413.
1. 1 Cor 11:22.
† Translated from PL 38:1147.
a. This sermon was given during Easter week, perhaps on Easter Thursday, after 409.
†† Translated from PL 38:1174, 1176–77.
a. This sermon was perhaps preached on April 18, 396.
1. Acts 2:1–3. 2. See Matt 4:2. 3. See Exod 34:28; 1 Kgs 19:8. 4. See Rom 3:21. 5. See Matt 17:23.
† Translated from PL 38:1184.
a. This sermon was given sometime between 412 and 416, perhaps within Easter week.
† Translated from PL 38:1186.
a. This sermon was given at Carthage in 418, perhaps on May 5 or 6.
†† Translated from PL 38:1190, 1193.
a. This sermon was given on Sunday, May 5, 418.
1. Rom 7:23.
† Translated from PL 46:858–61, where it is Sermon 8.
a. This sermon was given on one of the first Sundays after Easter between 393 and 405.
1. 1 Pet 2:2. 2. 1 Cor 3:1. 3. Phil 4:1. 4. Rom 13:12–14. 5. Gal 3:27–28. 6. Rom 6:4. 7. See 2 Cor 5:6–7. 8. See John 14:6. 9. See Ps 31:19. 10. 2 Cor 7:1.
11. Eph 4:1–3. 12. 2 Tim 3:5. 13. Acts 8:21. 14. See Col 1:12. 15. See Acts 8:5–17. 16. See Acts 10:44. 17. Amos 6:1, LXX.
† Translated from PL 38:1208.
a. This sermon was given on May 4, 411.
†† Translated from PL 38:1246–48.
a. This sermon was given either on Easter or on Pentecost between 405 and 411.
1. Isa 7:9, LXX.
2. 1 Cor 12:27. 3. 1 Cor 10:17.
† Translated from PL 38:1291.
a. This sermon was given on May 6, the feast of these saints. The year would have been 397/418.
†† Translated from Dolbeau, no. 3, pp. 494–95.
a. This sermon was given on June 24, the nativity of John the Baptist.
††† Translated from PL 38:1335–36, 1343.
a. This sermon was preached on June 27, 413, the feast of the Martyr Guddens.
† Translated from PL 46:880, where it is Sermon 17.
a. This sermon was perhaps given in 399.
†† Translated from PL 38:1385.
a. This was preached on August 10, the feast of Lawrence. The year was about 400.
††† Translated from PL 38:1393.
a. This sermon was given on the feast of Lawrence, August 10, between 423 and 430.
† Translated from PL 38:1395.
a. This sermon was preached on the feast of Lawrence, August 10, in 417.
†† Translated from PL 46:855–58, where it is Sermon XIII.
a. This sermon was given in Carthage on the feast of Lawrence, August 10, in 401.
† Translated from PL 38:1415.
a. This sermon was preached on September 14, the feast of Saint Cyprian (WEC 1:27), in 405.
1. Matt 11:17.
†† Translated from PL 38:1426.
a. This sermon was preached on December 26, the feast of Stephen, in 416/417.
††† Translated from PL 38:1447.
a. There is no date for this sermon, which itself continues a sermon given on the previous day about a miracle; it has been suggested, however, that this sermon was preached on Easter Wednesday in 426.
†††† Translated from PL 38:1447.
a. This sermon was preached on November 15, possibly in 408.
† Translated from PL 38:1149.
a. This sermon was given on the feast of some martyrs. The year is uncertain.
†† Translated from PL 38:1471–72.
a. This sermon was preached sometime between 420 and 425.
1. Ps 96:1.
††† Translated from PL 38:1501.
a. Perhaps preached about 400.
1. Ps 141:2.
†††† Translated from PL 39:1558–59.
a. This sermon was preached at the beginning of Lent 402.
1. See 1 Cor 11:29. 2. Wis 10:21.
† Translated from Dolbeau, no. 23, p. 615.
a. This sermon was preached on January 6, the feast of the Epiphany, in 409.
1. 1 Tim 3:16.
†† Translated from PL 39:1712.
a. This sermon was preached during Lent.
† Translated from PL 32:63–64.
† Translated from Arnobii Iunioris Commentarii in Psalmos, ed. K.-D. Daur, CCL 25 (Turnhout, 1990) 176, 254.
† Translated from Victoris Episcopi Vitensis Historia Persecutionis Africanae Provinciae, ed. M. Petschenig, CSEL 7 (Vienna, 1881) 8ff.
a. Namely, the orthodox Christians being exiled by the emperor Huneric.
1. Matt 18:18.
† Canons translated from Concilia Africae de 345 à 525, ed. C. Munier, CCL 149:201–2.
a. See Milevis (416) can. 2 (WEC 3:2749); Gerunda (517) can. 5 (WEC 4:4721).
b. See Orleans IV (541) can. 1 (WEC 4:4615); Auxerre (late 6th or early 7th c.) can. 2 (WEC 4:4630); Braga II (572) can. 9 (WEC 4:4761).
† Canon translated from CCL 149:218.
a. See Hippo (393) Brev. Hipp. ser. 2 can. 21-b (WEC 2:885); Milevis (416) can. 12 (WEC 3:2750).
†† Canons translated from CCL 149:361–65.
a. See Carthage V (401) can. 72 (WEC 3:2746); Gerunda (517) can. 5 (WEC 4:4721). This same canon is also ascribed to the Synod of Carthage in 418; see CCL 149:69–70.
1. Rom 5:12.
b. See Hippo (393) Brev. Hipp. ser. 2 can. 21-b (WEC 2:885); Carthage VI (407) can. 103 (WEC 3:2748).
c. See Carthage VI ( 407) can. 103 (WEC 3:2748).
† Translated from J. Gag, “Use epitaph craton d’Afrique,” RHPR 9 (1929) 377.
† Translated from Sermons [de] Chromace d’Aquilée, vol. 1, ed. H. Tardif and J. Lemarié, SChr 154 (Paris, 1969) 238–40, 242–47.
1. See John 5:2. 2. John 5:14.
3. Matt 12:37. 4. Prov 6:2. 5. Matt 22:12. 6. Eccl 9:8.
† Translated from SChr 154:258–67.
1. Exod 12:42. 2. Ps 3:5; Jer 31:26. 3. Cant 5:2.
4. Ps 121:4. 5. Isa 9:2. 6. See Luke 15:7, 10.
† Translated from SChr 154:268–75.
1. See Exod 12:2.
2. Ps 118:24.
† Translated from Opera, ed. M. Simonetti, CCL 20 (Turnhout, 1961) 135–36.
a. Namely, the first article of the creed, “I believe in God the almighty Father.”
† Translated from Vita di S. Ambrogio, ed. M. Pellegrino (Rome, 1961) 118–22.
† Translated from S. Gaudentii Episcopi Brixiensis Tractatus, ed. A. Glveck, CSEL 68 (Vienna, 1936) 30–32.
a. See Didache IX.4 (WEC 1:186).
† Translated from PL 20:475, 478–80.
a. Written on February 15, 404.
b. Novatianism: a schism in the Western Church whose adherents stressed the immanence of the parousia.
c. Montanism: A movement, begun by a certain Montanus during the years 155–60 in Phrygia, that also stressed the immanence of the parousia. Fasting, almsgiving, and in general a strong ethical rigorism were practiced as a preparation for the end.
†† Translated from PL 20:498–99.
a. Written on February 20, 405.
b. Novatian: the Roman priest who was the founder of a rigorist movement that bears his name.
† Translated from PL 20:533.
a. Written on December 13, 414.
b. Paulianists: followers of Paul of Samasota, a third-century heretical bishop of Antioch.
c. Novatians: members of a rigorist religious movement in the latter half of the third century in Rome.
†† Translated from La lettre du Pape Innocent Ier à Decentius de Gubbio, ed. R. Cabié, (Rome, 1972) 19–33. Excellent notes together with a translation are given in M.F. Connell, Church and Worship in Fifth-Century Rome, as listed in the introductory bibliography.
a. Written on March 19, 416.
b. Here as elsewhere Innocent uses the term sacerdos to designate the bishop, a priest, or both.
c. The eucharistic prayer?
d. Perhaps a reference to the “discipline of the secret.”
e. Liturgically the term infans refers to one who has just been baptized, whether an infant or an adult.
f. See note d above.
g. Fermentum: the name given to the fragments of the consecrated bread sent by the pope to the presbyters in the titular (Roman city) churches.
1. See Acts 8:14–17.
h. See M.F. Connell, Church and Worship, 41–42.
2. Jas 5:14–15.
† Translated from PL 20:592.
a. Written on June 27, 417.
b. Followers of a heresy that a person can be saved by that person’s merits alone.
1. See John 6:54.
†† Translated from PL 56:572–73.
a. Salona: a port city in Dalmatia, on the Adriatic Sea.
† Translated from S. Ponti Meropii Paulini Nolani Opera, vol. 1, ed. G. de Hartel, CSEL 29 (Vienna, 1894) 132.
a. Victricius: bishop of Rouen (d. ca. 410). This letter is dated 403/404.
1. See Ps 46:7, LXX.
† Translated from CSEL 29:282ff.
a. Sulpicius Severus (ca. 360–ca. 430): a Gallican historian and hagiographer.
b. Felix: a martyr buried near Nola.
c. Melania: a Roman matron who visited the Holy Land. She died in Jerusalem ca. 410.
† Translated from S. Ponti Meropii Paulini Nolani Opera, vol. 2, ed. G. de Hartel, CSEL 30 (Vienna, 1894) 198.
a. This poem, one of those in honor of Saint Felix, was composed for the saint’s feast (January 14) in 401.
†† Translated from CSEL 30:244–45.
a. This poem, a wedding song written between 401 and 404, was occasioned by the marriage of Julian of Eclanum and Titia.
b. Memor: Julian’s father.
c. Aemilius: probably the bishop of Benevento in southern Italy.
††† Translated from CSEL 30:286.
a. Written in January 403, this is the ninth poem in honor of Saint Felix.
† Translated from PL 50:430–32.
1. See Ezek 33:16. 2. Ezek 18:23.
† Translated from PL 50:536.
†† Translated from PL 50:544.
a. Theodosius II: Roman emperor of the East 408–50.
† Translated from Collectio Sermonum, ed. A. Olivar, CCL 24 A (Turnhout, 1975) 74.
†† Translated from CCL 24 A:242, 244.
† Translated from Collectio Sermonum, vol. 2, ed. A. Olivar, CCL 24 B (Turnhout, 1982) 404–5.
1. John 6:51.
†† Translated from CCL 24 B:711.
a. “By the secret… fruitful” is a quote from the ancient Roman prayer for the blessing of the water during the Paschal Vigil.
††† Translated from CCL 24 B:1019–24.
1. See Gen 7:1–24.
2. See Exod 24:18. 3. See 1 Kgs 19:5–8; 2 Kgs 2:1, 11.
† Translated from PL 54:611–12.
a. Ecclesiastical provinces near Rome.
b. Written on October 10, 443.
1. See 1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:6. 2. See Lev 21:14. 3. 1 Tim 3:2. 4. Lev 21:14.
† Translated from PL 54:618, 620.
a. Written on January 12, 444.
† Translated from PL 54:625–27.
a. Written on June 21, 445.
1. See Acts 13.
† Translated from PL 54:634.
a. Written in July 445.
†† Translated from PL 54:696, 698–701.
a. Written on October 21, 447.
† Translated from PL 54:868.
a. Written on December 25, 449.
†† Translated from PL 54:914–15.
a. Written on April 13, 451.
††† Translated from PL 54:929.
a. Written on June 24, 451.
b. Lilybaeum: located in Sicily.
c. Theophilus: patriarch of Alexandria 385–412.
† Translated from PL 54:1011–13.
a. Forum Julii: modern Fréjus, a port town in southern France.
b. Written on June 11, 452.
1. Matt 28:20.
† Translated from PL 54:45–46.
a. Written on July 11, 453.
†† Translated from PL 54:1072.
a. Written on January 9, 454.
b. Julian of Cos: Leo’s representative at the imperial court.
††† Translated from PL 54:1082.
a. Written on January 9, 454.
b. For Julian of Cos; see above (113-A-11, note b).
† Translated from PL 54:1101–2.
a. Written on July 28, 454.
†† Translated from PL 54:1136, 1138–39.
a. Written on March 21, 458.
1. Eph 4:5.
† Translated from PL 54:1193–94.
a. Written on October 24, 458.
1. See Eph 4:5.
†† Translated from PL 54:1203–9.
a. Written ca. 458/459.
1. See Lev 5. 2. See 1 Cor 7:29.
3. 2 Tim 2:4.
† Translated from PL 54:1209–11.
a. Campania, Samnium, and Picenum: ecclesiastical provinces near Rome.
b. Written on March 6, 459.
† Translated from Sermons. Léon le Grand, vol. 2, ed. J. Leclercq and R. Dolle, SChr 49 bis (Paris, 1969) 28–31.
a. Sermon given in November 440.
† Translated from Sermons. Léon le Grand, vol. 4, ed. J. Leclercq and R. Dolle, SChr 200 (Paris, 1973) 158–61.
a. Sermon given on December 17, 340.
1. See Sir 3:33, LXX; Dan 4:24. 2. See Gen 1:26.
†† Translated from SChr 200:158–61.
a. Sermon given on December 15, 440.
††† Translated from SChr 200:176–79.
a. Sermon given on December 12, 443.
1. Prov 11:17. 2. Matt 5:7. 3. See Luke 6:36.
† Translated from SChr 200:204–7.
a. Sermon given on December 16, 451.
1. Luke 11:41.
†† Translated from SChr 200:210–11.
a. Sermon given on December 14, 452.
† Translated from SChr 200:224–25.
a. Sermon given in 445 or later.
1. Sir 3:30, LXX. 2. Isa 1:16. 3. Luke 11:41.
†† Translated from Sermons. Léon le Grand, vol. 2, ed. J. Leclercq and R. Dolle, SChr 22 bis (Paris, 1964) 80–81, 90–94.
a. Sermon given on December 25, 441.
3. See Eph 4:18.
† Translated from SChr 22 bis:132–33.
a. Sermon given in 444.
1. See 2 Pet 1:4. 2. See Luke 1:35.
†† Translated from SChr 22 bis:138–39.
a. Sermon given on December 25, 450.
1. See Col 3:10; 2 Cor 5:17.
††† Translated from SChr 22 bis:156–59.
a. Sermon given on December 25, 451.
† Translated from Sermons. Léon le Grand, vol. 2, ed. J. Leclercq and R. Dolle, SChr 49 bis (Paris, 1969) 90–93.
a. Sermon given on February 21, 443.
†† Translated from SChr 49 bis:122–23.
a. Sermon given on February 25, 445.
† Translated from SChr 49 bis:128–33.
a. Sermon given on February 25, 451.
1. See Eph 4:24; Col 3:10.
† Translated from SChr 49 bis:160–63.
a. Sermon given on February 21, 454.
1. Rom 8:17.
†† Translated from SChr 49 bis:170–71, 176–79.
a. Sermon given on March 13, 455.
1. See 1 Pet 4:8.
2. See Heb 13:16. 3. Matt 6:12. 4. See 2 Cor 9:12. 5. See Luke 6:36.
† Translated from SChr 49 bis:190–93.
a. Sermon given on February 17, 457.
1. Sir 3:29.
†† Translated from SChr 49 bis:192–95.
a. Sermon given on March 9, 458.
† Translated from Sermons. Léon le Grand, vol. 3, ed. J. Leclercq and R. Dolle, SChr 74 (Paris, 1961) 158–63.
a. Sermon given on March 19 (Wednesday of Holy Week) in 452.
1. See Acts 1:1. 2. See Rom 7:6. 3. See 1 Cor 15:49.
†† Translated from SChr 74:162–65.
a. Sermon given on April 5 (Palm Sunday) in 453.
††† Translated from SChr 74:234–37.
a. Sermon given on April 2 (Good Friday) in 443.
1. Matt 10:38. 2. Rom 8:17 and 2 Tim 2:12.
† Translated from SChr 74:286, 294–97.
a. Sermon given on May 23, 443.
† Translated from Sermons. Léon le Grand, vol. 4, ed. J. Leclercq and R. Dolle, SChr 200 (Paris, 1973) 126–27.
a. Sermon given on May 11, 441.
1. See Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8.
†† Translated from SChr 200 (Paris, 1973) 126–27.
a. Sermon given in September 453.
1. John 6:53.
† Translated from Collectionem Sermonum Antiquam Nonnullis Extravagantibus Adiectis Maximi Episcopi Tauriensis, ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCL 23 (Turnhout, 1962) 51.
† Translated from CCL 23:45–46.
†† Translated from CCL 23:88–89.
1. See Matt 3:16.
2. Luke 11:41.
† Translated from CCL 23:137–39.
1. See 1 Kgs 19:8. 2. See 1 Kgs 17:1. 3. See 1 Kgs 18:41–46. 4. See 1 Cor 10:6. 5. See Exod 24:18. 6. See Exod 31:18.
7. Exod 33:11. 8. See Matt 16:18.
† Translated from CCL 23:141–43.
1. Luke 6:38. 2. See Gal 3:27.
† Translated from CCL 23:178–80.
1. See Mal 3:20. 2. Luke 5:34. 3. Acts 1:5.
†† Translated from CCL 23:197–99.
1. See Matt 4:2.
2. See Gen 7:17–20.
† Translated from CCL 23:218.
1. See 1 Cor 12:27. 2. See John 5:24.
†† Translated from CCL 23:221.
† Translated from CCL 23:266–67.
a. See Virgil’s Aeneid 8:357ff.
1. 2 Cor 6:14–16. 2. See 2 Cor 6:16. 3. Matt 6:24. 4. Gal 4:10–11.
† Translated from CCL 23:280–81.
a. At this time Quadragesima extended for a full six weeks, including Friday and Saturday of Holy Week as also being days of fast.
1. See Matt 4:2. 2. See Num 33:1–49. 3. Ps 114:3.
† Translated from CCL 23:306–7.
† Translated from Epistolae Romanorum Pontificum, ed. A. Thiel (Bamberg, 1868) 365ff.
† Translated from Epistolae, ed. A. Thiel, 451–52.
a. The Manichaeans?
† Translated from Epistolae, ed. A. Thiel, 486.
†† Translated from Lettre contra les lupercales…, ed. G. Pomarès, SChr 65 (Paris, 1959) 168–69.
a. This letter, written to the Roman senator Andromachus, disapproves of the Lupercalia, a pagan feast still celebrated in fifth-century Christian Rome on February 25.
1. See 1 Cor 10:20.
††† Translated from PLS 3:773.
†††† Translated from G.G. Willis, Essays in Early Roman Liturgy, Alcuin Club Collections 46 (London, 1964) 22–24.
a. The text within + + would have been sung by a schola, the people responding with the Greek Kyrie eleison.
* * * It seems that a word is missing here.
† Translated from PL 59:105.
1. 1 John 5:16, 17.
2. Matt 18:18.
† Canons translated from Mansi 3:1137.
a. See Mâcon II (585) can. 3 (WEC 4:4653).
b. See Elvira (ca. 300) can. 77 (WEC 2:1294); Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 48 (WEC 2:1994); Toledo I (400?) can. 20 (WEC 3:3172); Orange I (441) can. 2 (WEC 3:3124); Braga II (572) can. 4 (WEC 4:4757).
† Canon translated from PL 58:925–26.
a. See Elvira (ca. 300) can. 1 (WEC 2:1270); Ancyra (314) cans. 1–12 (WEC 2:1422–30); Nicaea I (325) cans. 8, 11, 14 (WEC 2:1449, 1451, 1454); Valence (374) can. 3 (WEC 2:1225); Arles II (between 442 and 506) cans. 10–11 (WEC 3:3141–42); Epaon (517) can. 29 (WEC 4:4584).
b. See Elvira (ca. 300) cans. 1, 6, 7, 37, 47 (WEC 2:1270–72, 1284, 1290); Ancyra (314) cans. 16, 22 (WEC 2:1432, 1435); Nicaea I (325) can. 13 (WEC 2:1453); Statuta (5th c.) cans. 20–21 (WEC 3:3077–78); Orange I (441) can. 3 (WEC 3:3125); Vaison (442) can. 2 (WEC 3:3137); Arles II (between 442 and 506) can. 28 (WEC 3:3149); Agde (506) can. 15 (WEC 4:4552); Epaon (517) can. 36 (WEC 4:4587); Orleans III (538) cans. 6, 28 (WEC 4:4605, 4609); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 82 (WEC 4:4699); Gerunda (517) can. 9 (WEC 4:4722); Barcelona I (ca. 540) can. 9 (WEC 4:4732).
†† Translation from P.A. Underwood, “The Fountain of Life in Manuscripts of the Gospels,” in Dumbarton Oaks Papers 5 (Cambridge, MA, 1950) 55; as reprinted in S.A. Stauffer, On Baptismal Fonts: Ancient and Modern, Alcuin/GROW Liturgical Study 29–30 (Bramcote, Nottingham, 1994) 20.
† Translated from Conferences, vol. 2, ed. E. Pichery, SChr 54 (Paris, 1958) 75ff.; vol. 3, SChr 64 (Paris, 1959) 167–68.
3. 1 Pet 4:8. 4. Sir 3:29. 5. Ps 6:7. 6. Ps 6:9. 7. Ps 32:5. 8. Isa 43:26. 9. Ps 25:18. 10. Isa 1:16–18. 11. 1 John 5:16. 12. Jas 5:14–15. 13. Prov 15:27, LXX. 14. Jas 5:20. 15. Matt 6:14.
† Translated from De institutis coenobiorum…, ed. J.-C. Guy, SChr 109 (Paris, 2001) 58ff. Subheadings based on those in LNPF 11, ser. 2, 295ff.
a. Here and in other instances the words dicitur or psallitur do not necessarily mean “said” or “recited” in our sense of the terms. They can also mean “sung” or “chanted.”
b. For the nature of antiphonal singing, see R. Taft, The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West: The Origins of the Divine Office and Its Meaning for Today (Collegeville, 1986) 151.
c. The district around Thebes in Egypt.
1. Rom 10:2.
2. 1 Cor 14:15.
d. See Conference XXI (WEC 3:2974–77).
3. Ps 54:6. 4. Ps 119:108. 5. See Dan 6:11.
6. Acts 2:14–18; Joel 2:28. 7. Col 2:15. 8. See Col 2:14. 9. Acts 10:13, 11. 10. Acts 10:3–4. 11. Acts 3:1.
12. Ps 141:2. 13. John 12:32. 14. Ps 63:2, Vulgate. 15. Ps 63:7, Vulgate. 16. Ps 119:147. 17. Ps 119:148.
e. Region: Bethlehem? Provence?
f. See The Instructions II.XII.3 (WEC 3:2999).
18. Ps 119:164.
g. The enumeration here follows the LXX.
h. See Acta Petri cum Simone 18.
19. Eccl 11:2, LXX.
i. Collecta: the liturgy itself?
† Translated from PL 30:128ff.; PLS 2:269.
1. See Tob 1:17, 19.
2. Isa 40:6, 7, 8. 3. Rev 14:4. 4. See Rev 1:4.
5. Acts 8:36. 6. 1 Cor 12:27. 7. 1 Pet 4:8. 8. 1 Cor 13:13. 9. 1 Cor 13:4. 10. 1 Cor 3:7. 11. 1 Cor 13:18. 12. 1 Tim 5:17. 13. 1 Cor 7:25.
a. Anthony of Egypt (ca. 251–356); Paul of Thebes, also known as Paul the Hermit (d. ca. 340).
† Translated from PL 51:209.
†† Translated from PL 51:664.
1. 1 Tim 2:1.
† Translated from PL 53:58.
† Translated from PL 58:516–17.
† Translated from PL 58:547.
a. Justus: a fourth-century bishop of Lyons whose remains were buried in that city; his feast was celebrated on September 2.
† Translated from Fausti Reiensis praeter Sermones Pseudoeusebianos Opera…, ed. A. Engelbrecht, CSEL 21 (Vienna and Prague, 1891) 47.
†† Translated from CSEL 21:143.
††† Translated from PL 58:875–76.
† Translated from Eusebius “Gallicanus” Collectio Homiliarum…, ed. J. Leroy and F. Glone, CCL 101 (Turnhout, 1970) 196–97, 207–8.
a. This sermon, attributed by some to Faustus, is found in a collection that has been given the name Eusebius Gallicanus; it is a seventh-century compilation of seventy-six homilies taken from diverse sources.
1. John 6:55. 2. Matt 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; 1 Cor 11:24. 3. See Rom 12:5; 1 Cor 10:17; 12:27.
†† Translated from PLS 3:615–16. This piece is found among the sermons of Eusebius Gallicanus.
1. Ps 127:1.
† Translated from PL 58:993–94, 997–98.
1. Matt 16:29. 2. See John 19:50–51.
† Translated from PL 58:1086–87, 1103–4, 1115–16.
a. WEC 3:110.
b. WEC 3:115.
c. WEC 2:53.
† Canons translated from Concilia Galliae à 314 à 506, ed. C. Munier, CCL 148 (Turnhout, 1963).
a. See Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 13 (WEC 2:1965); Hippo (393) Brev. Hipp. ser. 2 can. 20 (WEC 2:884); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 1 (WEC 4:4675).
b. See Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 56 (WEC 2:2000).
c. The Latin reads: “fundatur… eucharistia”—perhaps a reference to Communion by receiving the consecrated wine.
d. See Elvira (ca. 300) cans. 1, 6, 7, 37, 47 (WEC 2:1270–72, 1284, 1290); Ancyra (314) cans. 16, 22 (WEC 2:1432, 1435); Nicaea I (325) can. 13 (WEC 2:1453); Rome (488) Letter 7, can. 3 (WEC 3:2959); Orange I (441) can. 3 (WEC 3:3125); Vaison (442) can. 2 (WEC 3:3137); Arles II (between 442 and 506) can. 28 (WEC 3:3149); Agde (506) can. 15 (WEC 4:4552); Epaon (517) can. 36 (WEC 4:4587); Orleans III (538) cans. 6, 28 (WEC 4:4605, 4609); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 82 (WEC 4:4699); Gerunda (517) can. 9 (WEC 4:4722); Barcelona I (ca. 540) can. 9 (WEC 4:4732).
e. See Carthage II (390) cans. 3–4 (WEC 2:876–77); Hippo (393) Brev. Hipp. ser. 2 can. 30-b (WEC 2:888); Elvira (ca. 300) can. 32 (WEC 2:1279); Statuta (5th c.) can. 20 (WEC 3:3077); Agde (506) can. 15 (WEC 4:4552); Toledo III (589) ser. 2 cap. 11 (WEC 4:4766).
f. See Ancyra (314) can. 22 (WEC 2:1435); Nicaea I (325) can. 13 (WEC 2:1453); Statuta (5th c.) can. 20 (WEC 3:3077); Arles II (between 442 and 506) can. 28 (WEC 3:3149); Orange I (441) can. 3 (WEC 3:3125); Rome (488) Letter 7, can. 3 (WEC 3:2959); Agde (506) can. 15 (WEC 4:4552); Epaon (517) can. 36 (WEC 4:4587); Gerunda (517) can. 9 (WEC 4:4722); Orleans III (538) cans. 6, 28 (WEC 4:4605, 4609); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 82 (WEC 4:4699).
g. See Toledo I (400?) can. 5 (WEC 3:3169); Irish Synod I (between 450 and 456) can. 7 (WEC 3:3173); Vannes (between 461 and 491) can. 14 (WEC 3:3163); Tarragona (516) can. 7 (WEC 4:4714); Orleans II (533) can. 14 (WEC 4:4598); Orleans III (538) can. 15 (WEC 4:4606); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 63 (WEC 4:4693).
h. Dvin (527) can. 10 (WEC 4:4840).
i. Gazophylacium: a room in which the cathedral’s or church’s treasures were stored.
j. See Elvira (ca. 300) can. 28 (WEC 2:1277); Lerida (546) can. 13 (WEC 4:4735).
k. See Angers (453) can. 2 (WEC 3:3152).
l. Arles II (between 442 and 506) can. 15 (WEC 3:3144).
m. Energumens: people considered psychologically impaired or believed to be under the power of the devil.
n. See Elvira (ca. 300) cans. 29, 37 (WEC 2:1278, 1284); Statuta (5th c.) can. 95 (WEC 3:3114); Orange I (441) cans. 13–15 (WEC 3:3129–31).
o. See Nicaea I (325) can. 20 (WEC 2:1457).
p. See Elvira (ca. 300) can. 28 (WEC 2:1277); Lerida (546) can. 13 (WEC 4:4735).
q. See Saragossa (ca. 380) can. 2 (WEC 2:1295); Gangra (ca. 345) can. 18 (WEC 2:1955); Agde (506) can. 12 (WEC 4:4549); Orleans IV (541) can. 2 (WEC 4:4616); Braga I (561) can. 4 (WEC 4:4737); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 57 (WEC 4:4692).
r. See Nicaea I (325) (WEC 2:1459); Antioch (341) can. 1 (WEC 2:1947); Hippo (393) Brev. Hipp. ser. 1 can. 1 (WEC 2:880); Carthage V (401) can. 73 (WEC 3:2747); Orleans IV (541) can. 1 (WEC 4:4615).
s. Conciliabula: namely, “meeting places.”
t. See Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 33 (WEC 2:1983); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 70 (WEC 4:4698).
u. See Toledo I (400?) can. 2 (WEC 3:3168); Agde (506) can. 43 (WEC 4:4560); Epaon (517) can. 3 (WEC 4:4575); Arles IV (524) can. 3 (WEC 4:4591); Orleans III (538) can. 6 (WEC 4:4605).
v. See Arles IV (524) can. 3 (WEC 4:4591); Orleans III (538) can. 6 (WEC 4:4605).
w. See Toledo I (400?) can. 20 (WEC 3:3172); Vaison (442) can. 3 (WEC 3:3138); Auxerre (late 6th or early 7th c.) can. 6 (WEC 4:4632); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 51 (WEC 4:4686); Braga II (572) can. 4 (WEC 4:4757); Barcelona II (599) can. 2 (WEC 4:4773).
x. Urceolum: a “little pitcher.”
y. Mantile: a cloth used for scrubbing the altar.
z. Manutergium: a linen cloth.
aa. See Statuta (5th c.) can. 62 (WEC 3:3094).
† Canons translated from Concilia Galliae à 314 à 506, ed. C. Munier, CCL 148:66–68.
a. See Ancyra (314) can. 13 (WEC 2:1431).
b. See Elvira (ca. 300) can. 77 (WEC 2:1294); Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 48 (WEC 2:1994); Rome (ca. 400?) can. 11 (WEC 3:2958); Toledo I (400?) can. 20 (WEC 3:3172); Orange I (441) can. 2 (WEC 3:3124); Braga II (572) can. 4 (WEC 4:4757).
c. See Carthage II (390) can. 3 (WEC 2:876); Hippo (393) Brev. Hipp. ser. 2 can. 1 (WEC 2:881); Hippo (393) Brev. Hipp. ser. 2 can. 1 (WEC 2:881); Agde (506) can. 19 (WEC 4:4555).
† Canons translated from CCL 148:78–83.
a. See Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 7 (WEC 2:1960); Constantinople I (381) can. 7 (WEC 2:1460); Arles II (between 442 and 506) cans. 17, 26 (WEC 3:3145, 3148); Epaon (517) can. 16 (WEC 4:4576).
b. See Elvira (ca. 300) can. 77 (WEC 2:1294); Laodicea (between 343 and 381) cans. 7, 48 (WEC 2:1960, 1994); Rome (ca. 400?) can. 11 (WEC 3:2958); Toledo I (400?) can. 20 (WEC 3:3172); Arles II (between 442 and 506) cans. 17, 26 (WEC 3:3145, 3148); Epaon (517) can. 16 (WEC 4:4576); Braga II (572) can. 4 (WEC 4:4757); Mâcon II (585) can. 3 (WEC 4:4653).
c. See Elvira (ca. 300) cans. 1, 6, 7, 37, 47 (WEC 2:1270–72, 1284, 1290); Ancyra (314) cans. 16, 22 (WEC 2:1432, 1435); Nicaea I (325) can. 13 (WEC 2:1453); Rome (488) Letter 7, can. 3 (WEC 3:2959); Statuta (5th c.) cans. 20–21 (WEC 3:3077–78); Vaison (442) can. 2 (WEC 3:3137); Arles II (between 442 and 506) can. 28 (WEC 3:3149); Agde (506) can. 15 (WEC 4:4552); Epaon (517) can. 36 (WEC 4:4587); Orleans III (538) cans. 6, 28 (WEC 4:4605, 4609); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 82 (WEC 4:4699); Gerunda (517) can. 9 (WEC 4:4722); Barcelona I (ca. 540) can. 9 (WEC 4:4732).
d. See Arles II (between 442 and 506) can. 29 (WEC 4:3150).
e. See Elvira (ca. 300) cans. 29, 37 (WEC 2:1278, 1284); Statuta (5th c.) cans. 62–63 (WEC 3:3094–95).
f. Capsa: a small container holding some of the eucharistic bread consecrated at a previous liturgy.
g. See Valence (ca. 524) can. 1 (WEC 4:4724).
h. See Nicaea I (325) can. 19 (WEC 2:1456); Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 11 (WEC 2:1964); Nîmes (394) can. 2 (WEC 2:1226); Statuta (5th c.) can. 100 (WEC 3:3119); Chalcedon (451) can. 15 (WEC 3:3379); Epaon (517) can. 21 (WEC 4:4577); Dvin (527) can. 17 (WEC 4:4844); Orleans II (533) can. 18 (WEC 4:4600).
† Canons translated from CCL 148:96.
a. See Elvira (ca. 300) cans. 1, 6, 7, 37, 47 (WEC 2:1270–72, 1284, 1290); Ancyra (314) cans. 16, 22 (WEC 2:1432, 1435); Nicaea I (325) can. 13 (WEC 2:1453); Rome (488) Letter 7, can. 3 (WEC 3:2959); Statuta (5th c.) cans. 20–21 (WEC 3:3077–78); Orange I (441) can. 3 (WEC 3:3125); Arles II (between 442 and 506) can. 28 (WEC 3:3149); Agde (506) can. 15 (WEC 4:4552); Epaon (517) can. 36 (WEC 4:4587); Orleans III (538) cans. 6, 28 (WEC 4:4605, 4609); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 82 (WEC 4:4699); Gerunda (517) can. 9 (WEC 4:4722); Barcelona I (ca. 540) can. 9 (WEC 4:4732).
b. See Statuta (5th c.) can. 87 (WEC 3:3108); Toledo I (400?) can. 20 (WEC 3:3172); Auxerre (late 6th or early 7th c.) can. 6 (WEC 4:4632); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 51 (WEC 4:4686); Braga II (572) can. 4 (WEC 4:4757); Barcelona II (599) can. 2 (WEC 4:4773).
† Canons translated from CCL 148:114–24.
a. See Nicaea I (325) can. 2 (WEC 2:1448); Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 3 (WEC 2:1957); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 22 (WEC 4:4678).
b. Conversion: undertaking a life of asceticism or celibacy?
c. See Elvira (ca. 300) can. 1 (WEC 2:1270); Ancyra (314) cans. 1–12 (WEC 2:1422–30); Nicaea I (325) cans. 11, 14 (WEC 2:1451, 1454); Valence (374) can. 3 (WEC 2:1225); Arles II (between 442 and 506) can. 11 (WEC 3:3142); Epaon (517) can. 29 (WEC 4:4584).
d. See Nicaea I (325) can. 18 (WEC 2:1455); Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 20 (WEC 2:1972); Barcelona I (ca. 540) can. 4 (WEC 4:4727).
e. See Elvira (ca. 300) can. 32 (WEC 2:1279); Statuta (5th c.) can. 58 (WEC 3:3091).
f. Bonosians: followers of Bonosius, a late fourth-century bishop of Sardica who, among other things, denied the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
g. See Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 7 (WEC 2:1960); Constantinople I (381) can. 7 (WEC 2:1460); Orange I (441) can. 1 (WEC 3:3123); Arles II (between 442 and 506) can. 26 (WEC 3:3148); Epaon (517) can. 16 (WEC 4:4576).
h. See Orleans III (538) can. 27 (WEC 4:4608).
i. See note g above.
j. See Elvira (ca. 300) cans. 1, 6, 7, 37, 47 (WEC 2:1270–72, 1284, 1290); Ancyra (314) cans. 16, 22 (WEC 2:1432, 1435); Nicaea I (325) can. 13 (WEC 2:1453); Rome (488) Letter 7, can. 3 (WEC 3:2959); Statuta (5th c.) cans. 20–21 (WEC 3:3077–78); Orange I (441) can. 3 (WEC 3:3125); Vaison (442) can. 2 (WEC 3:3137); Agde (506) can. 15 (WEC 4:4552); Epaon (517) can. 36 (WEC 4:4587); Orleans III (538) cans. 6, 28 (WEC 4:4605, 4609); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 82 (WEC 4:4699); Gerunda (517) can. 9 (WEC 4:4722); Barcelona I (ca. 540) can. 9 (WEC 4:4732).
k. See Orange I (441) can. 4 (WEC 3:3126).
† Canons translated from CCL 148:137–38.
a. See Statuta (5th c.) can. 57 (WEC 3:3090).
b. See Tours I (461) can. 8 (WEC 3:3159); Vannes (between 461 and 491) can. 3 (WEC 3:3160); Orleans I (511) can. 11 (WEC 4:4564); Epaon (517) can. 23 (WEC 4:4579); Orleans III (538) can. 28 (WEC 4:4609); Toledo III (589) ser. 2 cap. 11 (WEC 4:4766).
c. See Orleans III (538) can. 16 (WEC 4:4607).
d. See Orleans III (538) can. 6 (WEC 4:4605); Arles IV (524) can. 3 (WEC 4:4591).
†† Canons translated from CCL 148:143–46.
a. See Angers (453) can. 5 (WEC 3:3153); Vannes (between 461 and 491) can. 3 (WEC 3:3160); Orleans I (511) can. 11 (WEC 4:4564); Epaon (517) can. 23 (WEC 4:4579); Orleans III (538) can. 28 (WEC 4:4609); Toledo III (589) ser. 2 cap. 11 (WEC 4:4766).
1. See 2 Pet 2:22.
† Canons translated from CCL 148:152–55.
a. See Angers (453) can. 5 (WEC 3:3153); Tours I (461) can. 8 (WEC 3:3159); Orleans I (511) can. 11 (WEC 4:4564); Epaon (517) can. 23 (WEC 4:4579); Orleans III (538) can. 28 (WEC 4:4609); Toledo III (589) ser. 2 cap. 11 (WEC 4:4766).
b. See Neo-Caesarea (ca. 320) can. 7 (WEC 2:1439); Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 53 (WEC 2:1999); Agde (506) can. 39 (WEC 4:4559).
c. See Statuta (5th c.) can. 35 (WEC 3:3083); Toledo I (400?) can. 5 (WEC 3:3169); Irish Synod I (between 450 and 456) can. 7 (WEC 3:3173); Tarragona (516) can. 7 (WEC 4:4714); Orleans II (533) can. 14 (WEC 4:4598); Orleans III (538) can. 15 (WEC 4:4606).
d. See Epaon (517) can. 27 (WEC 4:4582); Gerunda (517) can. 1 (WEC 4:4717); Braga I (561) ser. 2 can. 4 (WEC 4:4742).
e. See Agde (506) can. 30 (WEC 4:4557); Braga I (561) ser. 2 can. 1 (WEC 4:4739).
† Translated from PL 53:860–62, 865–66.
a. Symmachus: apparently the bishop of Capua.
b. Acindynus: unknown see.
1. See John 14:27.
† Canons translated from CV 20–25.
a. See Statuta (5th c.) can. 84 (WEC 3:3106); Agde (506) can. 43 (WEC 4:4560); Epaon (517) can. 3 (WEC 4:4575); Arles IV (524) can. 3 (WEC 4:4591); Orleans III (538) can. 6 (WEC 4:4605); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 23 (WEC 4:4679).
b. See Statuta (5th c.) can. 35 (WEC 3:3083); Irish Synod I (between 450 and 456) can. 7 (WEC 3:3173); Vannes (between 461 and 491) can. 14 (WEC 3:3163); Tarragona (516) can. 7 (WEC 4:4714); Orleans II (533) can. 14 (WEC 4:4598); Orleans III (538) can. 15 (WEC 4:4606); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 63 (WEC 4:4693).
c. See Carthage II (390) can. 3 (WEC 2:876); Hippo (393) Brev. Hipp. ser. 2 can. 34 (WEC 2:891); Braga I (561) ser. 2 can. 19 (WEC 4:4752).
d. See Statuta (5th c.) can. 87 (WEC 3:3108); Vaison (442) can. 3 (WEC 3:3138); Toledo I (400?) can. 20 (WEC 3:3172); Auxerre (late 6th or early 7th c.) can. 6 (WEC 4:4632); Capitula Martini (after 541) can. 51 (WEC 4:4686); Braga II (572) can. 4 (WEC 4:4757); Barcelona II (599) can. 2 (WEC 4:4773).
e. See Elvira (ca. 300) can. 77 (WEC 2:1294).
† Canons translated from Mansi 6:516–18.
a. See Statuta (5th c.) can. 35 (WEC 3:3083); Toledo I (400?) can. 5 (WEC 3:3169); Vannes (between 461 and 491) can. 14 (WEC 3:3163); Tarragona (516) can. 7 (WEC 4:4714); Orleans II (533) can. 14 (WEC 4:4598); Orleans III (538) can. 15 (WEC 4:4606); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 63 (WEC 4:4693).
b. See Agde (506) can. 14 (WEC 4:4551); Epaon (517) can. 26 (WEC 4:4581); Orleans III (538) can. 16 (WEC 4:4607); Braga I (561) ser. 2 can. 19 (WEC 4:4752); Braga II (572) cans. 5–6 (WEC 4:4758–59).
c. See Antioch (341) can. 2 (WEC 2:1948).
† Canons translated from Mansi 6:525–27.
a. See Laodicea (between 343 and 381) can. 45 (WEC 2:1991); Agde (506) can. 13 (WEC 4:4550); Auxerre (late 6th or early 7th c.) can. 18 (WEC 4:4641); Gerunda (517) can. 4 (WEC 4:4720); Capitula Martini (after 561) can. 49 (WEC 4:4684); Mâcon II (585) can. 3 (WEC 4:4653).
b. See Gerunda (517) can. 4 (WEC 4:4720).
c. See Agde (506) can. 18 (WEC 4:4554).
† Translated from PL 68:369–70.
†† Translated from PLS 3:191–98, where the Latin text is that given by C. Turner, JThSt 24 (1923) 233ff.
1. Eph 5:18–19. 2. Rom 8:27. 3. Eph 5:19. 4. 1 Cor 14:15.
5. Exod 15:1. 6. See Judg 5. 7. See Deut 32. 8. See 1 Kgs 16:14–23. 9. See Ps 113:1. 10. See Ps 119:9. 11. See Ps 68:5.
12. See Ps 2:8. 13. Ps 110:1. 14. See Ps 50:3. 15. See Ps 104:30. 16. Ps 150:6. 17. Ps 69:30. 18. Ps 69:31. 19. Ps 50:23. 20. Ps 50:14. 21. 1 Tim 3:9.
22. Ps 147:1. 23. Ps 119:164. 24. Ps 35:28. 25. Ps 18:3. 26. See Luke 1:67–79. 27. Luke 1:46. 28. Luke 2:13–14. 29. Matt 21:15. 30. Matt 21:16. 31. Luke 19:40. 32. Matt 26:30. 33. 1 Cor 14:26.
34. 1 Cor 14:15. 35. Jas 5:13. 36. Rev 19:6. 37. Ps 136:1. 38. Isa 26:9. 39. Luke 1:46. 40. Ps 47:7. 41. 1 Cor 14:15.
a. Letter to Donatus (WEC 1:506).
42. Dan 3:51–52. 43. Ps 150:5. 44. Ps 68:7. 45. Luke 10:39, 42. 46. Ps 84:4. 47. Ibid.