Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
ABCD encirclement, 404
Abe family, 239
Abe Sada (O-sada), 402
addresses, 228-29
Adults’ Day, 144
advertising, 118, 271, 213, 558
air raids, 416, 418
Aishinkakura Eisei, 534
Akasaka, 511-12
Akasaka Detached Palace, 40, 230, 236
Akasaka Ward, 228, 232, 249
akasen (red line), 532
Akihabara district, 211
Akihabara electronics market, 471
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, 24, 110, 214, 321
Alcock, Sir Rutherford, 81, 221, 224
alleys, 96; broad, 163, 568
American Occupation, 420-94; end of, 473; housing and, 439-40; pleasure quarters and, 457; street stalls and, 433; theaters and, 449; wards and, 443-45; see also postwar period
ameshon, 451
Ameya Yokochō (Ameyoko), 426, 427
Anchūha, 536
Angoha, 536
anti-Americanism, 459
Anti-Japanese Armed East Asian Front, 585
Aoyama Avenue, 499-500, 507, 508
Aoyama Gakuin (missionary school), 202, 488
Aoyama Gakuin University, 488
Apple Song, The,” 452
“apres-guerre,” 405
aqueducts, 95, 275
Arakawa Drainage Channel, 72, 219, 257, 308, 386, 408, 415, 419, 542
Arakawa River, 180, 257
Arakawa Ward, 376, 379, 380, 441, 545, 579, 603
“arbeit salon,” 462
architects, 81
architecture, 81-89, 231, 252, 519-20, 345; aesthetics and, 603; brick buildings, 74-75, 90; Edo (Tokugawa period), 81; following 1923 earthquake, 312-13; government buildings, 228-31; 1930s, 406-08; of department stores, 316; skyscrapers, 550-51; Western buildings, 81-82; Yoshiwara, 532 and illus; see also individual buildings
Arishima family, 234, 242
Arishima Ikuma, 242
aristocracy, 32, 186, 187, 242, 244
Ark Hills, 563-64, 603, 605
Arnold, Sir Edwin, 129
art, see prints; woodcuts
artists, 209, 244, 345
Art Theater (Geijutsuza), 266, 556
Asahi Shimbun (newspaper), 283, 309, 356, 559
Asakusa Kannon Temple, 138, 205, 312
Asakusa opera, 261-64, 353-54
“Asakusa Mynah Bird, The,” 365
Asakusa park, 128, 163, 342, 255, 356, 379, 397, 434-35, 456
Asakusa Twelve Storys (Ryōunkaku), 84-86
Asakusa Ward, 52, 99, 152, 191, 206, 209-10, 376, 456, 545; character of, 363-65, 390-92; decline of, 456, 566; Ginza compared to, 390-92; literature and, 668-70; new, 207-08; rebuilding of, 455; reviews, 353-67, 361, 365; as sakariba, 324-25, 353; during Taishō, 260-64, 261; temples and cemeteries in, 206; theaters, 566, 567; World War II and, 385-89, 394; see also Kawabata Yasunari; Scarlet Gang of Asakusa
assassinations, 146, 308, 405, 586
Asuka Hill, 138, 579
Asukayama Park, 128, 134, 135, 136, 579
automobiles, 34, 64, 294, 302, 334, 422, 433, 466, 474, 492, 513, 537, 581
Azabu Ward, 325, 563
Azuma Bridge (Azumabashi), 71, 72, 216
Azuma Ryūtarō, 496, 525-26
Baldwin (balloonist), 117
balloons, 117
Banchō district, 235
Bandō Mitsugorō, 478
Bandō Tamasaburō, 449
bankara (style of dress), 111
Bankers’ Club, 514, 515, 577
Bank of Japan building, 87-88, 90, 188, 192, 196
Bank of the Big River, The (Okawabata) (Osanai), 69-70, 160
Bank of Tokyo, 515
banzai, shouting of, 105
barbershops, 103-04
barracks, 296; military, 242
bars, 309, 311, 338, 339, 341, 386, 460, 493, 558, 560, 567, 593
Barton, William, 84
baseball, 105, 169-71, 274, 303, 347-49, 398-99, 450, 463, 464-67, 544, 545, 590; night games, 466, 478; World War II and, 398-99, 364-65
bataya (ragpicker), 380
bathhouses, 103
baths, public vs. private, 103
Bauduin, E. A. F., 126
Baxter, Anne, 507
bay front, 603-04
bazaars (kankōba), 123
beaches, 114
Beard, Charles, 51, 268-69, 276, 297, 561
Beatles, 589
beauty school, 104
beef, eating of, 111-12
beer, 105
beggars, 379
benshi, 351-52
Bird, Isabella, 74, 81, 205
Bird Fair (Tori no Ichi), 140, 176
birds, 137
Black, JR., 203
black markets, 425 and illus., 426, 569
blossom-viewing, see cherry blossoms; peach blossoms; pear blossoms; plum blossoms
“Boatman’s Song, The,” 277
boats, pleasure, 38, 68
bombings, 585; see also air raids
Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands, 47
boundaries of Tokyo, 47-48
Boys’ Day, 142
bread, 111
brick buildings, 74, 75, 90, 515, 540
Bricktown (Ginza), 61, 74 and illus., 86, 90, 122, 188, 197, 198
bridges, 68, 69, 71-72, 313-14; see also specific bridges
British embassy, 228-29, 231, 235
British legation, burning of (1863), 31
broad alleys (hifokōji), 163, 568
brothels, 55, 174-75, 177, 487, 530, 532
Buddhism, 408
Buddhist clergy, 317
Bummei Kaika, see Civilization and Enlightenment
Bungei Kyōkai (Literary Society), 266
building, 540; see also architecture
bunka jūtaku (cultural dwelling), 328
Bunkyō Ward, 441, 528
buses, 61, 332, 333, 369, 402-03, 493, 563
bureaucracy, Edo, 3
business girl, 533
butchers, 112
cafés, 309, 310, 311, 324, 336, 337, 338, 339-45, 386, 396, 460-61; see also bars; coffee houses; tea shops
calling cards, 106
canals, 59, 68-69, 96, 190, 197, 298, 314, 408, 423, 497, 498, 542
Capital District, 48, 409, 540-41
cartoons (comics), 397-98, 594
“casino,” 323-24
Casino Folies, 355-67, 378, 390
cemeteries, 39, 125, 131, 139, 171, 205, 206, 209, 222, 327, 417
chairs, 110
Chamberlain, Basil Hall, 106, 162, 214, 258
chanoyu (tea ceremony), 36, 37
censorship, 410, 447, 450
Chaplin, Charlie, 346, 347
Chaplin caramels, 267
“Charleston,” 323, 366
cherry blossoms, 125, 126, 127, 135, 138, 139, 168, 176, 579
Chiba Prefecture, 52, 456, 458, 501, 596, 597
chikan (masher), 597
children, 142; reviews and, 356, 362
Children’s Day, 142
China Incident, 381
Chinese cuisine, 112
Chinese people, 429, 568
Chiyoda Ward, 440-41, 472, 498, 568, 596
cholera epidemics, 40, 94, 114, 116
Christianity, 40, 244
Christmas, 318
chrysanthemums, 109, 135, 138, 176
Chūō University, 212
Chūō Ward, 186, 440, 498, 542, 558-59, 568, 592, 593
Citizens’ Day, 48
city council, 48, 368, 375, 442
City Hall, 90
Civilization and Enlightenment (Bummei Kaika), 34 38, 49, 93, 102-03, 105; meaning of, 52, 53
clams, 134, 137, 219, 223
class distinctions, 97, 190, 233
clock tower, Hattori, 199, 203
clothing: footwear, 315; men’s, 509; women’s, 319, 326, 510; see also dress
cod, 432, 433
coffee houses, 113, 461-62; see also cafés
colleges, 601; see also universities
comic monologues, 37
comics, see cartoons
communists, 514, 526, 572
commuting life, 597
Conder, Josiah, 81-82, 83-84, 90, 124, 231, 239, 240, 312, 577
conformity, 549
conservatism, 36, 141, 145, 190, 196, 363, 392
constitution, Meiji, 35-36, 49, 105, 202, 404, 462
cooking, 345-46
corporate offices, 600-01
cosmetics, 326
courtesans, 171-72, 174-75, 337; see also geisha
crime, 401-03, 573, 584-88; gangs, 429-30, 556; and criminals, 43, 102-03, 165-68, 203-4; in Olympic years, 524-25; organized, 429-30, 584; political, 584-87; postwar period, 475-76, 478-82; sōkaiya, 524-25, 587; white-collar, 524-25, 587
crosswalks, overhead, 582
cultural center, Tokyo as, 99
Daiei Building, 87
Daiichi Hotel, 407, 437
Daiichi Insurance Building, 421
Daiichi Kangyō Bank, 192-93
Daimaru store, 62, 63, 187
dairy products, 111, 271
dances, Niwaka, 176
dancing, 109, 113, 320-21, 432, 447
danchi, 540, 605
Dangozaka, 138, 238
Danjūrō (Kabuki actor), 27, 116, 155-57, 159, 167, 416
Dazai Osamu, 493
de Beauvoir, Simone, 589
democracy, Taishō, 255, 276
department stores, 118-19, 119-20, 314-15, 516, 559; fires in, 318-19, 533; Ginza district, 559-60; see also specific stores
detectives, private, 105
depression, economic (1930s), 378-79
Diary of a Mad Old Man (Tanizaki). 514
diet, changes in, 111-12
Diet building, 228, 508
DiMaggio, Joe, 451
diving girls, 363
dollar, value of, 547
Doolittle, James A., 413
doraibu (pleasure driving), 537
“double life,” the, 101, 118, 145
doughnut effect, 329, 492
drainage channel, 219, 257
drama, see theater
dress: Meiji, 103, 104, 107, 109, 111, 120, 174; Taishō, 252, 270
Dream Island, 526, 542, 573, 574
Drifting Clouds (Hayashi), 569
drug problem, 494, 573
During the Rains (Kafū), 309-10, 338, 340, 344
Earthquake Memorial Hall, 299 and illus., 417
earthquake of 1855, 26, 40
earthquake of 1923, 23-27, 33-34, 295-99, 296, 319-23
East Ginza, 425, 528
Ebara, 327
Echigoya (store), 193
economy, 300-01, 377-80, 547
Edo (the pre-Restoration city), 24-44; architecture of, 81; aristocracy of, 32; as capital and bureaucratic center, 31; demise of, 28, 184-85; foreigners in, 40; literature of, 245-46; pleasure quarters of, 30, 36, 37, 38-39, 150-51; population of, 32, 42; renamed Tokyo (1868), 44; rice riots in (1866), 41-42; stores in, 118; streets and alleys of, 96; theaters of, 37-38; transportation in, 37-38; Yose (variety or vaudeville halls) of, 37
Edo castle, 46, 498, 500, 517
Edo culture, 30, 36-39, 49-50, 98, 150-51, 245-46
Edogawa, 440
education, 99, 202; during Taishō, 272-73; see also colleges; schools; universities
Eight Ginza Blocks (Takeda), 341-42, 344
Einstein, Albert, 267-68
Ekōin Temple, 163, 214
elderly people, 425
Electricity Hall, 128, 566
electric lights, 93
electric power companies, 94
elevators, 120, 519, 547
Elocution Hall (Enzetsukan), 76
embassies and legations, 53, 228-29
emperors: Shōwa, 307, 308, 420, 445-46 and illus., 475, 546-47; Taishō, 301-06, 304, 305
Enchō (Yose performer), 160-61
English period in architecture, 81
enkashi (street minstrels), 167-68, 168, 171
Ennosuke (Ichikawa Ennosuke), 446, 449
Enomoto Kenichi (Enoken), 356-57, 358, 393, 394 and illus., 456, 487
epidemics, 33, 35, 40, 482
era names, 40, 305
Ernie Pyle, 395, 449, 451, 453, 560
eroguro (erotic-grotesque), 341-43, 362, 378-79
Essence of National Polity, The, 404
ethnological museum, 566
“event”, 508-09
exchange rate, 547, 595-96
exports, 547
expositions, 93, 123-24, 126, 127, 251, 487
factories, 98, 114, 115, 212, 214, 328, 604
fads, see vogues
fairs, see expositions
Faltering of the Virtues, The (Mishima), 536
farmland, 99, 231-32, 328
feast days, 139, 163, 195
February 26 Incident (1936), 401
ferries, 216
festivals, 141-44, 274; Yoshiwara, 175-78
films, see movies
fire(s), 26, 33, 40, 51, 77-80, 293-94, 318, 414-15, 533-35; of 1872 (Ginza), 72-73; of 1881 (Kanda), 66, 77-78; of 1911 (Yoshiwara), 77, 177-78; after 1923 earthquake, 25-27, 41; during Taishō, 256, 260
fire baskets, 78
fire department, 78, 256
firefighting methods, 78-80, 256, 317
fireflies, 137, 273
First Higher School, 170, 237
First National Bank, 158, 189, 192
First National Industrial Exposition (1877), 123
fishing, 99
fish market, central, 94-95
fish market scandal of 1928, 370
Five Mouths (post-stations), 178-81
Flesh Gate (Tamura) (novella and film), 453, 459, 460
flood control, 216-18, 257
floods, 72; of 1910, 97, 216, 217, of Taishō, 257
flowers, 134-39, 273
“flowers of Edo” (fires), 33, 78, 140, 256, 295, 317, 533
food, 111-12
footwear, 122-23, see also shoes
foreigners (foreign population), 114-18, 250-51, 576, 595; in Edo, 31, 40; in Ginza, 202; in Tsukiji, 53-58; violence against, 113, 117; see also American Occupation
foreign legations and embassies, 53, 228-29
Forty-Seven Loyal Retainers, 64, 222
“Fox, The” (Kafū), 145-46
Free Theater (Jiyu Gekijō), 265-66
Free School (Shishi), 569
freeways, Olympic, 497-99
Fūgetsudō (confectioner), 200
Fuji, Mount, 143; miniature, 128-29
Fujiwara Yoshie, 168
Fukagawa Ward, 55-56, 212-14, 218-20, 376, 420, 530-31
Fukuchi Genichirō, 176-77
fukutoshin (subcenters), 482-92, 516, 561
Fukuzawa Yukichi, 49, 52-53, 76, 201
Funabashi Seiichi, 465
funayado (boat lodge or boating inn), 68-69, 184
Futabayama, 399, 469, 470, 471
Futen Zoku, 513-14
gakusha-machi (professorial neighborhood), 239
Gambler’s Meadow, see Mitsubishi Meadow
gambling, 412
gangs, 429-30, 556
garbage, 526, 573-74
gaslights, 92-93, 154
gebabō, 548
gebaruto, 548
geese, wild, 137
Geijutsuza (Art Theater), 266
geisha, 104, 172-75, 292, 325, 395-96, 411, 543-44 and illus.; decline of, 511-12, 591-93; definition of, 337; earthquake of 1923 and, 297; postwar period and, 458, 460; residences of, 592-93; theaters of, 396-97; “town”, 181-82
geisha districts, 181-85, 325, 411, 543-44; see also specific districts
General Mobilization Law, 409-10
General Staff Headquarters, 228
German embassy, 228-29
Gilbert, W. S., 44-45
Gimbura (“fooling around in Ginza”), 75, 198, 205, 258, 330
Ginza district, 28, 30, 60, 69, 123, 187, 190, 193-94, 197-205, 224-25, 227, 294, 324, 325, 330, 425, 433, 452, 494, 501, 516-17, 558-59, 593; Asakusa compared to, 390-92; as city center, 293, 324, 325, 355, 558-59; Bricktown in, 74-77 and illus., 198-99; cafés in, 200, 336, 338 and illus, 339-41, 344 396, 461; canals of, 197; department stores, 560; during Taishō, 258-60; educational institutions in, 202; fire of 1872 in, 72-73; following 1923 earthquake, 295-96, 309-10; foreign settlement in, 202; gaslights in, 92-93; growth of suburbs and, 329; in 1870, 73; land prices in, 595-96, 598-99; main street of, 197, 259-60; nankin (nouveau riche) of, 199; newspapers in, 203; rebuilding of (after 1872 fire), 73-76; theaters in, 204, 394-96; willows of, 76, 259 and illus
Ginza Printemps, 560
godowns (warehouses), 41, 71, 78, 146, 190, 194, 218
god performances (Kagura), 163-64
god-seat festivals, 142
god-seats (mikoshi), 139, 141, 144
Golden Block, 485, 533, 553
Golf, 591
Goten Hill, 136
Gotō Shimpei (mayor of Tokyo), 48, 49, 90, 254, 269, 297, 311
government, 48-49, 368; Beard’s views on, 268-69; earthquake of 1923 and, 298; offices of, 371-72 and illus; postwar period, 441-45; prewar instability, 368-69; reorganization of (1943), 408-09; scandals and, 369-71, 496, 525-56; wards and, 442-45; westward movement of, 291-92; see also city council; mayors
government buildings, 228-29
governors, 368, 571-75
Graf Zeppelin, 346-47
Grant, Julia, 114-15, 151
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 114-17, 143, 151
grasses, 135-36, 138, 273
gravel scandal (1920), 49
Green Years, The (Mishima), 479
Great Meiji Flood (1910), 72, 216, 217
Greater Tokyo, 541
Griffis, W. E.. 44, 51, 73, 89, 95, 113, 117, 165, 205-06, 264
grotesqueries, 342-43
hair styles, 103-04, 271
Hachikō, 400-01 and illus.
Hamachō geisha quarter, 191, 308
Hamachō Park, 308
Hamamatsuchō, 500, 551
Hamamoto Hiroshi, 354
Hama Palace, 83, 197-98, 414, 434
Hanai O-ume, see O-ume
Haneda, 99
Hanasono Block, 485
Hanasono tent, 583
“happening”, 508-09
Hara Takeshi, 48
Harada Kinu, see O-kinu
Harajuku, 508-11, 509, 561, 583
Hasegawa Shigure, see Shigure
hatamoto (lesser military orders), 234
Hashimoto Gahō, 124
Hatonomachi (Pigeon Town), 457-58, 531 and illus.
Hatoyama Ichirō, 369
Hattori Kintarō, 199
Hayama, Peggy, 453
Hayashi Fumiko, 569
Hearn, Lafcadio, 33
Heian Period, 36
Hepburn, J. C, 106
Hibiya, 408
Hibiya Hall, 395, 407
Hibiya Park, 130-31, 222
High City (Yamanote), 27, 49-50, 52, 97, 97-98, 231-46, 291-93; earthquake of 1923 and, 25, 30; grand estates of, 236; north-south differences in, 235-36; pleasure quarters of, 30; streets of, 232-34; see also specific districts and wards
“high-collar,” defined, 104-05
Higuchi Ichiyo, 98-99, 140, 176
Hikagechō, 225
hikitejaya (teahouses), 173, 174
hilly places, 530
Hirasawa, 479-82
hirokōji (broad alleys), 163, 568
Hirotsu Kazuo, 322-23, 479
Hitler, Adolf, 381, 399
Hōgetsu, 266-67
hokōsha tengoku (pedestrian paradise), 581-82
holidays, 46; see also feast days; festivals; seasons and seasonal observances
homeless, the, 417-18, 431
Home Ministry, 254, 257, 371, 372, 375, 409
Hommokutei, 451
homogenization, 602
homosexuality, 553
Honganji Temple, 407 and illus.
Hongō Ward, 235-36, 296, 299
Honjo Ward, 212-14, 216-18, 217, 296, 376, 420
horse-drawn transportation, 60
hospitals, 116
Hosokawa Morihiro, 599
Hoterukan (hotel), 54-55, 58, 76, 81, 187, 252
“Hostess’s Song”, 343
hotels, 437-38, 506-07, 550; see also inns; motels; and specific establishments
house numbers, 105-06
housing, 328, 433-34, 439-40, 539-40, 596-98, 603
Hula-Hoop, 463
Ichikawa Ennosuke, 446
Ichikawa Kon, 506
Ichimuraza theater, 152, 159, 164, 265
Iemochi (shogun), 42
Ikebukuro Ward, 315, 324, 376, 377, 489-90, 491, 512-13, 533, 565, 569
Imperial Bank robbery (1948), 479-82, 481
Imperial Hotel: first, 83, 229, 230 and illus, 256, 268; second, 230, 268, 384, 507, 577-78 and illus.
Imperial Theater, 82, 121, 158, 159, 184, 230, 231, 261, 354, 410
Imperial University, 236-39
individualism, as new outlook, 244, 245
industrial zones, 212-15, 220; see also factories
industry, 328-29, 558
inflation, 547-48
information industry, 558
inns, 437-38
Inoue Kaoru, 108-09
insects, 137, 273
insularity, 576
insurance companies, 515, 557
intelligentsia, 194, 271, 272, 334, 393
internationalization, 469, 575, 576
International Theater (Kokusai Gekijō), 390, 524, 566
In the Realm of the Senses (film), 403
irises, 137
Iriya district, 137
Ishihara Shintarō, 494, 544
Ishikawajima Shipyards, 218
“It,” 323-24, 343
Itabashi district, 175, 180, 376, 444
Itō, Prince, 113, 158
ltō Hirobumi, 31, 108, 109
Iwaitabashi, 492
Iwasaki estate, 219, 239
Iwasaki family, 235, 239
Iwo Islands, 47
Izu Islands, 47, 99, 320
Jackson, Michael, 589
Japanese-American Security Treaty, 473, 520, 536
Japanese language, see language
Jiyū Gekijō (Free Theater), 265
judo, 171, 469, 504-505, 506
Jōtō Ward, 375, 376, 419, 420
jujitsu, 171
Kabuki, 37, 38, 39, 93, 97, 116-17, 151-60, 292, 346, 394-96, 566; censorship and, 447-48; crimes as material for, 165-67; dance and, 447; during Taishō, 260, 264-65; in Ginza, 204; in postwar period, 446-49; lighting for, 152, 155; Low City and, 486; modernization of, 469; movement for improvement of, 155-56; Tokyo vs. Osaka, 396; World War II and, 410-11
Kabuki actors, 57, 118, 150, 156, 271
Kabukichō district, 485-88, 553-58, 555, 560
Kabukiza, 157-59, 265, 395, 397, 406 and illus., 410, 417, 446, 448, 448
Kachitokibashi, 314, 382
Kafū (Nagai Kafū), 30, 34, 69, 75, 80, 114, 135, 161, 172, 184, 201, 211, 222, 233, 238, 242, 244, 251, 264, 275, 300-02, 323, 325, 394, 408, 415, 454, 520, 527-28, 531, 569, 570, 603; death of, 535; on Akihabara, 472; on Asakusa, 392; on cafés, 357; on changes after 1923 earthquake, 309-10; on death of Taishō emperor, 304-05; on Fukagawa, 61-62, 213, 218-19; on Honjo, 213; on Negishi, 210; on postwar pleasure quarters, 458; on riots of 1918, 256; on Western style architecture, 405; Tamanoi quarter and, 335-36; “The Fox,” 145-46; The River Sumida, 72, 136, 159, 174, 213, 215; “A Song in Fukagawa” (Fukagawa no Uta), 61; World War II and, 385-89, 410; see also specific works
Kaga estate, 53
Kaga Yashiki, see Maeda estate
kagemajaya (shady teahouses), 238
kagikko (key child), 539
Kagura (god performances), 164-65
Kagurazaka district, 182, 241, 325
Kairakuen restaurant, 112
Kameido district, 136, 336
Kamikaze cabdrivers, 493
kamishihai (paper show), 397
Kanagaki Robun, see Robun
Kanagawa Prefecture, 47
Kanda, 28, 95, 123, 194, 221, 232, 238, 241; Akihabara district of, 211; fire of 1881 in, 77-79; produce market of, 211; universities of, 212; used-book district of, 212
Kanda River, 137, 314
Kanda Shrine and festival, 141
Kanda wholesale produce market, 440
Kan-eiji temple, 45, 125
Kaneyasu, 33
Kannon Temple, Asakusa, 28, 38, 138, 205, 312, 352, 416, 435, 571
Kantō earthquake, see earthquake of 1923
Kanya (impresario), 151-59 passim, 265
karizashiki (“rooms for rent”), 174-75
Kashiwara Shrine, 383
Kasumigaseki Building, 551
Kata Kōji, 394 and illus., 456
Kataoka Nizaemon, 478
katsugiya (runners), 428
Katsushika Romance (Kafū), 385-87, 408
Kawabata Yasunari, 208, 378, 392, 397, 535, 570; on Akutagawa suicide, 321-23; Asakusa reviews and, 354-60; on earthquake of 1923, 297, 299-300, 312-13; Kabukichō and, 487-88; see also Scarlet Gang of Asakusa; and other works
kawanote complex, 603
Kawarazaki Gonjuro, 57
Keiki (Yoshinobu) (last shogun), 42, 125
Keiō Plaza Hotel, 553
Keiō University, 53, 76, 83, 112, 201, 204
Keisei Railway scandal (1928), 369
kengeki (swordplay), 365, 454
key child (kagikko), 539
Kichiemon, 265, 446, 448, 473
kidnapping, 586
Kikugorō (Kabuki actor), 57, 117, 154, 167, 265, 410, 448
Kim Dae-jung, 586
kimono, 107
Kinshichō, 393, 567, 568
Kinoshita Mokutarō, 58
Kinoshita O-tsuya, see O-tsuya
Kishida Ryūsei, see Ryūsei
kissaten (tea shops), 344, 461
Kitahara Hakushu, 58
Kita Ward, 579
Kiyochika (artist), 63, 65-67
Kiyosumi Park, 219
Kobayashi Hideo, 570
Kobayashi Kiyochika, see Kiyochika
Kobikichō, 202, 425, 528
Kodaira, 479, 519, 523
Kōdan, 450, 451
Koestler, Arthur, 495
Koishikawa Ward, 137, 241
Kōjimachi Ward, 148, 149, 227, 229, 231, 234, 235, 254
Kōjunsha and illus, 201
Kokugikan, 169, 347
Kokusai Gekujō, 390, 394, 566
kokutai meichō (clarification of the fundamental concept of national polity), 404
Koma Stadium, 487, 558, 593
Konoe, Prince, 384
Kōrakuen Stadium, 398, 464, 465, 466
Korea, 568, 587
Koreans, 27, 429
Korean War, 424, 430, 435, 436, 482, 493, 495, 496, 500, 547, 593
Koshiji Fubuki, 457
Kotobuki affair (1947), 479
Kōtō Ward, 573-74
Kotsukappara execution grounds, 35 and illus, 165
Kōyōkan restaurant, 224
Kubota Mantarō, 80, 84, 129, 172, 207, 216, 245, 456
Kudan Hill, 132
Kudan shōkonsha (shrine), 133
kumitoriya (carters of night soil), 502
Kuroda family, 203, 204
Kyōbashi, 28, 30, 69, 74, 91, 98, 186, 187, 197-205, 240, 310; see also Ginza district
Kyoto, 46, 48, 134, 233; and establishment of Tokyo as capital, 44, 46
Kyoto University, 601, 602
labor, 378, 476-78
landfills, 530, 542; see also canals
language: manga magazines and, 594-95; neologisms, 269-70, 271, 323, 403, 453
laver seaweed, 99, 134
law schools, 212
leftists (1930s), 378; see also communists; Socialist Party
legations and embassies, 53, 228
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 603
libraries, 419
licensed quarters, 171-81, 335-36, 457-58, 530-31; see also geisha districts; pleasure centers; and individual quarters
lighting: for Kabuki theater, 152, 154-55; street, 92-94
Lion café, 201
Li Po, 172
Literary Society (Bungei Kyōkai), 266
literature, 393-94, 459, 568-70; traditional vs. modern 245; see also specific authors and works
Lloyd, Harold, 267
Local Autonomy Law, 526
Londontown, 90-91, 228, 332, 371, 405, 422, 436, 514-15
Loodensteijn, Jan Joosten, 333
Loti, Pierre, 74, 83, 107, 114, 252
lotuses, 137-38
Love Consummated in Heaven (film), 320
Love Letter (Niwa), 569
Low City (Shitamachi), 24, 28-30, 28, 97-98, 188-89, 232, 233, 244-45, 277; air raids and, 414-15, 420; areas comprising, 28; baseball and, 348-49; boundaries of, 205, 243-44; cultural developments in, 566; decline of, 292-93; earthquake of 1923 and, 24, 25, 28, 293; fires in, 78; in Kubota’s writings, 80; Kabuki and, 486; pleasure quarters of, 30; population of, 49; street life of, 570-71; suburban growth and, 327; see also specific wards and districts
lumberyards, 213 and illus., 219, 295
Lytton Report, 320
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 421, 445, 446, 474, 476, 496, 550
machiai, 174, 183, 402, 512
machiai politics, 512
machiaijaya (rendezvous teahouse), 181
Madonna, 589
Maeda estate, 126, 137, 236, 237
Magic Flute, The, 262
Mainichi (newspaper), 203
Makioka Sisters, The (Tanizaki), 134, 383, 396, 408, 410, 550
“mama”, use of term, 269-70
Manchuria, 302, 316, 320, 378, 382, 420, 482, 535
manga magazines, 594-95
“mannequin girl”, 323-24
“mansions”, 539-40, 597
Manzai comic monologues, 345
Maria Luz affair (1872), 174
Marine Insurance building, 34, 254, 550
Marunouchi Building, 34, 254, 423, 432, 435, 436, 515, 550
Marunouchi district, 89-91, 227, 254, 329, 514, 515, 577, 602; as city center, 292, 294; growth of, 435; Londontown, 332, 405, 422-23, 436, 514-15; in postwar period, 422-23; real estate and, 600
Masakado (tenth-century general), 141
masher (chikan). 597
Mason, W. B., 106, 162, 258
Matsui Sumako, see Sumako
Matsushita, 600
Matsuya department store, 319, 390, 402
May Day 1952, 473-75, 474
mayors, 48, 94, 95, 254, 368, 372, 374, 444, 573
Mears, Helen, 405
meat, eating of, 111-12
Meguro Ward, 328, 515
Meiji Confectionery Company, 267
Meiji constitution, 36-37, 49, 105, 202, 404, 462
Meiji emperor, 24, 31, 40, 44, 50, 67, 137, 159, 230, 236, 516, 546; funeral of, 114, 243, 248-50, 306 and illus.; illness and death of, 252-3 247-48 and illus., 292
Meiji Gakuin (school), 170
Meiji Restoration, 40, 99, 600
Meiji Shrine, 49, 137, 254, 273, 306, 348, 376, 417, 504, 509
Meiji University, 212
Meijiza theater, 159, 191, 265, 449, 450
meitengai (shopping center), 424, 499
Metropole Hotel, 58
Mikado, The (Gilbert and Sullivan), 44-45, 155
mikoshi (god-seats), 139, 220, 383
military barracks, 325
milk bars, 341
Minamoto Yoshiie, 116
Minato Ward, 439, 440, 557, 560, 568, 603
Mine, Dick, 384, 453
Ministry of Justice, 228
Minobe Ryōkichi, 526, 572-74
Minobe Tatsukichi, 404
misdemeanors, 102, 478
Mito Tokugawa estate, 236
Mishima Yukio, 16, 110, 466, 479, 536, 548-50 and illus.
Misora Hibari, 524
Mitsubishi enterprises, 88, 109, 235, 294; bombing of, 585-86 and illus., Londontown, 90, 332, 405, 422-23, 436, 514-15
Mitsubishi Meadow (Gambler’s Meadow), 87-91, 93, 95-96, 98, 123, 133, 158, 169, 199, 228, 254
Mitsui Bank, 86, 94, 187, 192 and illus., 192-93, 479, 515
Mitsui building, 551, 553
Mitsui Club, 83
Mitsui dry-goods store, 119
Mitsui family, 243
Mitsukoshi Department Store, 25, 86, 94, 190, 448, 476, 477, 565
Mitsukoshi Theater, 448
Miura Tamaki, 267
Miyatoza theater, 158-59, 260, 265
Miyukidōri street, 516
Mizutani Yaeko, 449
mobo (modern boy), 260, 309, 323-24, 325
Mochizuki Yūko, 356, 357, 393
modeling business, 324
modernism, 244
“modern life”, 323
moga (modern girl), 260, 309, 323-24, 325
Molotov cocktails, 585
Mona Lisa, 589
monorail, 500, 507, 551
Monroe, Marilyn, 451, 589
Mori Arinori, 202
Mori of Nagato, 42
Mori Ogai, see Ogai
Morita Kanya, see Kanya
Moritaza, see Shintomiza theater
morning glories, 135, 137
Morse, E. S., 59, 63-64, 78-80, 81, 102, 143-44, 154-55, 190, 215, 237, 264
Morse, W. B., 214
motels, 438
Motomachi Park, 299
Moulin Rouge, 366
Mount Fuji, 142, 353, 559, 599; miniature, 128-29
movies, 267, 349-52, 410, 450, 451-52; see also specific movies
movie theaters, 128, 260, 350-51, 394-95, 452, 566
Mukōjima district, 84, 215, 219-20
mulberry trees, 231-32
murderesses, 154, 231, 266, 401, 586
music, 167, 172, 320-21, 366, 411-12; see also opera
music halls, 128, 261, 325, 349; see also Yose
musumegidayū (theater music), 167, 263
My City (railway station), 552-53
Nagai, Frank, 453, 498
Nagai Kafū, see Kafū
Nagoya, postwar reconstruction of, 422
Nagoya Tokugawa estate, 236
Nakamura Kichiemon, 446-47
Nakasu Island, 70
Nakayama Shimpei, 277, 321, 351
Namba Daisuke. 301-02
Naniwabushi, 366
Nara, 45, 383, 519
narikin (nouveau riehe), 199
Narita airport, 596, 602
Narushima Ryūhoku, see Ryūhoku
nationalism, 170, 171, 358, 397, 548
National Museum (Ueno), 127, 312-13, 406, 519, 589
National Theater, 161, 486
Natsume Sōseki, 9, 62, 93, 124, 238, 266
Negishi district, 210
Nemuro district, 48
neologisms, 323, 403, 453; of Taishō period, 269
“Nesoberu Asakusa” (Takami), 390-92
neurosis (noiroze), 493
New Chronicle of Yanagibashi (Ryūkyo Shinski), (Ryūhoku), 182
New Otani, 550
New Shimabara licensed quarter, 54, 152
newspapers, 203, 302-03, 345, 558
New Year, 139, 142, 144
New York, 574-75
Nezu district, 175, 181, 237, 238
NHK (Nihon Hōsō Kyōkai), 348, 349, 399, 451, 452, 510, 533, 558
Nichigeki (Nihon Gekijō) (Japan Theater), 309, 395, 410, 457, 559, 560
Nichinichi (newspaper), 303
Nihombashi Bridge, 86, 94, 122, 186, 188, 192, 194, 196, 370, 499, 577
Nihombashi River, 188-89, 190
Nihombashi Ward, 28-29, 32, 33, 39, 62, 71, 77, 91, 98, 186-97, 191, 226, 227, 232, 240-41, 293-94, 325, 329, 332-33, 435, 450, 516, 592-93; as financial center, 472, 193; fish market in, 94-95, 189, pleasure quarters in, 191, 195; pride of place of, 196; shrines and temples of, 191; during Taishō, 258
Nihon Hōsō Kyōkai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), see NHK
Nihon University, 478
Nikolai Cathedral, 51, 84-85, 132, 194
Nikkatsu Building, 436, 437
ningen dokku (physical exams), 494
Ningyōchō, 324, 325-26, 450
Niwa Fumio, 569
Niwaka dances, 176
Normanton incident (1886), 110
Nō drama, 133, 292
Nogi Maresuke, Gen., 114, 306
noiroze (neurosis), 493
Nosaka Sanzo, 475
Occupation, American (after World War II), 128
Odakyū, 352
O-den (murderess), 154, 165, 166 and illus., 209, 231, 401, 491, 534
Oe Michiko, 455
office buildings, 435-36
office lady, 272, 533
Ogai (novelist), 9, 156, 238
Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, 47
Ogawa Isshin, 90, 227; photographs by, 86, 104
Okawabata (The Bank of the Big River) (Osanai), 69-71
okiya (geisha residence), 592
okushon (condominium), 597
Olympics, 381-82, 399, 495-96; 1964, 437, 496-508, 505
Olympic Stadium, 517
O-kinu (murderess), 165, 231
omnibuses, 60, 193
Omori, shell middens of, 63
Omura Masujirō, 45
Onna Kengeki, 454, 455
Ooka Shōhei, 334, 401
opera, 261-63, 353-54; Asakusa, 261, 263-64
operetta, 262, 263
O-sada (Abe Sada), 401-03 402, 586
Osaka, 44, 48, 53, 98, 134, 150, 158, 302-03, 315, 339, 340, 345-46, 366, 595
Oshima, suicides on, 320
Osanai Kaoru, 69, 160, 171, 184, 224, 265
Ota Dōkan, 371, 517, 519
Otemachi Building, 436
Otsu Incident (1891), 301-03
O-tsuya, murder of (1910), 89-90
O-ume (murderess), 154, 191, 231, 236
Oya Sōichi, 378, 545
Ozaki Yukio, 48, 94
Ozu Yasujirō, 451
pachinko (pinball), 463-64 and illus.
palanquins, 37, 60
panic of 1927, 300, 378
“panpan girls,” 459
“papa,” use of term, 270-71, 385, 403
Parkes, Sir Harry, 113
Parco department store, 561-62, 562-63, 565 and illus.
Park Avenue (Shibuya), 561-62 and illus.
parking-lot business, 537
parks, 96, 124-32, 299, 434-35, 435; see also specific parks
parties, during Rokumeikan era, 109-10
peach blossoms, 136
pear blossoms, 136
Pearl Harbor, 537
pedestrian paradise, 581-82 and illus., 583
Peers Club, 83, 110
people’s saloons, 412
“pencil buildings”, 500
peragoro (Asakusa opera devotees), 263-64
performers, street, 509
Perry, Commodore Matthew Calbraith, 40, 132, 182, 218, 451
Peter coffeehouse, 394
Piss Alley, 429, 483-84 and illus., 552
place names, 526-28
planning, city, 602-06
Plantain café, 200-01
plastic surgery, 494
pleasure centers (or quarters), 55-56, 163; of Edo, 30, 36, 37, 39, 151; in postwar period, 457-58; Shinjuku, 334-36, 335, television and, 511-12; see also licensed quarters; unlicensed quarters; and specific quarters and districts
plum blossoms, 135-36, 139, 154, 215
police, 358, 363, 367, 396, 442, 453
police boxes, 148, 247, 585
political parties, 255, 298, 378
population, 49-50, 52, 232, 576; of Edo, 32, 42; during Taishō, 253-54; following 1923 earthquake, 327; 1932 expansion and, 373-7; in postwar period, 440-41
ports, opening of, 40
Portsmouth Treaty (1905), 147-48
post-stations (Five Mouths), 178-81
postwar period, 422-494; black markets and, 425-29 and illus., 427, 428, 433; crime and, 476-77, 478-82; emperor and, 446; gangs and, 429-30; geisha and, 458, 460; government and, 442-45; homelessness during, 431 and illus.; housing and, 433-34; population during, 440-41; rationing and, 432, 433; see also American Occupation
preaching thief, 401
prints, 65-67, 75-76, 110
private detectives, 105
produce market (Kanda), 211
professorial neighborhood (gakusha-machi), 239
prosperity, naming periods of, 493, 537-38
prostitution, 37, 117-18, 173-74, 206, 461-62, 462-63, 487, 529-33; outlawing of (1958), 178, 180; see also brothels; courtesans; geisha; geisha districts; licensed quarters; pleasure centers; pleasure quarters; soaplands
public transportation, 60, 332, 376, 417, 493; see also specific types
Pu-yi, 382, 535
rabbits, 112
radio, 349, 450-51, 472
ragpickers (bataya), 379, 380 and illus., 598
railroads, 62-64, 178-80, 220, 294, 315, 324-25, 329, 331, 332-33, 352, 476, 492; prints of, 65-67
“Rainbow” (Kawabata), 358, 359
Rakugo comic monologues, 345, 346, 349, 351, 450, 451, 535
rationing, 425, 428, 433
reading from left to right, 105
real estate, 576, 595-99, 602-06
reconstruction (after 1923 earthquake), 295-96, 308, 312-13
restaurants, 316, 412, 543
retail business, 294, 314-16, 507; see also department stores
reviews, 354-67, 355, 361, 385-87, 593-94
rice riots (1866), 40-41, 42
rickshaws, 58-60
right, radical, 549-50, 589
Rigoletto, 263
Rikidōzan, 470-71, 508
riots, 473-75, 474, 520, 536, 548, 549; of 1918, 255-56, after Portsmouth Treaty (1905), 147-48; rice (1866), 41-42
rivers, 68-72; see also floods
River Sumida, The (Kafū), 72, 136, 159, 174, 213, 215
Robun (journalist), 166
Rokumeikan, 67, 82-83 and illus., 108-10, 229
Rokumeikan era, 107-10, 113
Roppongi, 147, 242, 325, 510-11
Rossi, G. V., 261-62, 267, 354
Royal movie house, 262
Rule Assistance Association, 384
Russia, 114
Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), 147-49
Ryōgoku, broad alley of, 214-15
Ryōgoku Bridge, 214-15
Ryogoku district, 568
Ryokuu (novelist), 127, 224
Ryōunkaku (Twelve Storys), 27, 84
Ryūhoku (journalist), 182-83
Ryūkyo Shinshi (New Chronicle of Yanagibashi) (Ryūhoku), 182
Ryūsei (painter), 163, 253
Sadanji (Kabuki actor), 265-66
Saigō Takamori, 127, 433
St. Luke’s Hospital, 56
Saijō Yaso, 321, 343
Saionji, Prince, 158
Saitō Ryokuu, see Ryokuu
Salvation Army, 117-18
sakariba (bustling place), 324-25, 353, 355, 392, 393, 400, 497, 507, 567, 580; see also specific places
Sakurabashi (Sakura Bridge), 582
“salaryman”, 328, 344
San Francisco Treaty, 334, 459, 461
Sanger, Margaret, 267-68
Sanjusangenbori, 424
Sannō festival, 141
Sansom, G. B., 259
Sanya, 521-23, 522, 528, 603
Sanyūtei Enchō, see Enchō
Sanyūtei Kimba, 535-36
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 589
Satō Hachirō, 452
Satomi Ton, 234, 418
Sawamura Tanosuke, 106
scandals, government, 49, 369, 371, 442, 525, 572
Scarlet Gang of Asakusa (Kawabata), 297, 342, 353, 355, 359, 379, 389, 397, 498
schools, 98-99; missionary, 202; Taishō, 273
school uniforms, 111
sea bathing, 114, 223, 403
seasons and seasonal observances, 134-44, 273-74
Seibu enterprises, 485, 490, 562, 590
Seibu Parco, 567
self-image, national, 495, 506
Seiyōken Hotel (now restaurant), 58, 126
Senjū (post-station), 178, 180
Setagaya Ward, 419, 441, 497, 504, 591
sewage disposal, 95, 274, 503, 574
Seward, William H., 114
sexual equality, 317, 319
sexual mores, 343-44, 354, 357-58, 363-64, 449, 454, 554
shadows, Tanizaki on, 92-93
“shan”, 323-24
Shiba Detached Palace, 114, 223
Shibaguchi, see Shimbashi
Shiba Park, 223, 224, 349, 420, 479, 501, 519
Shibaura, 223
Shiba Ward, 178, 221; temples and cemeteries of, 222
Shibusawa Eiichi, 80-1, 85, 153, 254; mansion of, 86
Shibuya, 242, 315, 336, 337, 376-77; as chic, 561-63; as fukutoshin, 488-89; Hachikō, 400-0 and illus.; naming of, 375-76; Olympics and, 497, 498, 504, 507-08; public transportation and, 332, 336; as sakariba, 324-25, 393; Shinjuku compared to, 488-89
Shibuya Station, 64, 400, 497, 561
Shiga Naoya, 463
Shigure (playwright), 16, 35, 49, 62, 101, 102, 103, 160, 185, 194, 195, 197, 211-12
Shimamura Hōgetsu, see Hōgetsu
Shimazu Saburō, 60
Shimbashi Club, 169
Shimbashi district, 69, 76, 220-21, 225, 592, 593; geisha quarter in, 183-84, 225
Shimbashi Embujō, 396, 410, 417, 446, 447
Shimbashi Incident (1946), 429
Shimbashi Station, 27, 63, 64, 83, 94, 114-15, 121, 203, 224, 225, 226 and illus., 498
Shimizu Kisuke, 54
Shimooka Renjō, 66
Shimoyama incident, 476-78
Shinagawa district, 175, 178-80, 376, 457
Shinjuku Central Park, 551
Shinjuku Daiichi Gekijō, 486
Shinjuku district, 47, 95, 175, 178-80, 232, 315, 443; air raids and, 419; as city center, 329, 557-58; as fukutoshin, 483-85; growth of, 333-36; literature and, 569; moving of government offices to, 292; Olympics (1964) and, 513; pleasure quarters, 334-36, 335, 560-61; reviews in, 366-67; as sakariba, 324, 324, 393; Shibuya compared to, 48-89; slums, 335; street stalls, 433; strip shows, 453, 454; see also Kabukichō district
Shinjuku Eastmouth, 514, 567
Shinjuku Southmouth, 429, 483-84
Shinjuku Westmouth, 288, 515, 519, 523, 551, 552, 557, 559, 564, 583, 602, 603, 605
Shinkabukiza, 486
Shinnittetsu, 600
Shinobazu Pond, 11, 124, 125, 126, 137, 138, 466, 467, 566, 571
Shintomiza theater, 116, 151-52, 153-54 and illus., 155, 157, 158, 159, 204, 265
Shinto religion, 134
Shioiri, 522, 603
Shirokiya (Tōkyū) department store, 118, 120, 121 and illus., 258, 294, 315 and illus., 319, 357, 510, 516
Shiseidō (cosmetics firm), 200, 252, 418
Shitamachi, see Low City
Shitaya gang, 210
Shishi Bunroku, 569
Shitaya Park, 209
Shitaya Ward, 25, 205, 208, 209, 210-11, 298, 317, 419
Shōchiku, 158, 394-95, 448, 449
shoes, 110-11
shooting stalls, 84
shop girls, 62, 120, 319
shops and shopping, 118-23, 314-17, 333-34, 424, 432-33, 472-73; see also bazaars; black market; department stores; supermarkets
Shōriki Matsutarō, 255, 302, 369, 466
Shōyo (novelist/dramatist), 266, 341-42, 349
Shōwa, meaning of term, 305
Shōwa Avenue (Showadori), 298, 312, 313, 317, 423
Shōwa emperor, 307, 308, 421, 445-46 and illus., 475, 546
shrine festivals, 141-42
shrines, 132, 139-40, 162, 191; see also god-seats; god-seat festivals
sideshows, 75, 209, 342, 363, 397
Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), 142, 146, 147, 175, 200, 488
Sixth District (Asakusa), 128-29, 350, 356, 357, 388, 390, 391, 432, 529
skyscrapers, 550
slang, see neologisms
slums, 221, 236, 521, 540, 579
snow viewing, 134-35, 139
Society for Improving the Theater, 155-56
soaplands, 531, 532, 556, 583
Socialist Party, 520, 529, 548-49
Soeta Azembō, 353
sōkaiya (general-meeting business), 524, 525, 587
Somehow Crystal (Tanaka), 555-56
Spencer (balloonist), 117, 154, 157, 267, 271, 346
spiritual mobilization, 384, 403
sports, 399; golf, 591; see also baseball; Sumō wrestling; swimmers
spring, 135-37, 140-41, 144-45
standard of living, 439
“stick girl,” 311, 323, 324
Strange Tale from East of the River, A (Kafū), 323, 527-28
street life, 235, 397, 570, 571, 582, 583
street lights, 92-94
street minstrels (enkashi), 167-68, 171
street numbers, 105-06
street pattern, 50-51, 96, 233, 298, 422, 423
street performers, 509
streets, 96; High City, 233; house numbers on, 195-96; naming of, 561-62; widening of, 499-500; traffic on left side of, 105
strip shows, 354, 395, 556, 566, 594
students, 237-38, 271, 344, 473, 548 and illus., 552-53, 601-02
student uniforms, 111
suburbs, 326-29
subways, 34, 497, 501, 528-29
sufu (staple fiber), 403, 409
Sugamo Prison, 409, 491and illus., 519, 551, 564
Sugawara Michizane, 136
Suginami Ward, 419, 573, 574
suicide, 319-23, 412, 534-35
Sullivan, Arthur, 44-45
Sukiyabashi (Sukiya Bridge), 498, 500
Sumako (actress), 172, 266-67
Sumida embankment, 135, 136, 139, 216, 273, 274, 567
Sumida Park, 293, 308, 312, 345, 369
Sumida River, 24, 41, 142, 159, 295, 308, 323, 369, 415, 434, 440, 441, 450, 457, 459, 468, 501, 503, 526, 531, 546, 593; flood-control devices on, 216-17, 257; flooding of, 72; “opening” of, 115, 142, 247
Sumō wrestling, 156, 168-69, 214-15, 274, 347-48, 399, 468-71, 471, 544, 590-91
Sunshine Building, 535, 564 and illus.
Suntory (whiskey maker), 599
super high-rises, 551
supermarkets, 494, 538, 560
Supreme Court, 239, 480, 532
Susaki district, 457, 530-31
Susaki licensed quarter, 218
Suzugamori, 528
Suzuki Shunichi, 486-88, 573, 575, 600
Suzumoto, 450-51
sweet potato, 432, 433
swimmers, 495
swordplay troupes, 365
Tachikawa Base: Ten Solid Years of Rape, 520
Taihō, 544
Taira Masakado, see Masakado
Taishō democracy, 255, 276
Taishō emperor, 250-51
Taishō era, 298, 304-06 and illus., 305, 317, 323-26, 329-30
Taishō Hakurankai (Taishō Exposition) (1914), 251
Taishō look, 251-53, 276
Taishō Period, 251-77
Taitō Ward, 441, 456, 566, 567
Tajiri Inajirō, 254
Takahama Kyoshi, 89
Takahashi O-den, 154, 165, 166, 209, 401, 491, 534
Takami Jun, 389, 412, 421, 535, 569
Takano Fruits Parlor, 334, 429
Takarazuka theater, 117-19, 176, 178, 305-6, 335
Takeda Rintarō, 341, 342, 344, 535, 569
Takehisa Yumeji, see Yumeji
Tama district, 47
Tamanoi district, 321-22, 336, 388
Tameike Pond, 137
Tameike reservoir, 68
Tamura Taijirō, 459, 569
Tanaka Giichi, 301
Tanaka Kakuei, 586
Tanaka Kinuyo, 451
Tanaka Yasuo, 555-56
Tange Kenzō, 517 and illus., 603
Tani, Tony, 453
Tanizaki Junichirō, 29, 46, 69-70, 153, 199, 293, 310-12, 339-40, 494; at English school, 56; and fire baskets, 78; on shadows and dark places, 92-93; see also Makioka Sisters, The
Tatsuno, 64
Taut, Bruno, 400-01
taxis, 60, 160-61, 259, 409, 433, 493, 537, 582
Tayama Katai, 96, 193
tea bushes, 231-32
tea ceremony (chanoyu), 36, 292
teahouses, 55, brothels and, 173, 175, 178, 238; rendezvous (machiaijaya), 181; shady (kagemajaya), 238; theater, 152, 153-54, 157-58
tea shops (kissaten), 344, 461
teeth, blackening of, 101, 102, 207
telephone service, 120, 270 and illus., 317
television, 397, 451, 452, 511-12, 545, 558, 566, 594
temples, 139, 163, 191, 206, 209-10, 241
Tempō sumptuary edicts, 39
Tennōji Temple, 209
tenkō (recanting), 405
Terajima, 527-28
Terry, Philip, 74-75, 252, 257-58
theaters, 248, 394-97, 446-49, 566-67 and illus., 593; of Edo, 37-38; Kabuki, see Kabuki theater; movie, 128-29, 260; Nō, 133; Western, 265-67; see also movie theaters; Nō drama; reviews; Yose theater; and individual establishments
“third nationals,” 429, 463, 568
Tiger Gate Incident (1926), 301, 302, 303
Tochinishiki, 470, 544
Tōhō, 394-95, 449, 560
Tōjin O-kichi, 358
Tōjō Hideki, 414, 420, 491, 519
Tokaidō highway, 178, 186, 223
Tokiwa bridge, 29
Tokuda Shūsei, 234, 238
Tokugawa castle, 77
Tokugawa cemetery (tombs), 126, 221
Tokugawa Musei, 393
Tokugawa regime, 28, 32, 40, 42, 43, 130; end of, 40-45, 46
Tokutomi Roka, 232
Tokyo: boundaries of, 47, 254; as capital district, 48; as a collection of villages, 51, 269, 276; establishment of, as capital, 44-46; government of, 48, 269; pronunciations of name, 44; see also Edo; High City; Low City
Tokyo Central Station, 62, 63, 76, 82, 87, 89, 90, 123, 225, 294, 332, 377, 384, 422, 423, 490, 498, 501, 513, 515, 517, 520, 569, 577, 603
Tokyo Hotel, 229
Tokyo International Airport, 585
Tokyo March, 351
“Tokyo Ondo” (“Tokyo Dance”), 320-21
Tokyo Onsen, 424-25
Tokyo Prefecture, 47
Tokyo School of English, see First Higher School
Tokyo Shibaura (manufacturing firm), 223
Tokyo Stadium, 545, 579
Tokyo Theater (Tōkyō Gekijō; Togeki), 545, 579
Tokyo Tower, 223, 479, 492, 510-11, 517-18 and illus., 551, 564, 569
Tokyo University, 33, 53, 126, 348, 443, 479, 540, 548 and illus., 601, 602
Tomioka Hachiman, 219
Tōkyū (Tokyo Express), 328, 336, 489
Tōkyū (Shirokiya) department store, 516, 562, 563
totalitarianism, 384, 403
tourist buses, 435, 594
Tōyoko department store, 330, 336
traffic, 492
traffic on left side of street, 105
transportation, 58-65, 97, 275-76, 483, 488-90; in Edo, 37-38; Olympics (1964) and, 496-502; see also public transportation; specific modes of transportation
Treaty of San Francisco, 334, 459, 461
tribes (zoku), 493-94, 508, 516, 536, 553, 560, 583
trolleys, 60-62, 223
trolley system, 60, 62, 94, 275, 332, 486-87, 492, 578
Tsubouchi Shōyo, 266, 341-42, 349
Tsukiji fish market, 370
Tsukiji quarter, 53-58, 53
Tsukuba university and research complex, 601-02
tuberculosis, 494
Turkish baths, 34, 531, 532, 556
Twelve Storys (Ryōunkaku), 26, 84, 85-86 and illus., 129, 249, 264, 296-97, 353
typhus, 430-31
uchigeba (politically motivated fights), 584, 585
Ueno, 45, 91, 124-25, 208, 324, 326, 330, 331, 567-68
Ueno Park, 25, 45, 113, 125, 126, 137, 206, 208, 312, 317, 352, 466, 478, 519, 566, 568
Ueno Station, 125, 206, 316, 419, 431, 597
Ueno Zoo, 412, 500
Uguisudani (Warbler Valley), 137
Umesao Tadao, 518
Umezaki Haruo, 475
Under What Stars (Takami), 389, 390, 392
underworld, 268, 429, 463, 470, 525
uniforms, student, 111
United States embassy, 148, 228, 231, 439, 446, 551, 563
United States legation, 51, 58, 229; attack on (1905), 148
universities, 212, 237, 328, 566, 601-02
unlicensed quarters, 335-36, 457-58
Ushigome Ward, 325, 413, 479, 527
vacant lots, Kafū on, 132
variety or vaudeville halls (Yose), 37
vending machines, 316, 503-04, 539
violence, 205-6, 253-4; see also crime
vogues: happenings and events, 508-09; pachinko, 463-64 and illus.; suicide, 319-23, 534-35; yo-yos, 320; see also tribes
Wakanohana, 470, 544
Wakayama Tokugawa estate, 230, 236
wards, 226-27, 240-41, 375-76, 442-45
Waseda, 139
Waseda University, 366-67, 579
Washington Heights, 489, 504, 507, 510, 561
waste disposal, 95, 274-75
watch of the twenty-sixth night, 140
Waters, Thomas, 73, 81
water supply, 47, 95, 502
water vendors, 95, 275
waterways, 37-38, 68, 69, 106, 218, 299, 314, 498; see also canals
weddings, 105, 412
weeds, Kafū on, 132
wells, 27, 32, 95, 237, 275
Westerners, see foreigners
Western influences, 101-49
westernization, 131, 201, 311, 312, 328
Westmouth (Ikebukuro,) 565
What Happened the Night the Lights Went Out (Kafū), 387, 388
What Is Your Name? (radio serial), 498
white-collar crime, 524, 587
Whitney, Clara, 110-11, 116-17, 144, 154, 215, 222
willows, 76, 259 and illus.
Wirgman, Charles, 66
wisteria, 136, 219, 264
Woman in the Rented Room, The (Kafū), 300
women: clothing of, 107, 319, 326, 510; cosmetics and, 326; department stores and, 316; in the performing arts, 167, 172; in police force, 442; in reviews, 356-58; in sakariba, 325-26; Sumō and, 168; during Taishō, 252, 266, 270-71; tooth-blackening by, 102; working, 317-18
Women’s Higher Normal School, 237
woodcuts, 32, 68, 126, 194
World Trade Center, 551
World War I, 254, 255, 262
World War II: air raids. 413-20, 416; Asakusa and, 385-93, 394, baseball and, 398-99; government reorganization and, 408-09; reviews and, 385-87; surrender, 420-21; see also postwar period
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 268, 507, 577-78 and illus.
writers, 244-45
xenophobia, 27, 146, 403, 404
Yaesuguchi (Yaesu Mouth), 333
Yamamoto cabinet, 300
Yamanote, see High City
Yamanote line, 332, 578
Yamazaki, 479
Yanagibashi 69, 225, 225, 543-44; geisha quarter in, 182-83
Yanaka district, 209, 244
Yanaka Pagoda, 534, 535
Yasuda Castle, 548, 553, 585
Yasuda Zenjirō, 49
Yasui Seiichirō, 421
Yasukuni Jinja (shrine), 133, 135, 139, 274, 384, 589
Yayoichō, 528
Year of the Wild Boar (Mears), 405
Yodobashi reservoir, 483, 552
Yokohama, 44, 56, 60, 62-63, 63, 106, 602, 604
Yomiuri Giants, 170, 348-49
Yomiuri Shimbun (newspaper), 302-03, 369, 476
yoromeki, 536
Yose (variety or vaudeville halls), 37, 160-61, 162, 349, 450-51, 528, 566, 571, 594
Yoshichō district, 592
Yoshida Shigeru, 444
Yoshiwara, 28, 37, 39, 40, 47, 77, 171-78, 173, 177, 210, 487, 511, 528, 530, 532, 533; after 1923 earthquake, 297, 321-23; festivals in, 175-77; fires in, 77 and illus., 177-78; rebuilding of (after 1911 fire), 178
Yotsuya Ward, 47, 52, 178, 232, 236, 486
Young, John Russell, 51-52, 269
Yoyogi, 517
yo-yos, 320
yukaihan, 588
Yumeji (artist), 252, 259
Yumeji girl, 252, 253 and illus., 260, 276
Yūrakuchō Mullion, 559, 563
Yūrakuchō Station, 459
Yushima quarter, 238
Yushima Shrine, 136
Zephyr (film), 452
Zero Year celebrations (1940), 382-84
Zōjōji temple, 222
zoku (tribes), 493-94, 508, 516, 536, 553, 560, 583