

The Bute Collection at Mount Stuart, Isle of Bute, Scotland

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Bencoolen, 16 April 1818, HA/11/1/3, Leaves: 2 (245 × 203 mm)

Letter of the Marquess of Hastings to Sir Stamford Raffles,

on the Gogra, 6 July 1818 (Draft), HA/11/5/2, Leaves: 2 (320 × 196 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Penang, 8 January 1819, HA/11/1/4, Leaves: 6 (252 × 202 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to Colonel James Young,

Penang, 12 January 1819, HA/11/1/5, Leaves: 2 (252 × 203 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Hon. Colonel John Bannerman,

Prince of Wales Island, 18 January 1819, HA/11/1/6, Leaves: 2 (252 × 202 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to Colonel James Young,

Straits of Malacca, 12 February, 1819 HA/11/1/7, Leaves: 4 (255 × 200 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Penang, 15 February 1819, HA/11/1/8, Leaves: 6 (251 × 202 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to John Adam,

Penang, 16 February 1819, HA/11/1/9, Leaves: 2 (251 × 205 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to Colonel James Young,

Penang, 16 February 1819, HA/11/1/10, Leaves: 2 (251 × 202 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Penang, 28 February 1819, HA/11/1/11, Leaves: 4 (251 × 203 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to George Dowdeswell,

Penang, 5 May 1819, HA/11/1/12, Leaves: 3 (254 × 201 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Penang, 19 May 1819, HA/11/1/13, Leaves: 4 (254 × 200 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Singapore, 8 June 1819, HA/11/1/14, Leaves: 2 (254 × 200 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Singapore, 17 June 1819, HA/11/1/15, Leaves: 4 (254 × 200 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Singapore, 17 June 1819, HA/11/1/16, Leaves: 2 (253 × 200 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Singapore, 22 June 1819, HA/11/1/17, Leaves: 8 (251 × 203 mm)

Letter of Major William Farquhar to Sir Stamford Raffles,

Singapore, 22 June 1819, HA/11/1/17, Leaves: 2 (320 × 202 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Bencoolen, 20 August 1819, HA/11/1/18, Leaves: 4 (251 × 199 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Bencoolen, 29 September 1819, HA/11/1/19, Leaves: 4 (250 × 197 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Bencoolen, 5 October 1819, HA/11/1/20, Leaves: 2 (249 × 199 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Calcutta, 25 November 1819, HA/11/1/21, Leaves: 4 (247 × 198 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Bencoolen, 25 March 1820, HA/11/1/22, Leaves: 2 (250 × 198 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Bencoolen, 12 August 1820, HA/11/1/23, Leaves: 4 (274 × 212 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Bencoolen, 23 October 1820, HA/11/1/24, Leaves: 2 (254 × 203 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Bencoolen, 15 May 1821, HA/11/1/25, Leaves: 2 (228 × 184 mm)

Letter of Sir Stamford Raffles to the Marquess of Hastings,

Cheltenham, 9 October 1824, HA/11/1/26, Leaves: 2 (248 × 200 mm)


Additional references to Hastings Papers:

HA/11/5/1, HA/11/5/2, HA/11/9/2, HA/11/9/3,

HA/11/9/7d, HA/11/9/22, HA/11/9/23, HA/11/9/25,

HA/11/9/51, HA/11/9/65, HA/11/9/76a, HA/11/9/76b,

HA/11/9/80, HA/11/9/84a, HA/11/9/84c


Cambridge University Library

9 Raffles letters to Thomas McQuoid, Add Ms 7386


National Library Scotland

John Murray Archives


British Library

Asia, Pacific & Africa Collections

East India Company Records:

Bengal Secret Consultations, vols. 305, 307, 308, 309

Bengal Secret Letters, vol. 18

Bengal Political Letters Received, vol. 12

Despatches to Bengal, vols. 69, 72, 74, 79, 84, 93

Bengal Letters Received, vol. 80

Letters from the Board to the Court, vol. 5

Letters from the Court to the Board, vol. 6

Java Factory Records, vols. 63, 47, 71

Sumatra Factory Records, vols. 41, 47, 48, 49, 50


Raffles Family Papers:

MSS.Eur.D.742.3; MSS.Eur.D.742.7; MSS.Eur.D.742.10;

MSS.Eur.D.742.15; MSS.Eur.D.742.17; MSS.Eur.D.742.20;

MSS.Eur.D.742.24; MSS.Eur.D.742.27


National Archives Singapore

Singapore: Letters to Bencoolen, 1819–20, L2, L4, L5, L10


National Library Singapore

Holograph letters of Raffles to John Tayler, RRARE 959.5703 RAF

Holograph letters of Raffles to Lord Lansdowne, RRARE 959.5703 RAF and RRARE 959.8022 RAF


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