“They figured out the combination. They took my bike and left my chain lock behind. They even did the lock up again!”
Riley’s bike had been locked and he had a story to tell. If you ever have your bike stolen, that’s the way to do it. Everyone gives you sympathy—the store clerk, the girl at the café, the lady out walking her dog again. The perfect sisters were synchro-biking around the neighborhood and even they felt sorry for Riley. And when he got home, an entire army of people jumped in to help him.
His brother and cousin drove around looking in parks and alleys in case someone had taken the bike for a joy ride and already dumped it. His dad found the receipt with the bike’s serial number for the police report. His mom called their insurance company. I knew all about it because Riley phoned me just after supper.
“The police said lots of bikes have gone missing lately,” said Riley. “We’re part of a crime wave. That’s what your friend was trying to tell us.”
“She’s not my friend. She’s my nemesis,” I said. “Remember?”
“I kind of liked her,” said Riley.
“What do you mean you liked her?” I said. “You don’t even know her.”
“She doesn’t giggle like some girls,” said Riley. “And she’s way more interesting than the perfect sisters.”
Great. Just great.
“Even a nemesis can be right about some things,” said Riley. “Oh, and I forgot to tell you. My sister came up with a great idea. She’s helping me make lost-and-found posters to put up around the neighborhood.”
Not lost and found, I wanted to correct him. Stolen and gone. But I didn’t say it. I felt awful about what had happened.
“I’ll help you put them up,” I offered.
“We’ve got it covered,” said Riley. “It’ll be faster by car.”
Right. Especially since I’d be walking everywhere from now on.
“I’m pretty sure I’ll get it back,” said Riley. “In a couple of days I’ll hear from the police or someone who reads the posters. I’ll have to ride The Flame to soccer camp for the first couple of days, but after that…” He paused and switched gears. “Hey, are you sure you can’t talk your dad into letting you go to soccer instead of that thing at the pool?”
“Not a chance,” I said. I already knew how to swim, but overly responsible people like my dad make their kids take extra classes in drownproofing and lifesaving. Lessons were Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and Dad wasn’t going to let me get out of them.
It was my night to clean up after supper. I don’t like doing dishes, but at least you can think about things. I played video games after that. Video games are good for not thinking about things but at the same time allowing ideas to settle into place. By the time I went upstairs to the office to say goodnight, I’d pretty much decided how I felt. I gave Dad an update on the things Riley was doing to try and get his bike back.
“I’m sorry, Levi,” said Dad, turning to look at me. He had that glazed-over look people get after they drink too much coffee and stare for hours at a screen. “This new project has me too busy to think of much else. I guess you could try making posters.”
“It wouldn’t work—that’s what I’m trying to say,” I explained. “It’s not like I dropped something and lost it on the street. Someone stole my bike, stole both our bikes, on purpose. And in Riley’s case, it wouldn’t just have been some kid going for a joy ride. Riley’s bike was locked, so it would have been a professional thief who probably knows how to break into vehicles and crack safes.”
But Dad was shaking his head.
“Not the lock that was on Riley’s bike,” said Dad. “I’ve noticed it when he’s been here. It’s an old-style combination chain lock—four numbers and basic mechanics. It’s better than nothing, but with a bit of practice, even a kid could open it.”
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“Yup,” said Dad.
“How old a kid?” I asked.
“Well, let’s see,” he said, tapping the desk with one finger the way he does when he’s trying to remember. “It was Mr. Peterson, so that must have been grade…”
His voice faded away.
“Who was Mr. Peterson?” I asked.
Dad didn’t answer right away. He must have been trying really hard to remember, because the tips of his ears started to turn red. When he finally looked up, he had the oddest look on his face.
“Mr. Peterson was a teacher,” said Dad. “He rode his bike to school every day. He locked it up over beside the car park.”
“And…?” I asked.
“One day Mr. Peterson discovered his bike had been moved to a new location,” said Dad.
The tips of his ears turned even redder. Weird.
“You mean it was stolen?” I asked.
“Not stolen, exactly,” said Dad, speaking carefully. “Just moved. It might have happened more than once. I can’t quite remember. But everyone knew it was a kid at school who’d done it. No one knew who, exactly…but it was a kid.”
“Did the kid get caught?” I asked.
“No. He was pretty fast at figuring out combinations, and he had a buddy who ran interference. At least, that what’s everyone said, and I’m pretty sure they were right,” said Dad.
“A high-school kid?” I asked.
“The school only went up to grade five,” answered Dad. “He would have been just about your age.”
So much for my theory that whoever took Riley’s bike had to be a professional thief.
“And did—” I began.
But Dad gave a giant stretch and yawn.
“Look at the clock, Levi. Time for bed.”
My thoughts were still going about a mile a minute when I turned out the light. A buddy who ran interference—Dad meant a friend who acts as a lookout or causes a distraction. Kids did that at school all the time when they were trying to get away with something, even minor stuff.
Was that what Emily Grimshaw had been doing? Had she been buying time so one of her friends could unlock Riley’s bike? Except I’d never seen Emily with other kids. And usually, once something has been stolen, everyone who’s had anything to do with it is long gone. Emily had stuck around.
Steve and his friends had been distracting and were definitely long gone by the time we noticed that Riley’s bike was missing. But Steve’s posse is usually only two or three kids, and they’d been with him on the street. Had he recruited more friends over the summer?
And the tattoo guy? I was pretty sure he’d taken off. Vanished. Just the way a thief would.
I couldn’t remember much about the guy with the weird eyebrows. He may have been there and he may have been gone.
But the kids at the bus stop…I knew at least one bus had come, and they hadn’t got on. Sitting at a bus stop would be a pretty good cover for a couple of lookouts.
I tried to picture it all again in my head in flashes, the way they sometimes show things on the crime shows on TV. It didn’t work. Apparently, my brain isn’t a TV camera.
But something else was filtering through my thoughts. I’d gotten as far as figuring out that if a lot of bikes were being stolen, it wasn’t because the thief was taking them for a quick ride. Emily had taken it further. People who steal bikes don’t keep them— that’s what she’d said.
They were selling them! I should have figured it out myself! If I wanted my bike back, I had to find the person who was buying the bikes.
On the cop shows you hear about someone called a fence, someone who buys things from thieves. Pawn shops sometimes get accused of fencing stolen goods. There aren’t any pawn shops in our neighborhood, but there is something else.
First thing the next morning, I called Riley and arranged to meet him there on his way home from soccer.